
Here's the The Lowdown
from DN Journal,
updated daily
fill you in on the latest buzz going around the domain name industry.
The Lowdown is
compiled by DN Journal Editor & Publisher Ron
Jackson. |

It Too Late to Make Money in the Domain Business? Ask
the Guys Who Just Sold Meet.me for $450,000
of the questions
am most frequently asked is whether or not it is
too late to make money in the domain
business? Obviously, I thought the answer was
"no, it's not too late" when I
entered the field in 2002 (a time when a lot of
others were getting out). Over the past
decade my answer has always remained
the same. Despite the amazing number of
twists and turns we've see in this industry over
the years there is no business I would
rather be in than this one right now.
opportunities may not be in the same places
they were ten years ago but there are still endless
ways to make money with domains - in fact I
would say there are considerably more ways to do
it now than there were when I came in.
The latest case in point came today from three
well-known industry veterans who branched out
from their .com roots to make a killing
with the sale of a single .me domain
they co-owned.
years ago Rick
Schwartz, Michael
Berkens and Ammar
Kubba pooled their resources to
invest in a handful of high quality one-word .me
domains, including Meet.me - a name they
paid $5,890 for. They just sold it for
the astounding sum of $450,000.
from top left: Michael Berkens,
Rick Schwartz and Ammar Kubba. |
provided the details on his blog
today and noted how gratifying it was to prove
(once again) that the success he, Schwartz and
Kubba have had (and continue to have) is due to
far more than being among the "lucky"
ones who got into the game early. They continue
to make money from the new opportunities
that crop up with every turn in the domain road.
That's the mark of successful serial
entrepreneurs - not people who lucked out by
simply being in the right place at the right
time on one occasion a long time ago.
fact, luck has very little to do with it.
It takes a lot of hard work - often years
spent gaining the kind of experience that allows
you to recognize opportunities that others
miss. But if you are willing to put in the
work, do the research and take the calculated
risks that all entrepreneurs have to take - you
can make it in this field too and I continue to believe
your odds are better here than just about
anywhere else in today's economy.

other note today, Kevin Murphy
has an important
story at DomainIncite.com
that shouldn't be overlooked as it could
portend of some trouble ahead for
ICANN's widely publicized new
gTLD program that is scheduled to
ramp up in 2012. Kevin's article is
about CRIDO,
an imposing new group that includes some
of the world's largest corporations
who are all bent on stopping the
ICANN plan in its tracks. At this
late stage of the game that will be a
tall order but the firepower this group
could bring to bear shouldn't be
under-estimated by anyone who has an
interest (favorable or unfavorable) in
the rollout of an unlimited number of
new gTLDs. |
(Posted Nov.
10, 2011)

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