popular DOMAINfest
conference series
introduced a new show format Thursday,
May 13 with their one-day DOMAINfest Ft.
Lauderdale Power Networking Day at the W
Hotel in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. Due
to a prior family commitment out of state I
wasn't able to attend the event, but our friend Steve
Kaziyev of
was there and was kind enough to shoot some
photos and take notes for us so we could share
some of the highlights with you.

you can see from the photo above, an excellent
crowd turned out for the event at the oceanfront W
Hotel. In the photo below, Jeff Kupietzky,
the President of DOMAINfest parent,
kicks things off with a talk about the latest Internet

Berkowitz, author of Ten
Golden Rules, followed with a well
received keynote address covering SEO, SEM and
Social Media best practices designed to drive more
traffic to websites and improve conversion rates.
After a lunch break, it was time for two hours of
power networking. Four seperate stations were set
up with experts addressing a specific topic at
each. Attendees could circulate from station to
station to listen or ask the experts questions
about their area of expertise.

an below: shots from a couple of the power
networking sessions
Thursday afternoon (May 13, 2010) at DOMAINfest
Ft. Lauderdale.

up at 4pm was's
Live Premium Domain Auction, an event that went
exceptionally well with nearly $2.4 million
in sales recorded. The biggest sales were at $1.75 million,
at $450,000, at
$50,000, at $30,000
and at $22,500.
the auction, DomainSponsor
hosted a 7:30pm outdoor networking dinner party.
Those who still weren't ready to go home after
dinner were invited to gather in Craig Snyder's
room (Craig is the General Manager of Oversee's
Registrar and Aftermarket division) where lively
conversations continued until around 2am.

those on hand for DOMAINfest Ft.
Lauderdale were (left to right
in the photo above): Steve Kaziyev, Scott
Ross, Bari Meyerson and Lonnie Borck.
oceanfront W Hotel proved to be a popular choice
as the show venue. Enjoying the Atlantic Ocean
view from the hotel balcony are (left to right in
the photo below): Donny Simonton, Steve
Kaziyev, Bari Meyerson, John Yeomans,
Tony Cassala and David Evanson.

has another
Power Networking Day coming up August
18, 2010 at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in New
York City. Judging from its maiden voyage in
Ft. Lauderdale, it looks like the DOMAINfest Power
Networking Day is a concept destined for