
Here's the The Lowdown
from DN Journal,
updated daily
fill you in on the latest buzz going around the domain name industry.
The Lowdown is
compiled by DN Journal Editor & Publisher Ron
Jackson. |

Frager Fracture: Freak Accident Confines Blogger to Bed
But His Fingers Are Still Flying
maven Owen Frager
always known how to get attention. His
provocative headlines draw a steady flow
of readers to his blog - The
Frager Factor - so last
21) when I read a note he posted on Facebook
saying that he was in the emergency room
after getting run over by a pack of stampeding
dogs, I didn't know what to think! Was this
some kind of off-the-wall metaphor meant to
attract more eyeballs or had Owen actually been
mowed down by a band of marauding mutts?
Unfortunately, it turned out to be the latter -
Frager's fracture was no figment of his immeasurable
taking one of his customary walks through a
nearby dog park Frager said he stopped to check
email on his phone. While his back was turned
and his attention diverted to his messages, a
pack of more than a dozen dogs running full
speed ahead plowed into Frager from behind and
sent him airborne. When he crash landed
the concrete cracked a bone in his foot,
sending him to the hospital where he wound up
being fitted with a cast, a walker and an order
to avoid driving for the next six
TheFragerFactor.com |
could be some more bad news ahead. Doctors are
determining whether or not it will take surgery
to repair the damage. Frager expects to get a
final verdict on that Wednesday. In the meantime
he is laid up at home in bed but not completely
incapacitated. In fact with a little more time
of his hands than he would like, he is churning
out articles at a furious pace.
is currently midway through a 20-part series
called Domaining's Most Fascinating People.
Each part is a profile of a domain investor or
developer who has been especially proficient at
combining their domain assets with masterful
marketing. The latest
installment published Sunday
featured Bobbleheads.com
owner Warren Royal. Scroll down to the
bottom of that story and you will find hot links
to the other profiles from the series that are
now online (including Barbara Dillman Neu,
Teen Domainer, Ryan Colby, Patrick
Ruddell, Mike Sullivan & Fusible,
Jeff Gabriel, Rob Grant and Rob
Monster). You will also find a list of the
ten people who will be profiled in the second
half of the series. I'm sure that those who are
enjoying his current prodigious output are
thankful that Frager's foot absorbed the brunt
of his unfortunate fall, leaving his fingers
intact to soldier on.

There is
another blog series - this one a two-parter
published by Morgan Linton over
the Christmas weekend - that I really
enjoyed reading. It started Christmas
Eve when Linton wrote about 22 Domainers
That Changed My Life.
After giving that topic some further
thought, Linton followed up with a second
part Sunday that featured 8
more capsule tributes to people who have
helped him along the way.
Like Morgan
I have always been impressed by how
helpful so many industry veterans are to
new people who enter the business with a
positive attitude and a sincere desire
to learn. You won't find anyone with
more positive energy than Morgan, so I
am not surprised that he has been welcomed
with open arms by so many others. In
turn, he just as generously has passed
along what he has learned to others who
read his blog or watch the highly
informative video interviews he has
produced. |
watching people come and go in this
business for the past eight years, it is
the ones who have qualities like
Morgan's (and dozens of people he
commented on) that have consistently
risen to the top. Learning by
example is a tried and true route to
success and in his new articles Morgan
has put the spotlight on a number of
people that I think we could all do well
to emulate. |
(Posted Dec.
27, 2010)
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