
Here's the The Lowdown
from DN Journal,
updated daily
fill you in on the latest buzz going around the domain name industry.
The Lowdown is
compiled by DN Journal Editor & Publisher Ron
Jackson. |

Cyger Reaches a Major Milestone as
DomainSherpa.com Posts Its 100th Show
Michael Cyger
launched the video interview site DomainSherpa.com
a little less than two years ago (on February 9,
2011), it quickly became clear that an important
new domain industry resource had arrived.
Michael knew the best way to get reliable,
useful information was to get it straight from
the horse's mouth. So he began lining up one
pioneering domain investor, developer or
industry leader after another to sit for in-depth
video interviews that others could learn
from. Even
though we live in a short attention span
society, Cyger refused to cut corners. If it
took an hour (and often more) to get all of the
valuable information he wanted to get on the
record, he took the time to do it. I always
thought that was the right choice. Even
though most people prefer quick soundbites, how
serious can you be about succeeding in this
business if you can't spend an hour or so
listening to what someone who has already
been there and successfully done that has to
say? Consider his now massive video interview
library to be a college course in domaining without
the tuition fee!

is an excellent interviewer whose main objective
is always to zero in on what his subject
can share with viewers that will help them make
more money in their own businesses. With the
time that Michael (and Wayne Nelson,
the producer he brought on board to help last
year), put into show prep time as well as the
production of each video, I don't think that
anyone expected that now - before DomainSherpa
has even reached its 2nd birthday, it would have
100 quality interviews available
on the site.
hit the century mark yesterday (Monday,
Jan. 21) when Michael posted an interview he did
with me just a few days earlier. It was the
second time that Cyger turned the tables
on me by having me answer questions
rather than ask them. He first did it in March
2011, shortly after launching the
site and I was honored to be asked back for show
time around we talked a lot about the
current state of the domain aftermarket
and the prospects for 2013 -
including how the impending arrival of
hundreds of new gTLDs may affect
things. When we recorded the show I had
not yet broken down all of our 2012 domain
sales data to see how the year stacked up
against the previous one. I did that in
the days that followed and the results are
detailed in our latest monthly
newsletter that went out to opt-in
subscribers by email yesterday. |

domain market had its
pluses and its minuses in 2012.
Split decision image from Bigstock |
The bottom
line was that median domain sales
prices rose in 2012 even though the
total dollar volume of sales reported to
us was down due to fewer
blockbuster sales at the ultra high end of
the market (only two reached seven figures
in 2012). The most encouraging thing we
saw in the numbers was a solid surge in
sales in the most recent quarter - 4Q-2012.
If that trend continues in the New Year,
2013 may be the turnaround year
we've all been waiting for since the Great
Recession reined in a booming domain
sales trends will continue to fluctuate,
based on Michael Cyger's track record to
date, I expect |
video library to do what it has done over
the past two years - rapidly expand - and
that will pay big dividends to
viewers who wants to learn more about the
ever changing, but always exciting, domain
business. |
(Posted January
22, 2013)
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