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August 27, 2012

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Here's the The Lowdown from DN Journal,
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to fill you in on the latest buzz going around the domain name industry. 

The Lowdown is compiled by DN Journal Editor & Publisher Ron Jackson.

Castello Brothers Moving Their Home Base From Palm Springs to Nashville, DNForum Goes Mobile and Marc Ostrofsky Returns to The View Friday

Castello Cities Internet Network, the corporate entity that administers the Castello Brothers' blue chip portfolio of geo/generic domain names and developed websites, has been based in Palm Springs, California since 1998 (PalmSprings.com is one of CCIN's premier properties). 

That will officially change July 15th when Michael and David Castello are relocating the company's headquarters to Nashville - the home of another one of their marquee websites - Nashville.com.  In fact, David told me that CCIN's development work on Nashville.com over the past couple of year's has turned the site into their largest geo brand


Rising star Bree in Nashville

Another reason for the move is that David's girlfriend, Bree, is a rapidly rising Nashville singer/songwriter who will be going into the studio for rehearsals this month with David in her backing band. David, who is a  professional drummer, will join Bree for sessions that start at Diamond Studios on July 21st, the day before Bree's 22nd birthday. 

If you happened to be at the 2010 T.R.A.F.F.I.C. Las Vegas conference you will remember seeing David light up the stage at the Hard Rock Hotel when he performed a solo set at an evening event on the show's opening night.

In another news item from the Castello Brothers' camp, they will be delivering a “State of the Geos” address during lunch on Saturday, October 1, 2011 at the first ever  GeoPublishers Expo in Chicago.

David Castello playing at the Hard Rock Hotel in Las Vegas (Jan. 2010)

Elsewhere, you can now follow the hundreds of ongoing domain conversations at the web's original domain name forum - DNForum.com - while you are on the go! Owner Adam Dicker just released slick new smartphone apps for iPhone and Android phones that let you interact with the more than 100,000 forum 

members (and read over 1.7 million posts) anywhere that a cellphone signal exists. I downloaded the $4.99 iPhone app last night and love it. Discovering DNForum in early 2002 was one of the primary reasons I got involved in this industry and having the site in my pocket wherever I go is an advance I really appreciate.  

Marc Ostrofsky
Author or Get Rich Click!

One other note today - Domain industry pioneer Marc Ostrofsky, author of the best selling book Get Rich Click!, will be making a return appearance on ABC-TV's morning talk show The View Friday (July 8) at 11am (U.S. Eastern time). Marc first appeared on the program June 9th (see our review here) and was such a hit the producers immediately asked him to come back. Set your DVRs now to make sure you catch his return engagement Friday morning.

Marc gave domain names a huge plug in his first appearance on the show but he really draws the audience in by expanding the scope of his advice to cover multiple ways to make money on the web. With the economy in the doldrums and jobs harder to find that hen's teeth, Marc's message comes at a perfect time when millions are seeking a viable way to become their own boss. Those of us in the domain business know the web makes that possible and Marc is spreading the good news.

(Posted July 6, 2011) 

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