Here's the The Lowdown
from DN Journal,
updated daily
fill you in on the latest buzz going around the domain name industry.
The Lowdown is
compiled by DN Journal Editor & Publisher Ron
Legal Counsel Says New Agreement Between ICANN and the
U.S. Government Could Speed Up IDNs But Delay New gTLDs
Commerce Associated Legal Counsel Phil Corwinhas
posted a letter
on the ICA website detailing how he thinks
yesterday's new Agreement of Commitments (AOC)
between ICANN and the U.S. Government will
affect several key issues of interest to the domain
One of
Corwin's section headers said "New gTLDs Will Take
a Back Seat to IDNs." On that topic he wrote,
"The AOC conspicuously endorses the introduction of
non-Latin character International Domain Names (IDNs) at
country code TLDs (text in Italics is taken directly from
the AOC): DOC…endorses the rapid introduction
of internationalized country code top level domain names (ccTLDs),
provided related security, stability and resiliency issues
are first addressed.
Simultaneously, it givestepid
non-endorsement to new gTLDs, first stating: Nothing
in this document is an expression of support by DOC of any
specific plan or proposal for the implementation of new
generic top level domain names (gTLDs) or is an expression
by DOC of a view that the potential consumer benefits of
new gTLDs outweigh the potential costs. And it later
adds this requirement: ICANN will ensure that as
it contemplates expanding
Phil Corwin
ICA Legal Counsel
the top-level domain
space, the various issues that are involved (including
competition, consumer protection, security, stability and
resiliency, malicious abuse issues, sovereignty concerns,
and rights protection) will be Adequately addressed prior
to implementation...
Corwin went on to say "The
very use of the word “contemplates” (and every word is
carefully negotiated in a document such as this) indicates
a stage of the new gTLD process far earlier than an
imminent opening of the application window in the first
quarter of 2010, as “contemplates” is generally
synonymous with “thinks about”. And the additional
verbiage indicates a belief that the introduction of
new gTLDs is not a foregone conclusion and that the Draft
Applicant Guidebook has not yet adequately addressed
these matters of concern."
Corwin added, "Given the
recent GAC (ICANN's Governmental Advisory
Committee) call for many additional studies prior
to the introduction of new gTLDs, and its resistance to
allowing for unlimited applications (see,
it hardly seems likely that the newly empowered GAC will
give a green light to near-term opening of the new gTLD
application window."
In other news,
has announced a partnership agreement with Dark
Blue Sea'sDomain
Distribution Network (DDN) that it
says will significantly expand marketplace options
for aftermarket domain name buyers and sellers who
utilize Oversee’s SnapNames
and Moniker
sellers the DDN agreement means those listing
names for sale at Moniker and SnapNames can opt in
for listing on DDN’s network of partner
registrars. Once listed, the seller is not
required to perform any manual tasks to complete
the sale. At the same time, sellers listing names
through DDN will have their names automatically
listed at Moniker’s registrar and on the
SnapNames aftermarket platform with a “buy it
now” price.
buyers DDN-listed names bring additional fresh
inventory to SnapNames and Moniker listings and
transactions are fully automated, with instant
transfer of the domain name.
companies hailed the agreement as a step in
attracting new customers from different
sectors of the economy to the domain name space. CEO and President Jeff Kupietzky
said “Domain names are growing in value as an
asset class. Corporations, brand marketers,
individuals and investors now understand that
having the right domain name is essential for
value creation online. Our arrangement with DDN
will bring additional breadth to our
While we are
on the subject of the Domain Distribution
Network, we want to wish the DDN's
Business Development Manager Jen
Salewell on her current trip
to the Sudanwith the Door
of Hopecharity organization.
They are there now filming a documentary
about devastation in the African nation
and what can be done to help spur
development there.
Jen wrote on
her blog, "I want to be a part of
something BIG. Special. Good. Inspiring. I
don’t want to be a taker in life. I want
to be better. I want to help people in
need, and I can. So I’m going to."
Anyone who has met Jen knows her "can
do" attitude well and you can bet
that she will do everything in her power
to help anyone she encounters in need.
Door of Hope
is a child-focused, non government
organization established to help alleviate the suffering caused by
poverty in developing nations. They do
that by supporting projects that preserve, improve and sustain the quality of life of children in their communities.
We need your help to keep giving domainers The
Lowdown, so please email [email protected]with any interesting information you might have. If possible,
include the source of your information so we can check it out (for
example a URL if you read it in a forum or on a site