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Sedo's Dave Evanson Tops The Domain Sales Chart Again + Huge NDA Sale Brings Home the Bacon 

Last week I hosted three State of the Industry panel discussions at the 2021 NamesCon Online conference, including one that featured some of the industry's leading Domain Brokers. That panel included Sedo Senior Broker Dave Evanson who has logged so many chart topping sales over the years I've lost count. In fact, when I introduced Dave in that session, I joked that he visited our charts so often we keep a spare bedroom just for him at our office! I barely got the words out of my mouth before Dave was back in touch after the conference to let me know he had just closed a whopping $450,000 sale of ZAG.com! So, yep, once again, he is the King of the Hill on our latest bi-weekly all extension Top 20 Sales Chart. That also ranks as the second biggest sale reported so far in 2021 (only Rick Schwartz's blockbuster sale of GoBet.com at $850,000 has been higher).


On another front, while we rarely report on sales made under non-disclosure agreements (because they can't be charted and no one other than the parties directly involved, knows what the price was), we do occasionally make an exception. One of those rare exceptions happened at the start of this week when three of the industry's all-time top brokers handled the sale of one the best domains on the Internet - Home.com. Long-time partners Larry Fischer (GetYourDomain.com) and Ari Goldberger (DomainsForSale.com) represented the seller (Anything.com) while Andrew Miller (ATMHoldings.com) represented the buyer, the Fairway Independent Mortgage Company, who is already putting that great name to use

While Ari and Larry could only confirm the sale was made they were barred from even hinting at the price but this one of those domains that some would argue is priceless. I am virtually certain that if the price was 





     By Ron Jackson

released it would rank among the ten biggest cash domain sales ever reported. At this point in time that would put it between the $6.7 million paid for #10 Z.com and the $30 million paid for #1 Voice.com. Whatever the number was, it was no doubt a true blockbuster and we couldn't be happier to see Larry, Ari and Andrew log their latest landmark sale.

(Left to right): Larry Fischer, Ari Goldberger and Andrew Miller

Speaking of landmark sales, some new details emerged this week about the 2015 sale of Lending.com. While the price was never announced, master domain sleuth George Kirikos uncovered some interesting evidence in SEC filings that strongly indicates the buyer paid $5,422,000 for that domain. You can read what George found in this Twitter thread. The buyer has not given confirmation of the price but if they do we will place that sale on the appropriate charts in our Domain Sales Archive.

Now, back to the immediate business at hand in what has been a very busy couple of weeks. While the .coms again took the majority of positions on the new Top 20 Chart, they ran into much stiffer competition than usual, including a ccTLD onslaught that put six country code domains on the elite list. The $50,000 sale of #2 Domain.io by Mark Ghoriafi at MrPremium.com led the ccTLD charge. The non .com gTLDs also showed strength with a trio of domains on the honor roll, led by Sedo's $20,000 sale of #8 Sin.net

Meanwhile, the .coms kept scoring with hits like the $39,995  sale of BeElectric.com that Hiren Patel at Quality Names made via Afternic. Hiren said he bought the name for just $860 a little over a year ago! You might recall that Hiren is also the guy who sold ElectricCars.com for $180,000 last year.

Another especially interesting thing on this week's chart - by now you have probably heard a lot of chatter about the new social media app, Clubhouse (an audio only platform that currently requires an invitation and is only available for the iPhone). A lot of domain people are raving about how Clubhouse can bring the industry much wider recognition and also boost domain sales. Right on cue, the first charted domain sales ever transacted via Clubhouse are on this week's chart. NamesCon President Soeren von Varchmin sold #18 Greece. de for $13,246 with 100% of the proceeds from the domain he donated going to the EFK.org (Entrepreneurs For Knowledge) school foundation that NamesCon supports. In a second Clubhouse sale, Aishwin Vikhona sold #20 RL.org to MediaOptions.com Founder Andrew Rosener for $13,000. It does look like this Clubhouse thing could be the start of something very big (as you will see the in Non .Com gTLD section of this article later - Clubhouse is also having a huge impact on the sale of premium .CLUB domains).

Here's a look at how all of the sales leaders stacked up for the two weeks ending Sunday, January 31, 2021:

The DN Journal Top 20 
Highest Reported Domain Sales - Mon. Jan. 18, 2021 - Sun. Jan. 31, 2021
(Foreign currency to U.S. Dollar Conversions Based on Rates in Effect Feb. 3, 2021)



Sold For

Where Sold

1. ZAG.com $450,000 Sedo
2. Domain.io $50,000 MrPremium.com
3. BeElectric.com $39,995 QualityNames/Afternic
4. BetterCare.com $30,000 Sedo
5. 31op.com $29,500 SnapNames
6. LGW.com $26,500 Sedo
7. Flitterwochen.de
("honeymoon" in German)
€20,000 = $24,000 Sedo
8. Shes.com $22,722 NameJet
9. Sin.net $20,000 Sedo
GolfNews.com €15,000 = $18,000 Sedo
Pay.do $18,000 Sedo
Tourist.it €15,000 = $18,000 Sedo
13. NHood.com $17,850 Shane Kinsch
BetBuy.com $15,000 Sedo
Fook.com $15,000 Sedo
Limitless.net $15,000 Sedo
17. Digitale.com $14,522 NameJet
18. Greece.de $13,246 Clubhouse
19. Invest.es €11,000 = $13,200 Sedo
20. RL.org $13,000 Clubhouse

Keep in mind that these are the highest value cash only sales that have been reported to us in the past week. This column is meant to be an educational tool, not a complete list documenting ALL high value domain sales. Such a list is impossible to produce because many sales are kept private at the insistence of buyers, sellers or both. Our procedure for verifying the accuracy of domain sales reports is available here.

CLICK HERE for our Year-To-Date Top Sales Charts
Click Link Below for
The All-Time Top 20 All-Cash Domain Sales Reported By DNJournal.com
 (2003 to Now)
HealthInsurance Services, Inc
eHealthInsurance Services, Inc
eHealthInsurance Services, Inc

There were 12 more five-figure sales off the chart led by Sedo's sales of Seagreen.com at $13,000, MUX.org at $12,999 and CelebrityAgent.com at $12,600. Sedo added $12,500 each for Safir.com and YJHFW.net, and another $12,000 apiece for three more - Comunit.com, Favi.de amd FFP2.de.

GoDaddy booked $12,058 for Mob.tv while SnapNames sold YH123.com for $12,022 and 63388.com for $10,240. In addition to the two they had on the chart, NameJet notched another one with ICTSD.org at $10,500

.Com Supporting Cast

Sedo led the .com supporting cast of four-figure sales with a $9,900 sale of MarketingAdvisor.com. They added $9,618 for Peached.com, $9,360 for Junited.com and $9,335 for GCNTech.com. The hits just kept on coming with WrestlingEdge.com at $9,000, Kulibaev.com at $8,500 and three others - CodeSync.com, IPMed.com and Marbled.com - at $8,000 apiece.

Tevio.com tacked on $7,950, Illig.com commanded $7,800 and Arnolds.com kicked in $7,750. Carefi.com fetched another $7,700 and Blasty.com blew through $7,420. Sedo had 84 more four-figure .com sales ranging from $2,000 to $7,000 that are listed in the table below:

Additional Sedo .com Sales Between $2,000 - $7,000

e-fleet.com $7,000


cryptowhite.com $3,000
katoon.com $6,500 defitoday.com $3,000
andsisters.com $6,165 lifemedicine.com $3,000
jungl.com $6,000 samedayfurniture.com $3,000
pixagon.com $6,000 selfstoragedepot.com $3,000
gangland.com $5,866 vip-club.com $3,000
binanceus.com $5,800 soorce.com $2,995
42dot.com $5,760 universityofhunting.com $2,988
malawigold.com $5,500 usxd.com $2,988
campella.com $5,400 techfors.com $2,888
s-ray.com $5,395 megawide.com $2,799
bussimulator.com $5,300 brandip.com $2,750
yourator.com $5,250 hardworku.com $2,750
deimer.com $5,000 velikden.com $2,724
winetaster.com $5,000 jlabel.com $2,700
thefuror.com $4,888 rakiza.com $2,699
evolvesummit.com $4,880 fitnesshome.com $2,682
linkstack.com $4,800 agobay.com $2,640
24slots.com $4,777 fuckforfree.com $2,640
toptom.com $4,488 roysgrill.com $2,599
japanesewhiskey.com $4,250 trackpanda.com $2,595
interzero.com $4,000 claso.com $2,500
mascaras.com $4,000 cuccoo.com $2,500
nhtechnologies.com $4,000 guidetoretirement.com $2,500
power300.com $3,995 maccabingo.com $2,500
ringbee.com $3,900 shkorea.com $2,500
nailtips.com $3,899 opensustainability.com $2,499
wcranch.com $3,899 petalmusic.com $2,495
tagmaps.com $3,840 44290.com $2,450
vanis.com $3,750 orderdata.com $2,450
inetsoftware.com $3,721 sanluis.com $2,450
wellnessregistry.com $3,688 amanita.com $2,400
appearanz.com $3,500 maav.com $2,400
carecenter.com $3,500 stationdesk.com $2,395
rayintelligence.com $3,500 marktuan.com $2,350
ryleigh.com $3,499 safemi.com $2,288
sageranch.com $3,499 starnotes.com $2,200
sebastiaan.com $3,495 storeshare.com $2,200
hk-finance.com $3,480 snaatch.com $2,195
flearning.com $3,300 freeusenet.com $2,152
accupulse.com $3,295 mentalrehab.com $2,095
carlocker.com $3,200 wheellocker.com $2,000

Back at NameJet, DigitalCard.com drew $9,840, SanFranciscoHomes.com welcomed $9,751 and Vanco.com captured $9,750. ChainData.com chalked up $9,500, GreenwichHomes.com attracted $9,008 and G-G.com generated $6,775.

AmericanDreams.com woke up with $6,002 on the nightstand, CooperTools.com carved out $5,873 and EspressoRoyale.com sipped $5,349. GreenPois0n.com (yes that is a zero not an "O") grossed $5,100 and Walco.com went for $5,039.

NameJet had 36 more four-figure .com sales ranging from $2,002 to $4,926 that are listed in the table below:

Additional NameJet .com Sales Between $2,002 - $4,926

thetemple.com $4,926   publicitas.com $3,000
equusite.com $4,607 tirp.com $2,988
findmyip.com $4,600 fireworksafety.com $2,987
cornstarch.com $4,500 rockstar69.com $2,730
delph.com $4,360 docunet.com $2,714
alibabas.com $3,999 healingfoods.com $2,625
reip.com $3,925 probert.com $2,477
usup.com $3,800 tremplocounty.com $2,400
globalized.com $3,602 biotimeinc.com $2,289
totalfinance.com $3,600 cashhere.com $2,257
theclock.com $3,499 ambitus.com $2,238
mashpeewampanoagtribe.com $3,450 ambienti.com $2,168
yourwish.com $3,310 emotionalwellness.com $2,102
redrain.com $3,300 obsentinel.com $2,100
yepnopejs.com $3,250 waterfloss.com $2,051
lendingservice.com $3,225 bcoz.com $2,012
mjco.com $3,101 answ.com $2,010
centurioncapital.com $3,001 timson.com $2,002

At NameJet's Web.com sister site, SnapNames, Greenlite.com gave $7,000 a go, Nutrasystem.com secured $5,272 and Credilife.com landed $4,995. Trimed.com dispensed $4,835, Seaton.com sold for $4,718 and Bacai.com bagged $4,655. Haopengyuou.com yielded $4,204, Fernand.com found $4,125 and Mechanik.com made $4,066.

SnapNames had 45 more four-figure .com sales ranging from $2,029 to $3,734 that are listed in the table below:

Additional SnapNames .com Sales Between $2,029 - $3,734

moloco.com $3,734   aviatorfarms.com $2,695
suncheon.com $3,705 3dcad.com $2,613
eveda.com $3,700 qyqy.com $2,601
parentcoach.com $3,700 flowfund.com $2,600
adaptech.com $3,475 crosspoles.com $2,595
qrng.com $3,450 girlcrew.com $2,468
bridgelink.com $3,444 wirelessdesign.com $2,460
summersale.com $3,408 cupidscorner.com $2,395
aireflow.com $3,395 jianqiang.com $2,395
primewest.com $3,350 ezhi.com $2,319
custombottle.com $3,347 hrsystems.com $2,300
lookuppage.com $3,299 transcendtherapeutics.com $2,295
edgedigital.com $3,138 fountainofhealth.com $2,274
earthnow.com $3,103 tagsystems.com $2,250
kinderland.com $3,000 gallerydirect.com $2,211
huyen.com $2,990 usarealestate.com $2,115
intelligentworld.com $2,923 decisiontech.com $2,097
brandtrack.com $2,906 outdoorfirepit.com $2,092
dakon.com $2,850 coinworker.com $2,050
asecure.com $2,800 hongque.com $2,050
mediasky.com $2,800 saintfranciscare.com $2,050
leafmask.com $2,795 bisoo.com $2,029
survie.com $2,746  

Elsewhere, Mike Bradley sold BitFinancial.com through Uniregistry for $7,999, Fine Domains moved 3DBible.com via Afternic for $6,860, DaaZ.com sold TonLabs.com for $4,888, XYNames.com rang up $3,500 for CashMyHome.com and DNC.com.au claimed $2,000 for CubbyClub.com.

Continue to Page 2 for the ccTLD and Non .Com gTLD Top 20 Charts and all other sales reported in those categories over the past two weeks.

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