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Here's the The Lowdown from DN Journal,
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The Lowdown is compiled by DN Journal Editor & Publisher Ron Jackson.

How Much Traffic Are Social Media Outlets Likely to Send to Your Site? New Research Provides the Answer

Most domain industry writers and bloggers are taking advantage of social media outlets like Facebook and/or Twitter to help drive traffic to their websites (I am among those who use both). No surprise there of course, but prior to reading an article by Gavin O'Malley at MediaPost Thursday I had not seen a breakdown detailing what percentage of an average web publisher's traffic could be credited to their presence at social media sites.  

The answer to that question came in extensive research done by Outbrain that O'Malley dissected in his article. It revealed that in the first quarter of this year, Facebook, Twitter and smaller social outlets drove 11% of external referrals to Outbrain's test group of more than 100 publisher's websites (this was a study of traffic from external sources only, however it did reveal that 67% of content viewing sessions begin internally from type-in traffic, bookmarks, clicks from the publisher's home page or other internal pages, etc).

Graphic: Renjith Krishan / FreeDigitialPhotos.net 

That 11% share of external referrals is just a fraction of the 41% of traffic that came in from search engines and also trails the 31% from links at other publisher's sites and the 17% from portals like Yahoo, AOL and MSN). However, social media's now double digit share is impressive given that most of the sites in that category have blossomed in just the past five years or less. 

News, entertainment & lifestyle
 links will generate the most clicks from
social media outlets back to your site.

Graphic: FreeDigitialPhotos.net 

As the public's adoption of social media has grown, the share of traffic those sites send to publishers has also grown quickly and it is expected to account for an increasingly larger piece of the pie as time goes on. 

The study also broke down the kinds of links posted at social media outlets that are most likely to generate a click back to the publisher's site. Among the six categories tracked by Outbrain, news, entertainment and lifestyle links were the ones that generated the most outbound traffic. 42% of that traffic came from news links, 30% from entertainment links and 13% from lifestyle oriented links. A surprise in the study was that sports links ranked near or at the bottom (as a former TV sportscaster that stat was a dagger in the heart for me!).

There is more interesting data in the story and with Outbrain finding that 33% of a publisher's content viewing sessions start from external links, it would be wise to take advantage of the information and the opportunity to drum up more traffic and recognition for your site by getting the word out in social media. 

(Posted April 15, 2011) 

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