
Here's the The Lowdown
from DN Journal,
updated daily
fill you in on the latest buzz going around the domain name industry.
The Lowdown is
compiled by DN Journal Editor & Publisher Ron
Jackson. |

Domainer Brian Diener Wins $10,000 College Scholarship
in GoDaddy Essay Contest
had the pleasure of meeting
teenage domain investor Brian Diener a
few weeks ago at the South Florida Domainers
Group meeting
that Secret Millionaire John
Ferber hosted at his Boynton Beach,
Florida home. I already knew about Brian from
reading his well
blog at TeenDomainer.com
where he has been recounting his adventures as
one of the industry's youngest entrepreneurs.
From his writing I was expecting to meet a
personable, smart young man who is going
places and that is exactly what I got.
envied Brian for getting such an early start
in a business that still offers some of the
greatest opportunities you will find anywhere in
the business world. I would love to have gotten
started in domaining when I was his age - the problem
is there was no such thing at the time! Brian is
lucky this business exists now and he is taking full
advantage of it. The high school senior's
experience has already paid off for him
in a big way. He just won a $10,000
college scholarship in
GoDaddy.com's .ME scholarship competition.
a post
about the win on his blog today
Brian said, "The essay was on how the
internet and social media has had an impact on
your life and growing up as a high schooler. I

Won $10,000 college scholarship
in GoDaddy,com essay contest. |
my experience in the domain industry
and how I see domain names. All of the hours I
have spent learning about domaining have
finally paid off in my parents eyes!"
$10,000 will come in handy for Brian when he
enrolls next fall at Emory University, a
top notch (and expensive) private college in Atlanta.
He had already won another smaller scholarship
($1,000) for his domain business activity in the
National Federation of Independent Business Young Entrepreneur Awards
competition. As I said, this young man, whose
last day of high school was today, is obviously
going places and at the rate he is going, it is
not going to take him long to get there!
(Posted May
11, 2011)
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