
Here's the The Lowdown
from DN Journal,
updated daily
fill you in on the latest buzz going around the domain name industry.
The Lowdown is
compiled by DN Journal Editor & Publisher Ron
Jackson. |

Legal Counsel Phil Corwin Joins Forces With Noted Domain
Attorney Stevan Lieberman at Greenberg & Lieberman +
AfternicDLS Announces Major Expansion
S. Corwin,
long time legal counsel for the Internet
Commerce Association (ICA) and
Founding Principal of Virtualaw
LLC, has taken on an additional
role with the well-known
D.C. based firm Greenberg
& Lieberman, LLC where noted
domain attorney Stevan Lieberman has a
thriving practice. Corwin has joined G&L in
an Of Counsel capacity.
said, “We
are delighted that Phil has chosen to forge a
relationship with our firm. His long record of
effective legislative and regulatory advocacy
will allow us to better provide firm clients
with the ability to influence critical policy
decisions being made here in Washington. Phil is
particularly well known for his past
representation of innovative, cutting edge
technology firms that raise novel intellectual
property issues, including mp3.com and Sharman
Networks (Kazaa). He has also doing an
outstanding job serving as Counsel to the
Internet Commerce Association, providing a
voice for domain name investors and developers
on Capitol Hill, as well as within
Corwin |
said, "This
association with Greenberg and Lieberman will
provide my clients with the best possible
representation regarding trademark and patent
filings and prosecution, IP litigation, UDRP
arbitrations, and Internet law matters,
including registrar applications. Additionally,
the firm specializes in contracts, securities,
US and international corporate formations, and
other key business law functions. No
matter what their needs, our overall team will
be able to provide a coordinated response of the
highest quality.”
Member Michael Greenberg added: “In
addition to his Internet law and IP background,
Phil also continues to represent some of the
Nation’s major financial services trade
groups. His lobbying expertise was recognized
when he was chosen to serve as Chairman of the American
Bar Association’s Section of Business Law
Committee on Legislation. He also deals
extensively with the media on clients’ behalf
while helping to shape supportive public
relations efforts in concert with clients’
communications specialists.”

The AfternicDLS
has announced another major expansion
of their domain listing service with a
dozen new European registrar partners
coming on board along with TierraNet
(as a DLS Premium Partner),
Internic.ca, Rebel.com, DomainsatCost.com
and NameScout.com. |
new European partners include DaDaPro,
EuroDNS and GroupNBT, a
trio that collectively operates 12
separate registrars across Europe (Register.it,
Nominalia.com, Names.co.uk, Amen.fr,
Amen.pt, AmenWorld.nl, Register365.com,
NetNames.com, Easily.co.uk ,
Speednames.com, Ascio.com and

Senior VP, NameMedia
General Manager, AfternicDLS |
registrars will deploy
Afternic’s “Instant
Transfer” technology,
allowing domain buyers the
opportunity to purchase a
secondary market domain in the
purchase path on the
registrar’s website by placing
the domain in their shopping
cart and having the domain in
their control within minutes.
Combined, these registrars
service millions of
customers across Europe and
worldwide. The new DLS partners
will offer their customers
access to millions of premium
domain names and listing access
to the AfternicDLS's global
domain marketplace.
Senior Vice President and
Afternic General Manager
Jason Miner said, “The
inclusion of these major
registrars in DLS now gives
Afternic a presence across
Europe. This furthers the goal
of creating a unified and
efficient secondary market for
domains. By bringing value and
liquidity to the domain
aftermarket we are helping to
eliminate barriers to
sale—increasing returns for
domain sellers and better
meeting the needs of domain
buyers worldwide.” |
(Posted March
21, 2011)
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