congratulations go out to Juan
Calle, CEO of the .CO
Registry (.CO Internet S.A.S.),
who was named the Technology
Executive of the Year by the Greater
Miami Chamber of Commerce at the
Chamber's 2011 Technology Leaders of
the Year Awards dinners April 15th
(the .CO Registry's marketing team is
based in Miami).
Technology Leaders of the Year Awards
were instituted to "highlight
individuals and organizations with
extraordinary technological hands-on
experience whose management of
technology resources and/or
technological innovatons have made
outstanding contributions to their
organization and the community."
.CO's Lori
Anne Wardi had some observations on
why Juan has been so successful in an article
she wrote about the award that
noted "Like all good leaders, Juan Diego
Calle inspires followers.
And when you think about it, following a
leader is a purely voluntary act.
It has nothing to do with positional
power or authoritative command and
control. After all, you can't
command someone to give you their heart,
or to engage their imagination on
your behalf!" Amen to that Lori. |

Registry CEO Juan Calle
his Technology Executive of the
Award from the Greater Miami
of Commerce - April 15, 2011
(Photo courtesy of .CO) |