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Here's the The Lowdown from DN Journal,
updated daily
to fill you in on the latest buzz going around the domain name industry. 

The Lowdown is compiled by DN Journal Editor & Publisher Ron Jackson.

Back From My Longest Break From the Domain Business In a Decade!

Since entering the domain industry in early 2002 rarely a day has gone by that I haven't been immersed in one aspect of the business or another - including days when I was supposed to be "on vacation." However, I just returned from a vacation that wound up being different than in the past as a set of circumstances developed that required me to totally disconnect from domains on this trip. Normally I would expect to experience withdrawal symptoms in such a situation but time didn't allow that.

Diana and I went to one of our favorite places in the world - Sarasota's Siesta Key - for a week on a spectacular white sand beach that was named America's best beach by noted authority Dr. Beach several years ago (once a beach wins that award it is retired from the competition). During the 11 years I was a sportscaster at the ABC-TV station in Sarasota I spent almost every morning walking on this beach. We still live just over an hour's drive away and always love going back.

Scene from Siesta Key, Florida last week

While we had a chance to enjoy Siesta Key, two other things - one good and one bad - required our attention during the hours we were not at the beach. Shortly before we left for Sarasota, Diana's mother suffered a stroke and was hospitalized in Venice, Florida (about 25 minutes south of Sarasota). She came through it much better than many do (for which the entire family is very thankful) but will have to undergo therapy to regain full use of here left hand and leg. We visited her several times during the week and were happy to see her mental faculties and speech fully intact and her determination to put in the rehab work needed to get back on her feet as soon as possible. We have no doubt she will do it as that side of the family comes from some very hardy stock (Diana's uncle on her mother's side drove round trip from Florida to Michigan after his 90th birthday and he is still going strong today)!

The other event that fell during our vacation week (and the prime reason we picked this past week to go) involved our daughter Brittany. She started her third year of medical school last Wednesday, as fate would have it, in Sarasota - one of six cities where the Florida State University College of Medicine trains third and fourth year students. So, we spent time helping her get settled into a new apartment and buy a new car - a necessity since she will be doing rotations between three area hospitals over her final two years of med school (as well as driving home once in awhile we hope!)

Men (and Women) in Black: Until a couple of years ago, no one in our family had ever  
bought a black car - now we all have one. Diana (center) started it, I was next (far left) 
then Brittany (at right) made it unanimous when she got her new Mustang last week. The day 
this photo was taken one of our neighbors asked if we were having a black car convention :-)

So, there was plenty keeping us busy right through July 4th (a national holiday in the U.S.). I finally got back in the office today and have been chipping away at a mountain of backed up email and assorted tasks. Still not done, so if you sent an email over the past week and haven't heard back from me yet, you should soon. Thanks for your patience! Now it's back to work with a lot of projects to take on including a double-length sales report that will be out Thursday, a resumption of these daily Lowdown posts, work on a new newsletter and Cover Story, etc. etc. I'm glad I love my job! I hope all of our friends in the U.S. had a great extended Independence Day weekend and are as psyched as I am about getting back to domains! 

(Posted July 5, 2011)  

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