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November 01, 2014

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The Lowdown is compiled by DN Journal Editor & Publisher Ron Jackson.

Photos and Highlights from Opening Night at the 2014 T.R.A.F.F.I.C. East Conference at the Fontainebleau Hotel in Miami Beach 

The 10th anniversary edition of the T.R.A.F.F.I.C. conference got underway tonight with a scintillating opening night outdoor welcoming party at the Fontainebleau Hotel in Miami Beach. This after the day began with another round of pre-show cabana networking with coffee and danish already laid out for early birds at 9am.

Early birds could pick up a a cup of coffee and a danish before visiting the cabanas that circle the central serving station in the middle of T.R.A.F.F.I.C.'s  private pool at the Fontainebleau Hotel

By mid-day T.R.A.F.F.I.C. guests were arriving from around the world. Left to right above are Scott Smith, Diana Jackson, Barbara Neu, Gregg McNair, Judi Berkens & Michael Berkens.

Below: Industry veteran Mike Robertson (left), who recently moved from Australia to Florida to take a new position with DNC Holdings, visits with T.R.A.F.F.I.C. Co-Founder Rick Schwartz.

Below: Inside one of the poolside cabanas two of the T.R.A.F.F.I.C. models paid a visit to (left to right) Mr. Khoa who came from Viet Nam, Richard Pierce, Eddie Sixto and Logan Flatt.

At 4pm an orientation session for first time T.R.A.F.F.I.C. attendees was held in a Fontainebleau ballroom. A highlight was the first screening of a 20-minute film produced by Danny Pryor that covered the entire 10-year history of the pioneering domain conference. 

A scene from the new T.R.A.F.F.I.C. history film that was screened for the 
first time during a pre-show orientation session this afternoon.

At 5:30pm T.R.A.F.F.I.C. East 2014 officially got underway with a lavish opening night welcome party held on an outdoor deck overlooking the T.R.A.F.F.I.C. cabana and pool area on one side and the Atlantic Ocean on the other. The party featured a spectacular mix of live music, a seemingly endless buffet of great food and an assortment of delicious drinks.

Above: The dessert table at tonight's T.R.A.F.F.I.C. Welcome Party.

Below: Chad Folkening and Michael Castello ready to get the party started.

Below: As night fell guests were busy chatting or dancing the night away. This deck stretched back about 100 yards with private seating areas on both sides, making it impossible to capture the full crowd in one photo. 

Above: Those enjoying T.R.A.F.F.I.C.'s opening night party included (L to R) Larry Fischer, Kirsten Szymczyk (GoDaddy), Dante DeAngelis, Tessa Holcomb, Alan Hack and Ron Jackson.

Below: Marty Kaulins and Ilze Kaulins-Plaskacz with long time friend and Escrow.com President Brandon Abbey.

Delray Beach based Domain Holdings was represented by an all-star team in (L to R) Alan Dunn, Tracy Fogarty, Mark Daniels and Joe Udemme.

On Friday the first full business day at T.R.A.F.F.I.C. East will get underway at 9:45am (you can see the full schedule here). I'll have Friday photos & highlights for you in my next post from Miami Beach.

(Posted Oct. 30, 2014)

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