
Here's the The Lowdown
from DN Journal,
updated daily
fill you in on the latest buzz going around the domain name industry.
The Lowdown is
compiled by DN Journal Editor & Publisher Ron
Jackson. |

Roundtable Returns to the Conference Wars in a
Spectacular New Setting + Our Latest Cover Story
Profiles .CO's Dynamic Young CEO Juan Diego Calle
Roundtable 2011
open for business. Thought
Convergence (the parent company of TrafficZ,
and DomainTools)
will stage the event at the Atlantis Resort
on Paradise Island in the Bahamas
March 1-4, 2011. Registration
just opened with an early bird price of $695
that is good through January 11. The
price will start rising after that, finally
hitting $995 for on-site registration
during show week.
organizers are providing an extra incentive
for registering early. The first 100 that
sign up will be treated to a free excursion
on Tuesday, March 1. You can choose from
among five options including an Atlantis Behind the Scenes Aquarium Tour,
a Catamaran Snorkel & Sail Adventure, Cigar and Rum Tasting, Deep Sea Fishing
or a Nassau Shopping Shuttle.
show's preliminary
agenda has also been posted. Things
will get underway with a Tuesday evening (March
1) Welcome Reception. The Wednesday
(March 2)

will include a keynote speaker that will
be announced soon. An Aftermarket.com
Live Domain Auction will highlight the final
afternoon (Thursday, March 3). That night the
show closes with a big Bahamian Junkanoo
Festival. Guests will then be departing
throughout the day Friday, March 4. By
the way, if you want to submit
a domain for the March 3 live
auction, the deadline for doing so is January
will be the first Domain Roundtable conference
since June
2009 when the event was held in Washington,
D.C. The show was held annually from
2005-2009 but amidst an explosion of domain
conferences around the world in 2010, the
organizers decided to take a year off to decide
where they wanted to position the conference in
what has become a dramatically expanded market.
They decided to take it upscale and the
five-star Atlantis resort will certainly provide
the spectacular setting they wanted for
their return to the conference scene.

Diego Calle
CEO, .CO Internet S.A.S. |
One other
note today. We have just published our
latest Cover
Story, a profile of the
.CO Registry's dynamic young CEO Juan
Diego Calle. .CO has made a big
splash since the Colombian ccTLD was
re-launched and made available for
worldwide registration last summer. Just
five months after .CO began accepting
general public registrations, more
than 600,000 .CO domains had already
been registered. While the .CO
saga has now been widely told, there is
a closely related and equally compelling
story that you haven't heard yet
- the story of the man behind
.CO's re-birth.
Calle was
born into a highly entrepreneurial
family in Bogota, Colombia where
his father founded one of the country's
biggest wine and beer distribution
companies. Unfortunately, by the time
Juan was 15 years old, the
security situation in Colombia had
deteriorated to such an extent that his
parents feared for the safety of
their three children. They decided to
send Juan, his brother and his sister to
the |
States while they stayed behind to
keep the family business going. This is
the remarkable entrepreneurial success
story of how things have gone for
Juan Calle since then. You can read all
about it here: The Juan Diego Calle Story: How the .CO CEO is Turning a Seldom Used ccTLD Into a Booming Global Brand. |
(Posted Dec.
30, 2010)
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