
Here's the The Lowdown
from DN Journal,
updated daily
fill you in on the latest buzz going around the domain name industry.
The Lowdown is
compiled by DN Journal Editor & Publisher Ron
Jackson. |

of the Guard at Sedo: Co-Founder Tim Schumacher Stepping
Down as CEO - Tobias Flaitz Stepping In
Co-Founder Tim Schumacher,
pioneering domain industry company's CEO,
is leaving that post at the end of this month.
Schumacher, who is expected to become a member of Sedo's
Supervisory Board,
cited personal reasons for leaving his day to
day duties as the company's leader but expressed
an interest in playing a greater role with
startup businesses.
As detailed in a 2004
DN Journal Cover Story, Tim and two
college friends, Ulrich
Priesner and Marius Wuerzner, started
Sedo a decade ago, basing the business on
Schumacher's Master’s Degree thesis at the University
of Cologne on “Price Formation in
the Trade of Internet Domain Names." Sedo
went on to become one of the most successful
companies in domain industry history.
now 35, was named “Entrepreneur of the Year”
by Ernst & Young Germany in 2007. In
2009, he became CEO of Sedo Holding AG,
which is comprised of Sedo’s domain business
and Affilinet, one of Europe’s leading
affiliate marketing platforms.
have always had the highest personal regard for
Tim and his shoes will be hard to fill, however
Sedo's Supervisory Board believes they have
found the right person
to pick up

Co-Founder Tim Schumacher |
Schumacher will leave off. 40-year-old Tobias
Flaitz will become the new CEO and a board
member on February 1st. Flaitz comes to
Sedo from
Hubert Burda Media where he has held a
management position since 2007.

Scheeren, Chairman of Sedo's
Supervisory Board, said, "On behalf
of the Supervisory Board, I would like
to thank Tim Schumacher for the many
years of excellent and trustful
cooperation, for his personal commitment
and the great accomplishments he has
attained for the company. He founded
and led Sedo from being a start-up to
the world’s largest marketplace for
domains and the leading domain parking
company." |
“We are delighted that Tim will be
available for further cooperation within
the Supervisory Board. At the same time,
we are delighted to have obtained the
services of Tobias Flaitz, as an
experienced manager with competence in
digital business models and consulting
expertise in strategy development and
process optimization, who will drive
Sedo’s further expansion during the
coming years.” |
(Posted Dec.
5, 2011)

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