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April 03, 2015

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T.R.A.F.F.I.C.'s Winning Streak Continues With
Hot Show in Las Vegas 
-Photo Gallery-

We snapped a couple of hundred photos at T.R.A.F.F.I.C. West 2006 and thought you would enjoy seeing some of the ones that weren't used in the conference wrap up article you just read. Make plans now to come out and meet some of these people in person when the next show comes around!   

Golf tournament sponsor Brian Null of BeachFarmNine.com (left) presents CentralNic CEO Dan Schindler an award for shooting the Low Score of the day (75) as well as hitting the Best Shot. Richard Kirkendall also received an award for Longest Drive and Brian Benko was honored (?) for Most Entertaining Shot of the Day - actually two of them - both of which went backwards!

Celebrated domain attorney John Berryhill

One of the many cool things at the Venetian Hotel. Gondolas float down canals inside the hotel and though it looks like broad daylight it is late at night (the sky is painted on the ceiling!)

Sedo.com's Director of Customer Relations, Jay Finnan, shows Diana Jackson how to use one of the free wireless mice Sedo was giving away at their booth.

Internet REIT CEO Bob Martin. Along with partners Marc Ostrosky and Stuart Rabin (whom we didn't catch on camera this time) he hosted a top notch private party Thursday night.

Joseph Casale of Casale Media chats with a potential customer at his booth in the main ballroom.

Ron James, owner of the busy NamePros.com domain forum takes advantage of the speed networking session to meet new people.

Domain business renaissance man Ari Goldberger (one of the industry's best attorneys and operator of popular parking company SmartName.com). 

Australia was well represented at T.R.A.F.F.I.C. West. One of our old forum pals, Chris Beach (left) is seen here with his business partner at Gadget.com, Gideon Wezeman.

Steven and Tehan having fun at the DomainSponsor Party.

Fabulous.com COO Dan Warner is usually seen on stage as a speaker, but this time we caught him asking a question from the audience during one of the seminar sessions.

Howard Hoffman (PPCIncome.com) in a Hummer limo headed for the DomainSponsor Party (that's NameIntelligence.com VP of Business Development Jothan Frakes in the background. He is also the show producer for the Domain Roundtable Conference).

TrafficZ.com COO Ammar Kubba (left) sharing a laugh with the company's Senior Development Manager Jonathan Boswell after sponsoring the keynote dinner address by Yahoo!'s Bill Demas Wednesday night. 

Roland LaPlante, VP & Chief Marketing Officer for Afililas (the .info registry)

Saving the best for last, we'll sign off with this great photo snapped by John Berryhill who was gracious enough to share it with us. One of the greatest things about this business is that competitors are willing to work and play side by side to keep pushing this industry forward. T.R.A.F.F.I.C. co-founder Rick Schwartz (left) is seen here with NameIntelligence.com CEO Jay Westerdal whose company stages the Domain Roundtable Conference

The additional photographic element that makes this a  great picture rather than just another snapshot is the image of DomainSponsor's Ron Sheridan hovering above Rick and Jay on the projection screen in the background (Ron is on the right in that image). As T.R.A.F.F.I.C.'s primary sponsor as well as a strong supporter of Roundtable, Sheridan is the angel of domain trade shows - now if we can just get him fitted with an appropriate pair of wings!


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