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August 27, 2012

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Here's the The Lowdown from DN Journal,
updated daily
to fill you in on the latest buzz going around the domain name industry. 

The Lowdown is compiled by DN Journal Editor & Publisher Ron Jackson.

I just got back from Tallahassee late today  but may as well not bother unpacking the bags as it's off to Amsterdam Saturday for the T.R.A.F.F.I.C. ccTLDs conference in the Netherlands. Before I head back out I'll be putting together a new weekly domain sales report that will be out Thursday night. 

Sedo is likely to rack up some more sizeable sales tomorrow (Thursday, May 28) when their latest GreatDomains.com premium auction ends at 1pm U.S.  Eastern time. Domains going on the block will include 80.com, BabyClothing.com and CD.net. You can see the complete auction inventory here

While I was on the road yesterday, NameMedia announced another expansion of their AfternicDLS domain sales platform that includes BuyDomains.com. A strategic partnership with TradeMark Express will allow the AfternicDLS and BuyDomains to offer their catalog of more than 2 million domains for purchase through TradeMark Express’s full-service trademarking process.

Trademark Express President Chris DeMassa said “TradeMark Express is excited to partner with NameMedia. Obtaining a premium domain name and ensuring that name is legally available go hand in hand; domain name buyers must make sure their proposed domain name is legally clear of existing trademark or common-law names that are similar in sound, appearance or meaning." 

The senior vice-president and general manager of NameMedia’s domain marketplace, Pete 

Lamson, said “TradeMark Express’s customers will benefit from having access to the world’s largest domain portfolio, providing them with enhanced options to create and protect their brand while driving traffic to their businesses.”

(Posted May 27, 2009)

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