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The Lowdown

June 16, 2008 Post

Here's the The Lowdown from DNJournal.com! Updated daily to fill you in on the latest buzz going around the domain name industry!

Compiled by Ron Jackson (Editor/Publisher)


Verisign has just released their latest quarterly Domain Name Industry Brief covering the first three months of 2008. The operator of the .com and .net registries said it added 14 million

domain names in 1Q-2008 as the total number of registered domain names in all TLDs worldwide crossed the 162 million mark. That is a 26% jump over the same quarter last year and a 6% increase over the previous quarter (4Q-2007). 

The Verisign report said ccTLDs were becoming increasingly important as Internet usage soars in emerging regions around the globe. With more than 

63 million ccTLD registrations now in place, the growth in country code extensions surpassed the overall growth rate, jumping 33% over the same quarter in 2007 and 9% over the previous quarter. Verisign said "The ccTLD growth was driven by a few ccTLDs that experienced remarkable double digit growth quarter over quarter, including .pl (Poland), .cn (China), .es (Spain), .ru (Russian Federation) and .fr (France)."

Verisign also singled out India as another example of exploding growth outside the U.S. The country has 41 million Internet users (ranking 8th in the world), yet that number represents just 4% of India's population, leaving enormous room for further expansion. At the end of the fi rst quarter of 2008, there were 1.2 million domain name registrations in India across all TLDs, a 46% jump from one year ago and 12% higher than the previous quarter. Of these registrations, approximately 685,000 are .com and .net domains and 410,000 are .in domains, representing India's country code. 
(Posted June 16, 2008) 

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