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The Lowdown is compiled by DN Journal Editor & Publisher Ron Jackson.

Update From Public Health Officials on Playboy Mansion Illness Outbreak Leaves Several Unanswered Questions 

Late Friday (April 15) the Los Angeles Times reported that earlier that day local health officials had released some preliminary results from their investigation into the widespread outbreak of illnesses that we reported after a domain industry party at the Playboy Mansion Feb. 3, 2011 (this was the closing event of the 2011 DOMAINfest Global Conference). Their findings to date were issued in a presentation made at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's annual Epidemic Intelligence Service conference in Atlanta.

Most of the speculation on the nature of the illness that struck well over 100 attendees has centered on the legionella pneumophila bacteria that causes both Pontiac Fever and the more severe Legionnaire's Disease. Those suspicions grew several weeks ago when public health officials confirmed they had found the bacteria in a "water source" at the Mansion. 

On Friday, in their CDC presentation, they pinpointed the location where they found the bacteria as a whirlpool spa, yet thus far officials said their lab tests have not yet confirmed any cases of legionellosis (Pontiac Fever of Legionnaire's Disease) among the affected attendees. Tests toward that end are continuing though and officials said those tests can take months to complete. 

They also said in a statement printed by the Times that even though Legionella bacteria was identified in a Playboy Mansion whirlpool, this bacteria has not been determined as the 

Image: Sura Nualpradid / FreeDigitalPhotos.net 

source of the respiratory outbreak. The statement said "Other potential causes under investigation include influenza, as three individuals who attended the conference tested later positive for the flu. However, the cause of the outbreak has not been conclusively determined at this time."

Image: renjith krishnan / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

While testing has not yet confirmed legionellosis it did confirm three cases of H1N1 (Swine Flu) among those who fell ill. The testing also strengthened the likelihood the case for the Mansion being the source of the illness, revealing that those who attended the event there were 3.8 times more likely to have fallen ill than conference registrants who did not go.

A number of lingering questions will hopefully be answered when health officials finally reach the end of their investigative trail. If the illnesses were legionellosis and the bacterial source was a whirlpool, how did so many people fall ill who were nowhere near the whirlpool (including my wife Diana)? If it was a severe strain of influenza, why did so many report they did not show improvement until their doctors treated them with antibiotics (used against bacterial infections like legionella, not viral infections like  the flu)?

Hopefully those answers will be forthcoming as public health officials continue to try to unravel the 

mystery. I have been impressed by how thorough they have been in investigating what happened and it is obvious they will leave no stone unturned in an effort to get to the bottom of what happened. 

(Posted April 18, 2011)

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