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Domain Sales Report - Page 2   
(Report Published Feb. 3, 2021 - Return to Page 1 of Report

Country Codes

The ccTLDs continued the hot start they have enjoyed in this new year. As you saw at the top of the report, six country code domains crashed the all extension leader board with MrPremium.com's $50,000 sale of Domain.io leading the way. That was one of nine five-figure sales in this group. Those were all listed in the top portion of the report as well, so the biggest sale in this category that you haven't seen yet is the #10 name on our latest Country Code Top 20 Sales Chart. That is Sedo's $8,500 sale of TicketCenter.de.

Sedo went on to sweep 16 of the 20 chart entries to continue the ccTLD dominance trhe company has enjoyed ever since it was founded two decades ago. NameJet was one of the few venues other than Sedo to take a country code trophy week, doing it with #15 Neptune.io at $6,362.

Just as Sedo is the category's leading venue, Germany's popular .de TLD typically wins the extension race. .de did it again this time around the track, taking seven entries on the leader board. Here is how the top ccTLD sales stacked up for the two weeks ending Sunday, Jan. 31, 2021:

Country Code Top 20 Sales Chart
Highest Reported ccTLD Sales - Mon. Jan. 18, 2021 - Sun. Jan. 31, 2021
(Foreign currency to U.S. Dollar Conversions Based on Rates in Effect Feb. 3, 2021)



Sold For

Where Sold

1. Domain.io $50,000 MrPremium.com
2. Flitterwochen.de
("honeymoon" in German)
€20,000 = $24,000 Sedo
3. Pay.do $18,000 Sedo
4. Tourist.it €15,000 = $18,000 Sedo
5. Greece.de $13,246 Clubhouse
6. Invest.es €11,000 = $13,200 Sedo
7. Mob.tv $12,058 GoDaddy
Favi.de €10,000 = $12,000 Sedo
FFP2.de €10,000 = $12,000 Sedo
10. TicketCenter.de €7,150 = $8,580 Sedo
11. WorkNow.de €7,140 = $8,568 Sedo
Avatar.de €7,000 = $8,400 Sedo
Nobel.fr €7,000 = $8,400 Sedo
14. Stores.co $8,000 Sedo
15. Neptune.io $6,362 NameJet
Europarcs.eu €5,000 = $6,000 Sedo
Radancy.eu €5,000 = $6,000 Sedo
TN.se €5,000 = $6,000 Sedo
19. Radancy.es €4,999 = $5,999 Sedo
20. MoveWorks.in $5,800 Sedo

CLICK HERE for our Year-To-Date Charts.

There were dozens of additional four-figure ccTLD sales off the chart led by Sedo's sales of SkyCloud.in ($5,500), Solita.de ($5,400) and Radancy.us ($5,000). They added $4,980 for Levantis.de and $4,939 for Metals.co.

Sedo had 28 more four-figure ccTLD sales ranging from $2,000 to $4,200 that are listed in the table below:

Additional Sedo ccTLD Sales from $2,000 to $4,200

easy-med.de $4,200   puntozero.it $3,304
mt-group.de $4,200 bitpanda.pl $3,300
smart4life.de $4,200 ym.ca $3,300
smartblinds.de $4,200 camperbus.de $2,999
taschenheld.de $4,200 rewind.fr $2,999
jammy.co.uk $4,110 metallwerk.de $2,640
qualitylife.de $3,904 odm.eu $2,640
mantality.co.uk $3,768 lmt.io.io $2,500
irent.de $3,600 turner.me $2,500
dea.ch $3,588 auszubildender.de $2,400
tangea.de $3,480 km-media.de $2,400
cloudspace.com.au $3,450 airportsindia.org.in $2,199
dailynews.co.uk $3,425 axon.me $2,150
420.gr $3,420 emma.com.br $2,000

Elsewhere, SnapNames sold Catapult.io for $4,667 and Woodpecker.io for $4,500. DomainLore.uk moved Agenda.co.uk for $1,895 and VanQuote.co.uk for $1,034, DaaZ.com drew $1,500 for GCM.in and $1,404 for Moksha.in and AscendDomains used DaaZ to see IXL.co.in for $1,360

If there are country code extensions in our report that you are not familiar with, you can look up the nation each extension goes with here

Non .com gTLDs (.net, .org and others, including new gTLDs)

The non .com gTLDs also performed well, with six five-figure sales, including three that made the all extension Top 20 Sales Chart you saw at the top of the report. Sedo's $20,000 sale of Sin.net set the pace for this group. We listed all of the five-figure sales on page 1, so the biggest sale in this category that you haven't seen yet is #7 on our latest Non.Com gTLD Top 20 Sales Chart. That is GoDaddy's $8,000 sale of Chess.club.

As I told you about at the beginning of the report, .CLUB has been experiencing a surge is sales that is being credited to the sudden emergence of the Clubhouse app for the iPhone. Many of those sales have been premium priced sales made through .CLUB's registrar retail channel. That tidal wave propelled .CLUB to a dead heat finish with .ORG in the TLD race this week as each piled up seven chart entries. The .ORG haul was led by #3 RL.org, sold for $13,000 (and also sold through Clubhouse). The .CLUB hit list included #9 Finance.club at $7,500 and a pair that completed the top ten, Nurses.club and Science.club, at $7,000 each. GoDaddy made those sales as well.

Here is how the non .com gTLD sales stacked up for the two weeks ending ending Sunday, Jan. 31, 2020:

Non .Com gTLD Top Sales Chart
Highest Reported Non .Com gTLD Sales - Mon. Jan. 18, 2021 - Sun. Jan. 31, 2021
(Foreign currency to U.S. Dollar Conversions Based on Rates in Effect Feb. 3, 2021)



Sold For

Where Sold

1. Sin.net $20,000 Sedo
2. Limitless.net $15,000 Sedo
3. RL.org $13,000 Clubhouse
4.  MUX.org $12,999 Sedo
5. YJHFW.net $12,500 Sedo
6. ICTSD.org $10,500 NameJet
7. Chess.club $8,000 GoDaddy
8. JourneyForward.org $7,750 NameJet
9. Finance.club $7,500 GoDaddy
Nurses.club $7,000 GoDaddy
Science.club $7,000 GoDaddy
12. Shares.info $6,100 Sedo
13. LGW.net €5,000 = $6,000 Sedo
Coach.club $5,664 Google
Photography.club $5,664 Google
CEO.club $5,500 GoDaddy
HR.club $5,500 GoDaddy
HLFF.org $4,999 Sedo
Peernet.org $4,999 Sedo
20. QRCode.org $4,250 Sedo

There were dozens of additional four-figure non .com gTLD sales off the chart, including more from that .CLUB surge including GoDaddy's sales of GlutenFree.club and Sailing.club at $4,000 each and Chemistry.club at $2,000.

GoDaddy rang up 33 more four-figure .CLUB sales listed in table below:

Additional GoDaddy .CLUB Sales

genius.club $1,540   hunt.club $1,500
jaw.club $1,540 jews.club $1,500
recipes.club $1,540 kite.club $1,500
wow.club $1,540 lesbian.club $1,500
actor.club $1,500 llc.club $1,500
ads.club $1,500 mahjong.club $1,500
athletes.club $1,500 million.club $1,500
band.club $1,500 nnn.club $1,500
bands.club $1,500 oyster.club $1,500
barber.club $1,500 parenting.club $1,500
boomers.club $1,500 ride.club $1,500
caribbean.club $1,500 sausage.club $1,500
chair.club $1,500 solar.club $1,500
directory.club $1,500 target.club $1,500
furniture.club $1,500 tasting.club $1,500
girl.club $1,500 fetish.club $1,500
girls.club $1,500   

GoDaddy wasn't the only venue making hay while the .CLUB sun shines. Google Domains sold Spanish.club for $3,784 and six others - Bag.club, Clothes.club, Cookie.club, Flow.club, Fund.club, Sauce.club and Yarn.club - for $1,540 apiece.

Porkbun sold Yachting.club for $3,830 and four more - Karaoke.club, Liquid.club, Prayer.club and Purple.club - for $1,538 each. NameCheap cashed in on Boo.club, Designer.club and Recovery.club at $1,830 apiece and Ascio sold Ash.club for $2,000.

The cash register was ringing for other TLDs too - both traditional ones and new. Sedo sold SSTech.net for $4,000, Error.org for $3,494 and four others - Alife.net, NewCoin.org, SSense.net and United.finance - for $3,000 each. The got $2,999 for NFT.info, $2,880 for Euregio.info, $2,800 for LEY.shop and $2,000 for Staking.link.

Elsewhere, SnapNames sold Chakuriki.net for $2,960 while NameJet moved Premarket.net for $2,788 and Death-Records.net for $2,500.

Now that you're up to date on what happened over the past week, check out how the leaders stand year to date in all categories by visiting our Year To Date Charts page

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As always, we welcome all verifiable sales reports from companies, private sellers or individuals with knowledge of an important sale made through any channel. To contribute information and help make this column better,  just drop a note to [email protected]. We truly appreciate the industry leading companies who share their sales information with us to help everyone in the business get a handle on current domain values. 

Every Wednesday (every other Wednesday during the Covid-19 pandemic) we publish the highest reported domain name sales for the previous week. On Mondays and Tuesdays our contributors send us their sales data for the previous 7 days. We then compile that information and write this article to give you the most comprehensive sales report in the industry. 

Editor's Note: If you wish to review previous Domain Sales columns, they are available in our Archive.


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