I first got into the domain business
over a decade ago, one of the first people
I came across was Luc Lezon, a
software wizard who, after initially
starting out as a domain investor himself,
switched his attention to creating
tools that made it easier for other
domain investors to find quality domain
names. He is still at it today as the
programmer behind Estibot, |
Domain ResearchTool and a few other
domain services and just a few weeks ago
he rolled out his "masterpiece"
- Dropping.com.
you consider that over a quarter of a
million domains get dropped and
auctioned every day you can see why
powerful tools are indispensable if
you want to separate the wheat from tons
of chaff. Over the past 10 years
Lezon has devoted his life to building
those tools. "My passion is in software
and increasing efficiency through
automation," Lezon told me.
"I love creating tools that save
people time and make their lives more
productive." |

used Lezon's tools in the past I was especially
interested in seeing what he had come up with at
Dropping.com. I got a chance to open my
account and explore the new system over the
weekend and it is a thing of beauty with
a super clean intuitive interface that
makes it a breeze to access the stunning
amount of expiring domain and auction data that
Dropping.com puts at your fingertips. One
thing that impressed me before I even logged
in was the well crafted explanation of why
dropping domains can provide outstanding
value, not only to domain investors, but
also end users, website owners and SEO and SEM
professionals. Many points made on the
Dropping.com home page (and in a more detailed
account the Home Page links
to) could be used in explaining why
domains you have for sale are worth paying a
premium price for. 
shot from the Dropping.com Home Page Once
you log in, the pleasant surprises continue. The
first time you access the system a pop up box
will ask what kinds of domains you are
looking for (for example, resale potential,
parking revenue, traffic for SEO or SEM
purposes, etc.) and what you do in the
industry (for example, domain investor, SEO
or SEM expert or website owner). With that
information Dropping.com then automatically sets
up filters, custom reports and data feeds to
match your needs. It literally takes just a
minute or two to get up and running. Lezon
said he had simplicity and easy accessibility
in mind from the start. "The biggest
challenge was providing access to the data without
confusing or overwhelming the user,"
Lezon said. "Our customers include domain
investors, web site owners and SEO/SEM experts,
so they all have very unique needs. We
have a ton of data going back close to a
decade, but data has to be presented properly
to be of any use."
presentation element is what took the
longest time in Dropping.com. Figuring out
what to show, how to show it, and what to
leave out is extremely challenging. Making
sure reports |
up fast, and include up to date
information is also a challenge,
because we store various data on
approximately 200 million domains.
We are constantly working on ways to
simplify the service without taking away
from the data sets." As
soon as you access the well laid out Dashboard
(through the My Account menu link)
you see that Lezon accomplished his
mission for Dropping.com. A box in the
upper right corner of the dashboard tells
you how long it will be until the next
drop, along with a link to the most recent
drop results, including who caught
the names. That
is followed by a very interesting Daily
Summary showing how many
auctions/drops are ending that day, how
many have resale value, how many have
backlinks, how many have page rank, how
many have a high CPC and how many have
active bidders. When you click on the
number for any of those metrics it brings
up a complete list of the domains
fitting that description. Clicking on a
name will bring up a box that includes
estimated end user value, estimated
monthly traffic and estimated revenue for
both parking and minisite options. There
is also a box listing the Dropping.com's
top picks from among the names
scheduled to fall in the next drop. They
also have a graph that tracks how
successful each of the top drop catchers
are so you will know who gives you the
best chance of landing a name you want. |

boxes on the right side of the
Dropping.com Dashboard page. |
other things the Dashboard allows you to set up daily
email alerts and watch lists as well as
download entire zone files for your
favorite extensions. There is also a lead
generator that identifies potential end
user buyers for your names, a
registrant research tool that includes historical
whois data and a drop estimator that
tells you the day and time a name your are
interested in is due to drop. When
you click the Domains link on the Menu
bar you get a live feed (from auction and
expiring sources you select) that brings up
detailed information on a huge variety of
available domains, including where they can be
acquired, Estibot's estimated retail value, the
current bid price and number of bids, how often
the term is searched, the cost per click value,
the age of the domain, Alexa ranking and more.
Live Feeds screen at Dropping.com has
detailed data
on all domains that meet your search
Industry Reports Menu item gives you a
breakdown of the too drop catchers, who caught
domains that dropped, how many domains are being
registered in a variety of popular extensions
and aftermarket sales results (with graphs
showing the cumulative sales volume and price). Different
people will have different needs, so
Dropping.com has set up three
tiers of service that allow you to
pay for only what you need. The Basic service
(aimed at new domain investors and website
owners) is $49.95 a month. The Intermediate
level (designed for part-time domain investors
and beginning SEO/SEM users) is $99.95 a
month and the Advanced level (for
full-time domain investors and experienced SEO/SEM
users) is $149.95 monthly. You can try
before you buy as all three plans offer a 7-day
free trial. Just use the FREE7 code
when you sign up. Dropping.com
also offers its members an affiliate program
so you can make money, quite possibly more than
enough to pay for your own subscription, by
putting the affiliate link on your own