Here's the The Lowdown
from DN Journal,
updated daily
fill you in on the latest buzz going around the domain name industry.
The Lowdown is
compiled by DN Journal Editor & Publisher Ron
Who Use the Internet Have a More Positive View of PPC
Than SEO? A Search Engine Called "What Does The
Internet Think?" Says They Do.
for an entertaining parlor game to play this weekend? Then
you might want to check out,
a search engine that supposedly scours the internet
looking for opinions on any subject you specify - then
returns how many Positive, Negative and Don't Care
results were found.
discovered WDTIT when I ran across an article
posted at today headlined
"The Internet More Positive about PPC than SEO".
Since I haven't run across a lot of web surfers who says
they love pay per click ads, I had to see what the
SearchCowboys comment was based on. That turned out to be's search results
finding that 63.1% had a positive view of PPC vs. 59.3%
who were mainly positive about SEO.
And how do Internet users view the major search engines
according to WDTIT? On this subject you might be surprised
to learn that Yahoo! trounces Google and even Bing
beats the #1 search engine. Yahoo earns a positive rating
of 61.3% while Google rates only 43.1%. Microsoft's
new entry, Bing, nips Google with a 49.9% positive
score, however Bing also has a higher negative rating than
either Google or Yahoo at 50.1%.
So how
seriously can you take results from
Well, this may give you an idea. I did a search on
and got back a 100% positive rating. Holy
Cow - all this time I thought Saddam Hussein
was the only guy who ever had a 100% approval rating! My
elation was quickly tempered though when I checked the
number of results the search engine found. The grand total
was 1. That was most likely my mom.
you totally dismiss WDTIT I should point out that there
were thousands and even millions of results for some of
the other subjects like Google and SEO. So, for best
results stick to well-known topics and avoid obscure trade
We need your help to keep giving domainers The
Lowdown, so please email [email protected]with any interesting information you might have. If possible,
include the source of your information so we can check it out (for
example a URL if you read it in a forum or on a site