
Here's the The Lowdown
from DN Journal,
updated daily
fill you in on the latest buzz going around the domain name industry.
The Lowdown is
compiled by DN Journal Editor & Publisher Ron
Jackson. |

Transfer Partners Enom & Moniker Go Live at the
Afternic DLS + Rob Grant Gives Gift Baskets a Recession
Worth Twist
announced that registrars Enom
and Moniker
would be joining the popular aftermarket sales platform
as "instant transfer" premium partners
by the end of the year. That happened today when
Enom and Moniker went live on the
AfternicDLS. They join Network Solutions,
Register.com, Name.com and several
others in a select group of registrars that can
now instantly deliver fixed price domains
(held by any of the

registrars) that are listed for sale at the Premium
Promotion level on the AfternicDLS.
many buyers wanting to conclude sales on the
spot, instant transfer has proven to be a
feature that is giving sales a substantial
boost. Names listed at the Premium Promotion
level are listed for sale on over two dozen
partner sites (including GoDaddy Auctions),
greatly increasing exposure for those

Grant's Recession Gift Basket |
today, you might recall that last
Christmas (scroll to bottom
of the page at that link) Rob
Grant got a lot of press
with his timely Recession
Wreaths website. The tongue
in cheek site offered wreaths decorated
with cut up credit cards and pink slips!
Well, this
Christmas Grant is at it again with a
new faux ecommerce platform at RecessionGiftBaskets.com!
Once again proving himself to be in step
with the times, Rob has come up with a
frugal line of Gift Baskets featuring
what the site trumpets as "the
very bottom of the food pyramid."
Grant, who
was a successful Madison Avenue
ad |
before moving on to the greener pastures
of the domain business, has certainly
created some compelling copy to reel in
potential customers.
RecessionGiftBaskets.com proclaims
"our newest site has all the
thoughtful wisdom and holiday spirit
that comes with a financial collapse
and high unemployment!"
But wait,
it gets better: "Nothing says Happy
Holidays like a colorful assortment of
Spam, spray cheese, beef jerky, peanut
butter & a loaf of (expired date)
white bread...and perhaps a bottle of
Ripple or Thunderbird wine (ask for our
premium gift basket) to wash it all
down with. And for those of you with no
kitchens (or homes for that matter),
these gift baskets also include one set
of plastic knives and a paper cup &
napkin. Just ask for our special 'Foreclosure
Edition' Gift Basket (you don't need
an address to have these
gallows humor seems to be striking a
chord with recession weary consumers.
They do say that laughter is
the best medicine (and it is a heck
of lot cheaper than anti-depressant
drugs)! |
Dec. 17,
all current Lowdown posts - Go
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