
2014 Archive |
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the The Lowdown from
DN Journal,
updated daily to fill you in on the
latest buzz going around the domain name
The Lowdown is
compiled by DN Journal Editor & Publisher Ron
Jackson. |

DNJournal.com Facebook Page Offers Followers
Exclusive Content and Alerts When New Articles
are Published
has had a presence on Facebook
since 2007 however, since I joined before
the popular social media platform started
offering company pages, I have always
posted DNJournal updates on my personal
account. The reason I signed up in the
first place was a suggestion |
Chris Hartnett, that this new platform
would be a great place for those of us in
the industry to stay in closer
contact. That
setup worked fine for quite awhile because
the vast majority of people on my friend's
list were domain people. However, over the
years, non industry friends and family
also discovered Facebook and connected
with me there as well. For a long time now
they have been wondering "does this
guy post anything" that isn't
related to "domains" - and, oh
by the way, what the heck is a
"domain" anyhow! The
other problem, with the growth of the
industry, was getting dozens of friend
requests from people I didn't know, making
it impossible to know who I should add and
who I shouldn't. As a result, I wound
up adding some
I should not have (spammers, etc.) and
not adding some well intentioned
people that just wanted to follow DNJ. So,
I finally parted the waters over the
weekend and launched the new DNJournal.com
Facebook Page that anyone can
follow just by Liking the page. I
knew I also need to |

from the new
DNJournal.com page at Facebook.
Facebook users a reason to Like the
page (beyond the usual site updates that
are already available through our RSS
Feed and popular aggregation
sites like Domaining.com.
So, I'll post some exclusive
content (and comments) there like the Photo
of the Day feature that was added
Over the past 11 years DN Journal
has assembled a massive domain industry
photo library with more than 100,000
images in it - many of which have never
been published before. I'm sure many would
enjoy seeing some of those historic
photos, so I'll pick an interesting one
and post it on our Facebook page each day
(or as close to daily as possible).

Donna Mahony and Sam Aidun
greet each
other at the 2007 DomainFest conference
Hollywood, California. |
shots could be about anything but will
often be relevant to something
happening that day. For example, the
2014 Domainfest conference is
opening today in Hollywood,
California at the Loews Hotel
where the first globally oriented
event in the DomainFest series was
held back in 2007.
The show moved to the Fairmont
Miramar in Santa Monica
from 2010-2013 so this week's show
is a Hollywood homecoming. To mark
the occasion our Facebook Photo of
the Day is from opening day at that
landmark show in 2007 (the photo at
left, courtesy of Marcia Lynn
Walker, is different than the
Facebook Photo of the Day but would
have fit in there perfectly too).
short, I hope you will check out the
Like it and will find it an interesting
and entertaining resource going
forward. Of course, I still have one
very big problem. Now that I
will no longer be posting DN
Journal news
and information |
my Personal Page,
I have to come up with something
else to post there once in awhile
and I have no idea what that is
going to be. Even I don't care what
I had for dinner last night! |
March 31, 2014)
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Lowdown on DomainFest: Conference Organizers
About What Has Changed and What's Ahead Next
Week in Hollywood
final countdown
to the 2014 DomainFest
conference in underway with the show set to
kick off Monday morning (March 31) in
Hollywood, California at the Loews
Hollywood Hotel. As
you know, things are always changing
in the domain business and the conference
field is no exception. While this will be
the 9th run for DomainFest, the show
organizers from Oversee.net
(and their DomainSponsor
monetization unit) are switching things up
this year with
in dates and the show's name,
location and format (multi-track
for 2014). To get the Lowdown on why the
changes were made and what's in store for
attendees I connected with Oversee.net CEO
Debra Domeyer and Senior VP Dwayne
Walker for the special pre-show
interview below. |
Journal: Debra and Dwayne,
with DomainFest just days a way, first let me
thank you for taking time out of your busy
schedules to give us this pre-show update.
Before we jump into what you have planned for
2014 DomainFest, let's catch up on the changes
that have been made since last
year's show. The 2013 event, titled Webfest
Global for the first time, was held in early
February, in what had become the traditional DomainFest
time frame (late January/early February). This
year you have gone back to the original DomainFest
name, moved the dates to early spring and
switched the location from Santa Monica back to
Hollywood where the show ran for several years
before moving across town to the
oceanfront Fairmont Miramar where it has been
held since 2010.
What led to the name, date and location changes
for this year's conference?
Domeyer (CEO, Oversee.net):
When you run a conference for 9 years,
the challenge is to keep it fresh.
Attendees are always our top priority and
it’s essential that our conferences
continue to offer a valuable experience
and lots of fun and networking. So we
cleared the board and looked at this from
a new perspective. We realized that DomainFest
is a very strong brand and needed to be
the centerpiece of our conference series.
The growing strength of the domain
industry also played a huge part in our
decision-making. Hollywood was always a
favorite for attendees.
Journal: With your move
to early spring, a new conference, NamesCon
quickly filled the January gap and drew
well in Las Vegas, where the next T.R.A.F.F.I.C.
conference will also be held in late May.
This created an unexpected situation for
many show goers - three west coast
conferences in the first six months of the
year. There was also the just |

Oversee.net CEO Debra Domeyer
at Webfest Global 2013 |
ICANN Singapore conference in March.
Even though the industry is back in
expansion mode, there is only so much
money to go around. Has the bigger crowd
in a shorter time frame had any noticeable
effect on DomainFest 2014? |

Sr. VP Dwayne Walker
at Webfest Global 2013 |
Walker (Senior Vice President, Oversee.net):
We’ve had a very positive response
to the conference with its new date. There
is so much interest in domain names today
that our industry is rapidly going mainstream.
This is good news for domain owners,
online businesses, startups and investors.
Our format with different tracks is
attracting new attendees to the
conference. Clearly, the focus on
startups, raising money, running online
businesses, gTLDs and monetizing Internet
traffic has created a buzz. We
expect that attendance at this DomainFest
to be larger than last year’s DomainFest.
There are also a record number of
companies sponsoring DomainFest this year!
Journal: DomainFest has a long
record of success built upon on world
famous keynoters, a solid agenda, unique
social events and an attractive location
in Los Angeles. Looking at the
agenda, that would appear to be one
thing that remains |
same. Tell us about some of the agenda
highlights you are particularly excited
about this year. |
Walker (Senior Vice President, Oversee.net):
agenda really hits the hot topics for our
industry. In a departure from the past couple of
years, we are running multiple tracks so
we cover all the subjects that are important to
our industry. We have experts covering gTLDs and
Registrars, Domain Monetization, Successfully
Running Online Businesses and Start-ups.
We’ve been able to attract speaker experts
with deep knowledge in their respective fields.
And for the first time, we have a startup track
with some very memorable names in the world of
venture capitalists.
first keynoter is best-selling author,
successful online business entrepreneur and
social media expert Gary Vaynerchuk. Gary
is a terrific speaker with millions of
Facebook fans and Twitter followers. Stay tuned
for a “ jab," in Gary’s
lexicon--anything of value — a joke, an idea,
shared information, an introduction. We are also
happy to welcome .CLUB Domains CMO Jeffrey
Sass; Dan Schindler, Co-Founder of Donuts;
and Rich Merdinger, Vice President,
Domains for GoDaddy; Daniel Negari CEO
of .XYZ and .College as keynoters
on the second and third day, respectively, of
the conference
also an online premium domain name auction
in partnership with NameJet with some
great domains available for sale.
has always been known for its networking
and social events. That tradition is alive
and well. On Monday night, .CLUB is
hosting a welcome reception to kick off
the .CLUB land rush. On Tuesday, there’s
a private concert with Grammy-award
winning rock band Stone Temple Pilots
with Chester Bennington. And
we close out the event with our networking
party at the Hollywood famous SkyBar,
one of LA most beautiful venues.
Journal: The main topic
of |

Temple Pilots with Chester Bennington
will play at Domainfest Tuesday night
(April 1)
Photo courtesy of StoneTemplePilots.com |
in just about all industry circles this
year is the arrival of new gTLDs.
After a long recession, many are hoping
that new gTLDs will help fuel a new
growth spurt in the industry.
Are they, at the early stage they are in
now, having a positive impact on DomainFest
in terms of attendee and sponsor interest? |
Walker (Senior Vice President, Oversee.net):
being the platinum sponsor of DomainFest says it
all. During the conference .CLUB will launch its
Land Rush period with thousands of premium
quality names included at Land Rush prices.
Other gTLDs are sponsoring as well: Donuts, .bar
and .rest, and .xyz & .college. All in all,
we have a record number of sponsors this year.
are very interested in gTLDs. We are
running three days of panels on this subject
because the topic is so hot. The speaker/experts
who are participating cover a very broad range
of topics that include:
The New gTLD Land Grab – Panelists
provide an overview of the gTLD landscape and
the players. The moderator is Daniel
Schindler, Co-Founder & Executive Vice
President of Donuts Inc. Panelist include Steve
Banfield, Senior Vice President and General
Manager, Registrar Services for Rightside, and
Raymond King, CEO of Top Level Design, LLC.
Winning Registry Strategies – Listen to
the top registry strategies. The moderator is
Karen Bernstein, Principal, Bernstein IP.
Panelists include Colin Campbell, CEO of .CLUB
Domains LLC; Daniel Negari, CEO of .XYZ and
.College; and Daniel Schindler, Co-Founder and
Executive Vice President of Donuts Inc.
Rising Stars – Experts debate which
gTLDs are the clear winners in the market and
which are the ones to watch and why. The
moderator is Tina Dam, Co-Founder of MyTLD.
Panelists are Aaron Grego, CEO of Punto 2012;
Joe Alagna, Vice President of Channel
Development for 101Domain.com; and Bret Fausett,
Esq., General Counsel for Uniregistry, Inc.
Untapped Opportunities for Promoting gTLDs
- This session focuses on using new business
models to generate revenue. The moderator is
Andrew Allemann, Editor of DomainNameWire.com.
Panelists are Melissa Dafini, Marketing
Strategist for Punto 2012, and Bob Mountain,
Chief Revenue Officer for Afternic.com.
Self-Regulation within the DNS Industry
– The moderator is Raymond King, CEO of Top
Level Design LLC. Panelists include Akram
Atallah, President of the Global Domains
Division for ICANN, and Reg Levy, Vice President
of Compliance and Policy for Minds and Machines.
ICANN Update on gTLD Rollout – This
panel provides information on what ICANN is
doing. This discussion features Akram
Atallah, President of the Global Domains
Division for ICANN.
The Next Generation Registrars and Registry
Services – This seminar provides insights
into the engines behind gTLDs. Panelists
are Rich Merdinger, Vice President of Domains
for GoDaddy, and Ben Crawford, Chief Executive
Officer for CentralNic PLC.
Risks and Limitations – The panelists
share their thoughts on brand, trademark, and
legal issues involved in owning gTLDs. The
moderator is William A. Delgado, Partner,
Willenken Wilson Loh & Delgado LLP.
Panelists include Karen Bernstein, Principal of
Bernstein IP; Kelly Hardy, North American
Business Development for .ME; and Don Moody,
J.D. and M.S., New gTLD Disputes.
How Long Until This Pays Off? – Experts
discuss building long-term value around gTLDs
and when to buy, hold, resell and flip. The
moderator is Victor Pitts, Director of Domain
Services for Above.com. Panelists are Alan Dunn,
Senior Vice President of Acquisitions and
Divestments for Domain Holdings, and Pinky
Brand, Vice President of Strategy and Partner
Relations for TLD Registry Ltd.
Journal: One other
question about the industry at large. We
are sensing a renewed optimism
about how things are going in the
industry, including seeing a lot of large
aftermarket domain sales (with several
seven-figure sales reported this month
alone) and all of the activity surrounding
new gTLDs. Oversee is in a position to
know what is happening in multiple
industry categories. Based on your own
business, how have things been going over
the past year and what is your sense of
how things will trend through 2014?
Domeyer and
Walker: We
see very positive trends for 2014. We
believe that the value and success of
domains, online businesses and the
Internet economy in general will continue
to increase. |

image from Bigstock |
Journal: Thanks again for your
time and sharing your insight. Is there anything
else you would like to add before about DomainFest
Domeyer and
Walker: We’re really looking
forward to a great DomainFest conference filled
with tremendous speakers, panels, attendees and
of course networking – we’re really looking
forward to seeing everyone!!
March 27, 2014)
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Schwartz Says Domain Investors Will Be Top Dogs
When T.R.A.F.F.I.C. West Returns to Las Vegas in
the 2014
T.R.A.F.F.I.C West
just two months away, show
co-founder Rick Schwartz sent a
letter out to previous attendees over the
weekend with an update on plans for the
big event May 28-31 at the Bellagio
Hotel in Las Vegas. T.R.A.F.F.I.C.
is sweetening the pot for this year's show
by offering two Early Bird ticket
packages that come with free nights
at the world famous Bellagio where the 2013
conference was also held. The
offers - good only until Friday, April
4 - are a $1495 |
ticket that
includes two free nights at the
Bellagio or a $1595 ticket that will give
you three free nights there. |
claim the free rooms you first register
for the show, then book
your rooms. T.R.A.F.F.I.C. will then issue a credit for each night that will appear on your room bill. Many
will be at the Bellagio the entire week.
T.R.A.F.F.I.C. West will again have two days or pre-show
Cabana Networking May 27 & May 28 that
I have always found to be worthwhile, so we will
into town early enough to take advantage of
those as well.

T.R.A.F.F.I.C. Co-Founder |
thing that has always set T.R.A.F.F.I.C.
apart is its single-minded focus on
domain investors. The arrival of
hundreds of new gTLDs has naturally
turned a lot of people's attention to new
registry operators but T.R.A.F.F.I.C.'s
focus remains the same. Schwartz underlined
that in his letter writing, "We are a domain name investment show. We don't focus on
registries or registrars but they are
always welcome to participate and provide
you valuable information for your
business. Their job is to focus on
us. Serve us and keep us in the loop.
Understand their role and respect the fact
that the choices are overwhelming and
there has to be a reason to do business. A
vision." Schwartz
added, "T.R.A.F.F.I.C. welcomes all gTLD companies to come and make
their case why YOU should invest with
THEM. They will have stage time to explain
their visions and talk intelligently to
the |
#1 domain investor group in the world. Those without answers need
not apply. We don't play games and we
don't play favorites. We open it up to
the way, this is the 10th anniversary
year for the pioneering conference that
staged the industry's first major
gathering back in October 2004 when
Schwartz and fellow T.R.A.F.F.I.C.
Co-Founder Howard Neu welcomed
their first guests to the debut
event in Delray Beach,
Florida. |
March 25, 2014)
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Returning in 2015 - Las Vegas Show Will Run
January 11-14 at the Tropicana Hotel
a very successful
show this past January at the Tropicana
Hotel in Las Vegas the NamesCon
conference today announced dates for
a return engagement in 2015 on
the show's Facebook
page. The conference will
return to the Tropicana for an event that
will get underway at 12 noon on Sunday,
January 11, 2015 and continue through Wednesday,
January 14. Ultra
low pricing was a key part of
NamesCon's winning formula in 2014 and it
looks like it will be again in 2015. They
have already put tickets on sale at an ICANN
49 special rate of just $199 through
April 1, 2014. After that you can
still snag a $299 Early Bird rate
through the end of May. |

Founder Richard Lau |
Founder Richard Lau will again host
the 2015 show. The domain industry
veteran, aided mightily by Jodi
Chamberlain and Jothan Frakes,
managed to pull factions from every corner
of the industry together for the crowd
pleasing multi-track inaugural
event that ran January 13-15,
2014. The organizers were able
to land six keynote speakers
and produce 30 business sessions
(featuring 100 speakers) in their
first trip around the track. The show also
featured a variety of social and
networking events that drew very favorable
was also able to secure an astonishing $79
a night room rate at the Tropicana Hotel.
2015 room rates are not yet available on
the NamesCon site and I will be surprised
if they are that low again. Prior to the
2014 show, the Tropicana had just finished
a major remodeling and
were cutting some great deals to get people
to sample the impressively revamped
facility. Even so, I would bet |
still manages to lock in a below market
rate for 2015. They have already shown the
Tropicana they are capable of bringing
hundreds of people from all over the
world to the property at the south end
of the Las Vegas Strip. While NamesCon had
over 500 people for their debut
show, they are expecting over 800 in
2015. |
March 24, 2014)
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Named in Domainers Choice Award Balloting -
Field Narrowed to Top Three in 16 Industry
first stage of balloting
for the 2014 Domainers
Choice Awards was completed
over the weekend with the field narrowed
to the top three nominees in
16 different industry categories.
The award winners will be selected in a
final round of voting that will run May
8 through May 30, 2014 (only
those who participated in the initial
round of balloting are eligible to vote in
the final round). To
insure fairness, the May balloting will be
handled by an independent third party, Votenet.com.
The winners will be announced and
recognized at a June 28th Awards
Dinner that will be held at the Dana
Point Yacht Club in Dana Point,
Calfornia. Tickets for that event are
now on sale and can be ordered online
through June 7, 2014. |
is a complete list of the final Domainer's
Choice Award nominees:
- Elliot Silver
- Frank Schilling
- Richard Lau
Industry Conference
- Namescon
- Domainfest
- Traffic
Industry Customer Service Rep
- Bari Meyerson
- Joe Higgins
- Paul Nicks
- Brian Gilbert
- Nat Cohen
- Phil Corwin
Domainer Resource
- DomainTools.com
- NameBio.com
- Whoisology.com
Domain Auctions
- GoDaddy.com
- Namejet.com
- Sedo
Domain Marketplace
- Sedo.com
- GoDaddy.com
- DomainNameSales.com
Domain Financial Service
- Escrow.com
- DomainCapital.com
- Agreed.com
Domain Publication
- DNJournal.com
- TheDomains.com
- DomainNameWire.com
Legal Services
- Zak Muscovitch
- John Berryhill
- Dave Winslow
Helpful Resource for Newcomers
- NamePros.com
- DomainSherpa.com
- DomainInvesting.com
Domain Industry Forum
- DNForum.com
- NamePros.com
- DomainState.com
Parking Solution
- InternetTraffic.com
- ParkingCrew.com
- RookMedia.net
Independent Broker
- Mike Robertson
- Ryan Colby
- Andrew Rosener
- DomainNameSales.com
- DomainAgents.com
- MediaOptions.com
March 24, 2014)
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Chance! DCA Nominations Close Saturday Night +
Southern California Domainers to Meet Again
& Larry Fischer Reels in Big Check for
is a final reminder
that nominations for the 2014 Domainers
Choice Awards close tomorrow
night (Saturday night, March 22) at
12 Midnight U.S. Eastern Time (9pm Pacific
time). The top three nominees in
each of 16 industry categories will
move on to the final round of balloting
that will run May 8-30. It
is also important to remember, as
I told you when nominations
opened two weeks ago, that if you do not
at least register
your email address at the DCA site during
this nomination phase, you will not be
able to vote in the final round of
balloting. So, do it now so you
will have a say in who takes home the
hardware! |

another important date, March 29, 2014,
especially for those who will be in the
Los Angeles area that night. That's
when the Southern
California Domainers Group
will hold their next meetup. The event
will get underway at 7pm at the Loews
Hollywood Hotel (located at 1755 N.
Highland Avenue in Hollywood) where
attendees will be treated to a talk from DNForum.com
owner Adam Dicker.
The Loews
Hollywood Hotel will also host the 2014 Domainfest
Conference that opens the following
Monday (March 31). If you happen to be
arriving in town for that show a couple of
days early, and act quickly, you
might be able to reserve a spot at the
Southern California Domainers meetup.
There is room for 65 guests and as of this
writing 57 spots were filled (you can see
who has already registered to attend in
the right hand column of the sign
up page). |
One other note
today - congratulations are in order
to veteran domain
investor/developer/broker Larry Fischer,
of GetYourDomain.com
who just co-brokered a massive sale of Chat.com
(Michael Berkens has more background
on the sale of this already well established
website in a post at TheDomains.com).
Fischer worked
with co-broker DigitalDNA
to sell the domain on behalf of CBS
Interactive. Unfortunately, the sales
price was subject to a non disclosure
agreement but there is little doubt the
price was measured in millions of
dollars. Over the years Fischer has
been involved in many other mega deals
that you probably haven't heard about
because transactions at these nose bleed
levels are almost always subject to NDAs.
Even so, make no mistake, Larry is one of
the best in the business at what he
does. He is also one of the nicest guys in
the industry, living proof that the old
adage, "nice guys finish last" is
a lie. |

GetYourDomain.com |
March 21, 2014)
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Day for Domain Registries! Neustar Buys .CO, TLD
Registry Takes Bow in Macau & Sun Rises on
What a big news day for domain
registries - one that culminated
late this afternoon, right after the stock
market closed, when Neustar
(operator of the .biz and .us
registries) announced
they have entered into a definitive
agreement to acquire .CO Internet S.A.S.,
the administrator of .CO domains.
for $109 million.
already had an existing partnership
with .CO Internet to provide back end
registry services and infrastructure
support - a contract that earned
$4 million in revenue last year. It
was also reported that .CO
exited 2013 with an annual revenue
run-rate of $21 million, so you can
see why Neustar valued .CO so highly. |
its global launch in 2010, the number of
.CO domains has grown to more than 1.6
million with registrants in over 200
countries and territories worldwide.

Diego Calle
CEO, .CO Internet S.A.S. |
remarkable growth of .CO (a TLD
assigned to Colombia that
re-launched as a global offering in
2010) is a credit to the
masterful marketing job done by CEO Juan
Diego Calle, VP Lori
Anne Wardi and and the entire
management team and staff at .CO
Internet. We have often pointed to
it as the "textbook"
example of how to launch a new TLD.
Hook, President and CEO at
Neustar said, "The
acquisition of .CO Internet is a
natural fit for us given our
successful partnership over the past
four years and our domain name
expertise. By combining .CO
Internet’s innovative domain
marketing capabilities with
Neustar’s distribution network and
technical resources, we will be able
to broaden our registry services and
the .CO brand worldwide, while
creating shareholder value.”
acquisition is subject to standard
closing conditions and is expected
to close within one month.
Following the acquisition, .CO
Internet, |
a wholly-owned subsidiary of Neustar,
will continue to manage the .CO
domain extensions from its
headquarters in Bogota, Colombia.
While Neustar
and .CO Internet S.A.S. are celebrating
their deal, the TLD
Registry team is in Macau
throwing a big party of their own
surrounding the launch of their two new
Chinese TLDs, Dot Chinese Online (.在线)
and Dot Chinese Website (.中文网).
The festivities there include a two-day
Landrush celebration and a
live/online hybrid premium
name auction tomorrow (March
21). .CLUB Domains (their strategic
partner) and Afilias are sponsoring
the auction event with all auction lots
online now at Sedo.

The new TLD Registry extensions got a very nice jump
start earlier this week when an
agreement was reached with the the Chinese
central government's own registrar that agreed
to buy 10,226 domain names
in each of TLD Registry's Chinese TLDs, one
meaning "online" (.在线)
and the other "website" (.中文网).

Registry CEO & Co-Founder Arto
(standing) with Chinese officials in Beijing who
signed a deal to buy over 10,000 domains
in each of TLD Registry's two new extensions.
The domain names
sold by TLD Registry include the names of every
city in China with populations of over
200,000 people, all 3,000 counties, all
provinces, all municipalities, all Special
Administrative Regions, and a number of key
locations such as mountains. In addition, names
such as "Invest in [Name of Place]",
"[Name of Place] Tourism", "[Name
of Place] Information" and "Place
[Transportation]" were included.

.XYZ Founder |
TLD Registry was getting their launch
party underway in Macau, the new .XYZ
Registry, founded by Daniel
Negari, celebrated the start
of .XYZ's Sunrise registration
period for trademark holders today. The
.XYZ Sunrise period, that ends on May
20, 2014, gives companies that have registered their marks with the Trademark Clearinghouse
(TMCH) the opportunity to register their corresponding
.XYZ names before the general public.
Following the sunrise,
.XYZ will have a 14-day Landrush Period where individuals, businesses,
and trademark holders alike can priority register domain names which were not taken during sunrise.
hundreds of new gTLDs coming online this
year, one of the biggest hurdles for new
registry operators is getting "shelf
space" at the leading registrars,
especially industry giant Go Daddy.
Negari has done very well on that front
with nearly 200 registrars around
the world agreeing to offer .XYZ domains,
including Go Daddy, Network
Solutions and 123-reg.
Registrations are also available |
through brand
protection agencies such as Corporation
Service Company (CSC) and MarkMonitor.
A list of .XYZ's featured registrar
partners can be found here. |
March 20, 2014)
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U.S. Exit Who Will Oversee the Internet Now?
Plus, What's Inside Frank Schilling's New Domain
Registration Service at Uniregistry.com?
the news broke
night (March 14, 2014)
that the U.S. Government was
planning to give up its oversight of
(the body that administers the
domain name system), the pros and
cons of the move have been discussed
and debated all over the Internet.
Even though ICANN policy can have a dramatic
impact on the fortunes of domain
investors, the majority of them
have never paid close attention to
the inner workings of the
organization (just about any
industry blogger will tell you that
a story with "ICANN" in
the headline generates considerably
fewer clicks than the average
topic). |

the news that the U.S. plans to loosen its
grip on ICANN (and by extension, The
Internet, itself) has been one of the few
exceptions because of the patriotic
overtones involved. Even so, a lot of
people I talk to are still primarily
interested in what the move means to
them and their business. On Monday,
the Wall Street Journal
published the best breakdown I've seen
thus far on how this development will (and
will not) change the Internet world we've
come to know and love. The piece by Gautham Nagesh
titled ICANN
101: Who Will Oversee the Internet?
covers everything from (for the complete
beginner) what ICANN is to when
the change in U.S. oversight will happen, what
happens after that and how
it will affect U.S. businesses and the
operation of the Internet. If
you are not an ICANN insider it is a good
way to get a handle on the basics
and decide whether or not this is an issue
you want to head to the front lines to
fight for or against (plenty of people are
already there and the battle will rage on
for some time to come as there are many
details still to be sorted out and
decided on).

Uniregistry Founder |
today, Frank
Schilling's new domain
registration service, Uniregistry.com,
has launched in Preview mode,
which has allowed some test users to
access the site with a password and
poke around ahead of the public
launch that could come at any time now.
I was able to do so last night and
found the site had a very clean,
easy to navigate interface that will
appeal to many domain investors.
are still being added to the site
ahead of the public debut so I can't
yet speak to whether or not
Uniregistry will have everything that
is important to me. However, the
fact that Frank is a domain investor
with a very large portfolio of his
own leads me to believe anything
that is important to domain
investors will likely get
incorporated at |
in fairly short order. History has
already shown us that his
domainer-friendly investment
background helped Frank develop disruptive
products in his previous service
offerings covering domain
monetization and sales (DomainNameSales.com). |
most large portfolio owners, I need a very
competitive wholesale price to help
ease the pain at annual renewal time. Bulk
pricing information is not yet posted on
the site, so, wanting to test
Uniregistry's Support response
anyhow, I used it to send a question on
how to get that information. I got a very
quick response from industry veteran Sevan
Derderian (who recently joined the
Uniregistry team). He said that for now
those interested in bulk pricing can send
an email to [email protected]
to get that information and that in the
near future a permanent link will be added
to the site's Contact section.
important to those who invest in a variety
of extensions (especially with the
flood of new gTLDs now arriving on the
scene) is having a registrar that supports
a wide variety of extensions. While
Uniregistry - again in Preview mode -
supports many both new and traditional
gTLDs (including their own new strings
like .tattoo and .sexy), I
immediately |

Uniregistry.com |
there was no support for ccTLDs.
So, I tried the Support system again and
again got a very quick response, this time
from Heather Pierre who assured me,
"We will be supporting
ccTLDs and they will be coming soon.
We have focused on launching with some of
the top TLDs along with some of the new
gTLDs, but will be offering other TLDs
shortly. If there are any particular
ccTLDs that you are interested please let
us know and we could possibly provide you
a better update as to when they would be
available." |

everything is not in place yet, it appears
to be on the way. I expect Uniregistry
will hit most, if not all, of the other
marks that are important to investors
including security and easy transfer in
and out options. Uniregistry is also
breaking some new ground by offering free
WhoIs privacy. It's not an important
feature to me as I don't use it, but it is
highly valued by many and could be a real money
saver for those who require it. |
By the way,
Uniregistry is the name of both Schilling's
new gTLD registry operator (which will
administer a number of strings with the next
five, including .link and .photo,
arriving in general availability April 15, 2014)
and his domain registration service.
The registrar has taken over Uniregistry.com
while the registry has moved over to Uniregistry.link.
3/19/14: The Uniregistry.com website
is now open to the public, so you
can check
it out for yourself.
March 18, 2014)
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Becomes the World's First City to Have its Own
TLD: Starting Tuesday Berliners Can Register
.BERLIN Domains
come the geos!
There has been a lot of debate about
which new gTLDs will have the
best chance to survive in the sea of
new domain extensions that has
started to form. However, many
industry observers believe that geodomains
- TLDs that represent a major
city or |
area - are about as close as you can
get to a perfect fit for new
TLDs. Like ccTLDs, but even
more localized, city domains like
.nyc, .berlin and .paris
will give local businesses,
service providers and individuals a
way to connect the dots between
their name and their location. |

of these new geo TLDs, like the one that
has the honor of being the first of its
kind to enter general availability -
.BERLIN - will be limited to
businesses and citizens (or those who
serve them) with local contact
information. Starting tomorrow (Tuesday,
March 18, 2014) |

Founder & CMO, InterNetX |
organizations and individuals can freely
register domains representing Germany's
capital city - a thriving metropolis of 3.4
million people.
Ali, founder and CMO of InterNetX,
a leading international registrar that is
based in Germany, believes .BERLIN
will be a big hit thanks to the
city's creativity and broad range of
startup companies (well over 500 at
last count). Ali noted, "Berlin is the hub of the innovative German IT scene and
is an
internationally known brand. Even during the pre-registration phase, .BERLIN was one of the most popular TLDs
among the hundreds of new
The idea of
a top-level domain devoted to the German capital has been on the table
1999. However, it would be another 13 years
before ICANN announced an application process
that opened the door for a huge wave of
new gTLDs. In January 2012, dotBerlin GmbH submitted the application for
.BERLIN and on January 8, 2014 www.nic.berlin launched as the first page with a .BERLIN ending. This was
followed by a Sunrise period for trademark
holders, and now, starting tomorrow,
.BERLIN registrations open to all
Berliners. |
can learn more about .BERLIN domains at this
page dedicated to the new TLD: www.internetx.berlin.
March 17, 2014)
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Think a Good Domain Name Is Expensive? How About
a Mobile Phone Number That Sold for $2.12
Million This Month!
domain afterrmarket
has been enjoying a resurgence in recent
weeks. In the past two weeks alone we have
reported the sales of Whisky.com at
million, Youxi.com
("games" in Chinese) at $2,430,000
and 37.com at $1,960,800.
Nosebleed territory for sure, but
how |

Money image from Bigstock |
of you k new that some mobile phone
numbers also sell at stratospheric levels,
just like the best domain names? A
perfect example of that came last week
when the United Arab Emirates mobile
phone number 050-777-7777 was sold
in an auction for a mind-bending Dhs
7.82 million which comes out to $2,120,000
at today's exchange rate. Why is that such
a good number combination? To dial a
mobile number within the UAE, you dial 050
and then the number. The string of seven
lucky 7's should be self explanatory. A
News! report on the March 8
sale said the multi-millionaire Emirati
buyer did not wish to be identified (no
wonder, since everyone now knows
his phone number can you imagine how many
people are already trying to call him)! |
it was the most expensive one, that was not the
only high dollar mobile phone number purchased
in the auction of "VIP" numbers
released by UAE mobile service provider Etisalat.
A total of 70 mobile phone numbers were put up
for bid in a sale that generated more than Dhs
20 million ($5.44 million). While
$2.12 million for a mobile phone number is mind
boggling, 050-777-7777 came with some extra
perks. Etisalat also gave the buyer 22,500
local minutes per month for two years, 2,250
international minutes per month over the same
time frame and 100GB of data per month
for two years. In addition, 22,500 local
text messages and 300 incoming roaming
minutes per month for two years were included in
the deal. Hey, for $2.12 million why put any
restrictions on it - give the guy unlimited
talk and text - heck, I get that on my $79
plan! P.S.
Hat tip to George Hong for the lead on
this story.
March 14, 2014)
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Auctions Steps Back Up to the Plate With 2nd
Major Domain Auction That Opened Today
Auctions (HA.com)
became the first
major mainstream auction house to sell domain
names last
fall when they held their
inaugural domain auction and racked up over
$1.5 million in sales. Now they are
back with their second |
domain auction that got underway
today with more than 100
high end names on the block, including Tablets.com,
Future.com, LK.com, Digital.com,
DEC.com and Cola.com, to name
just a few. You can view
the full catalog here. Most
names have reserves that will be made
public for everyone to see seven days
before the auction. There are also some
names that have no reserve price. The new
online only auction will conclude at
2pm (U.S. Central Standard Time) on Wednesday,
April 9, 2014.

Meystedt, Founder & Director,
Domain Name & Intellectual
Property Division
Heritage Auctions (HA.com) |
Meystedt, the Founder and
Director of HA's new Domain
Name & Intellectual Property
Division, told us,
"The domaining community might
be curious as to why some names made
the auction and others did not. The
ultimate goal is to build this
division to where our client base of
over 850,000 affluent buyers
is excited about domain names. So,
you will notice many names that fit
the departments on the HA.com
website - coins,
currency, art, wine, comics, gold,
silver. Those are all categories
with affluent buyers."
also noted, "We picked less
ecommerce names this time and more
generic branding names that are
perfect for naming a company, a
product or a service. I
tried to select names that didn’t
require the pitch related to domain
investing and monetization - names
that our clients may like to buy and
use right away."
"With that said, there are
great deals for domainers in this
auction," Meystedt, who is
a |
investor himself, added. "There
are over 10 three-letter .com
domains and nearly all of them
are at prices domain investors would
like. There are some solid
names for development as well as a
huge geographic name at a bargain
price, in my opinion. So, yes,
there are names for investors
in this auction!" |
March 12, 2014)
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Opened Today for the 2014 Domainers's Choice
Awards - Winners to be Chosen in 16 Industry
for the 2014
Domainer's Choice Awards
opened today and will remain open until
midnight March 22, 2014. DCA
Founder Donna Mahony of DomainBoardroom.com
is bringing back the awards program for
the first time since 2008 when winners
were recognized at that year's Domainfest
Global conference in Los Angeles. The
DCA program is getting an extensive and
impressive overhaul for 2014. In a first
for any industry awards program, a third
party, Votenet.com, will tabulate
and verify the final round of balloting in
16 different categories
with the winners to be recognized at a
June 28th ceremony in Dana Point,
Calfornia. |

order to nominate
a person or individual you must register
with your email address (you email address will
be kept private and no other information
is required to register). After nominations
close on March 22, the top three
vote getters in each category will move on to
the finals. That final round of
balloting, overseen by Votenet.com, will run
from May 8 to May 30, 2014.
This is important:
If you do not register during the nomination
round (by March 22), you will not be
able to vote in the final round - so go ahead
and register
now if you want a say in who takes
home the trophies.
March 8, 2014)
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the House That Domains Built: Frank Schilling
Opens the Doors to His Grand Cayman Home
Financial Times published a
very nice profile
of legendary domain investor Frank
Schilling today. The article focuses
primarily on Frank's more recent
starring role as a leading provider of
domain services through DomainNameSales.com,
his new gTLD registry operator - Uniregistry.com,
and his soon to be launched domain
registration service - Uniregistrar.com. Most
of our readers are already familiar with
Frank's domain exploits (he was profiled
it two DN Journal Cover
Stores, the first in 2007
and another in 2012
that covered his bold move into providing
services for his fellow investors). So, it
is likely the most interesting part of the
new story to you will be the fascinating
look into Frank's family life and
his gorgeous waterfront home on Grand
Cayman that was captured in the
article's photos. It
is an inspiring view of what is
possible when a bright man with a good
heart and a passion for his work meets the
right opportunity (an opportunity
presented by domains - a
business that Schilling
believes still offers great
opportunity to build new fortunes in
the year's ahead). |

Uniregistry.com Founder Frank
beloved as Schilling is in the domain
community, when anyone has had the kind of
astounding success he has had, some around
him will be afflicted with jealousy -
that's just human
nature. However, even at this stage of the
game, I still haven't met anyone who more
people have been happy to see
succeed (and wish even greater success
to) than Frank. You can chalk that up to a
humble nature and never forgetting where
he came from (in case you didn't know
already, he did not have a lot of
money before he found his calling in this
business). |

Before he
arrived in this industry Schilling had
tried his hand at real estate, then the electronics business and
even selling wholesale glass, but in domains
the former film student found the opportunity
he had been looking for.
Though he has
already scored incredibly big as a
domain investor, Schilling believes the
best is yet to come by producing new
names (TLDs) and offering them to a
market that he believes still has enormous
room for growth. Schilling told
Financial Times reporter Christopher
Kompanek, "“Only 1% of the
(world's) population owns a domain name – some own more than one. I have hundreds of thousands of domain names, and I’m one man. I’m betting that there might be interest for
2-3% of people to have them. Somebody has to
make those names for the residents of the future. There aren’t enough good ones in the spaces that are already held.”
Now we
could sit here all day and argue whether
or not new gTLDs are the answer
residents of the future will be looking
for (if you read the blogs, you know that
many spend their days doing just that, and
that's fine - it's an entertaining
debate). Still, even if you think he is
making a huge mistake, don't you have to
admire a man who is willing to put his
money (tens of millions of dollars worth
of it) where he truly believes the future
is? |
he's right, I'm pretty sure people will be
happy for him, just as they are now, and
if he turns out to be wrong - even if he
loses his last penny - I'm 100%
sure he will still have a huge circle of
friends and admirers who won't forget how
he treated people on his way up the
ladder. He's earned that, an asset
you can't put a price on, and that's why
Schilling will still be a rich man no
matter how this movie ends. |
March 7, 2014)
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the Hits Just Keep on Coming! 37.Com Sold to
Chinese Company for Nearly $2 Million
in our latest weekly domain
sales report, I told you about
the first two 7-figure domain sales
reported this year - Whisky.com at $3.1
million and Youxi.com
("games" in Chinese) at CNY
15 million which equals $2,430,000
at current exchange rates (in case you
missed it, the remarkable full story of the
Whisky.com sale by the Castello
Brothers is detailed in our
current Cover
Story). |
less than 24 hours later, we have
confirmed a third blockbuster
7-figure sale. A Chinese maker of browser
based games, 37Wan, announced they
purchased 37.com for CNY 12
million, which comes to $1,960,800
as of this writing (the seller is believed
to be a U.S. company incorporated in
Delaware that holds many other prime
numeric domain names). |
Asian market expert, George Hong, spotted the first
report of the sale today on Chinese
news site Sohu.com, who noted that the
purchase price is a drop in the bucket for 37Wan
as the company is believed to have earned a profit
of around $36 million in 2013. Hong
then located a much more detailed follow up report
at another popular Chinese news site, EEYY.com,
complete with photos from a celebratory
"brand launch" press conference
hosted by 37Wan co-founders, Mr. Li Yifei
and Mr. Zeng Kaitian, that also
featured a number of Chinese movie stars. Mr.
said that upgrading the company's domain from
37Wan.com to 37.com was important for several
reasons (the word "wan" means play
in Chinese). One, it is easier to remember
and thus easier for new players to find on the
web. Two, the company is expanding into global
markets and 37wan.com would not have been
easily understood by international audience. And
three, they noted the greater success two other
Chinese companies, JD.com and VIP.com,
achieved after upgrading to those short
acronyms, further encouraging them to change the name to

Hong |
other note, if you are a regular reader
you have been seeing Mr. Hong's name in
our reports frequently since George (who
is originally from China), started helping
us uncover and confirm domain sales in the
rapidly growing Asian market. For those of
you who do not already know him, George is
the President and CEO of premium domain
brokerage company Guta.com.
George is also a math whiz, holding both bachelors
and masters degrees in
mathematics. He also passed his PhD
qualifying exam before the growth of the
Internet caught his attention and prompted
him to switch to IT and domains. Math's
loss and our gain! |
March 6, 2014)
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2014 SXSW Interactive Festival Begins Friday -
Sedo's Jeremiah Johnston Set to Speak About New
gTLDs on Monday
huge SXSW
Interactive Festival begins
its five-day 2014 run Friday (March
7) at the Austin Convention Center in Austin,
Texas. Sedo's
long time General Counsel Jeremiah
Johnston will be in Austin to talk
about new gTLDs in a session titled
Discussion’s Over: New Domains Are Here
that will be held at 12:30pm CST Monday,
March 10 in Ballroom E. Johnston
has been with Sedo since 2004 and served
five years as Chief Operating Officer and
head of marketing until 2011. He also
represents Sedo as a founding member of
the Internet
Commerce Association (ICA),
now in its sixth year, and sits on the
Board of Directors in the role of
association President, working to shape
the future of domain names in the
regulatory and political space. The
program synopsis for Johnston's
SXSW session notes, "Years
of discussion and debate have come to a
close and a historic expansion of the
Internet is underway. The domains
we've become accustomed to since the
Internet’s birth – extensions like .com,
.net and .org – are no
longer the only game in town. New
top-level domains (TLDs) have started
to launch for business and personal use,
and hundreds should be available by
year’s end. This session will help you
understand new TLDs, explain why you
should care, and give you everything you
need so you're not left behind by those in
the know. With
new TLD developments happening daily,
you’ll hear the latest news and learn
about unique issues that accompany their
launch such as string contentions,
Internationalized Domain Names, the debate
over open and closed registries and how to
beat the crowd for the best new domains.
You’ll get practical advice about when
you should spend money on domains that
will advance your brand, and when you
should – or shouldn’t – invest in
defensive registrations." |

Sedo General Counsel

March 4, 2014)
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Swallows SnapNames, Afilias Gets .Green &
Domains90210 Opens Auction Site Based in Beverly
we were heading into the weekend
rumors began circulating that Web.com
had purchased domain auction platform SnapNames
from Luxembourg-based KeyDrive S.A.
The news became official today when
Web.com confirmed
the acquisition of SnapNames at an
undisclosed price (Web.com did say the company expects this
transaction to be immaterial to
2014 financial results.) SnapNames,
established in 2000, offers daily
online auction sales of expiring, deleting
and privately-

domain names. KeyDrive had acquired both
SnapNames and registrar Moniker.com from
Oversee.net two years ago. Web.com
already shares ownership of another major
domain auction platform, NameJet,
with DemandMedia's Rightside unit
and owns registrars NetworkSolutions
and Register.com outright. |
least for now, SnapNames and NameJet will
continue to operate as separate
entities. In a letter to clients this
morning, SnapNames CEO Craig Snyder
wrote, "As we move ahead in the |

L. Brown
Chairman, President & CEO, Web.com |
of the two businesses, we ask that all
current SnapNames customers and partners
continue to use their existing contacts.
SnapNames and Moniker will continue to
cooperate similarly to how they have in
the past. Domain names currently
accessible through the Moniker interface
will remain accessible through that
interface. We will promptly
communicate any changes as they are made
available. For support contacts, hours and
portal access please continue to visit: Snapnames.com/support.jsp.
Chairman, CEO & President David L.
Brown said, “We are very pleased to
bring SnapNames under the Web.com umbrella.
This acquisition enables us to enhance our
existing domain related assets and provide
additional services for customers who are
looking for specific domain name
addresses. In today’s expanding domain
resale marketplace, SnapNames is a global
industry leader with experience and
expertise in domain lifecycle management
and auction services.” |
In another
notable marriage of a different kind,
registry operator Afilias
has won the hand of the coveted .green
new gTLD. TheDomains.com
reported this morning that DemandMedia's
United TLD Holdco Ltd withdrew their
application for .green, leaving Afilias as
the sole applicant for the
extension (this after another suitor, Minds
+ Machines, dropped out of what had
been a three-way auction last week).
Afilias had to pay undisclosed but
substantial sums (believed to be in seven
figures) to the parties that agreed to
withdraw from the auction, clearing their
path to what looks to be one of the most
attractive new gTLDs. |


One other
note today, Beverly Hills, California
domains sales platform Domains90210.com
has debuted a new auction format on
the site. Listings are currently names
held by Domains90210 founder Claude
Dauman, who has been building online
businesses since 1996. |
a post on his blog
Friday, Dauman noted the 1,400 listings On
Domains90210 feature a number of 2-letter
acronyms, including PJ.net, MH.net,
UF.net, Be.tv, PO.tv
and HV.tv, as well as many 3-letter
acronyms, single word and two word
category defining domain names. |
March 3, 2014)
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you've been out of the loop lately, catch up in the Lowdown
We need your help to keep giving domainers The
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include the source of your information so we can check it out (for
example a URL if you read it in a forum or on a site
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