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March 18, 2019

Domain Sales

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Five 6-Figure Domain Sales Hit This Week's Chart as NameJet/ROTD Report Closed Sales From Their Live Auction at NamesCon

Aftermarket sales platforms NameJet and SnapNames (both owned by Web.com) have released a list of their top sales for the month of February. The honor roll includes a lot of high end sales that closed after being auctioned off by NameJet and partner RightOfTheDot.com (ROTD) in a live event they staged at the 2019 NamesCon Global conference in Las Vegas in late January. The headliners are a quintet of six-figure sales led by a $900,000 deal for OL.com that now ranks as the 2nd biggest sale of the year to date (behind only the January sale of California.com at $3 million).

Rounding out the fabulous first five are Leads.com at $435,000, DomainNames.com (purchased by Uniregistry) at $370,000, DJS.com at $130,000 and Stop.com at $110,000. The flood of completed sales allowed NameJet/ROTD to pile up 11 spots on our latest weekly all extension Top 20 Sales Chart, including the week's biggest non .com sale - #15 (tie) BG.net at $20,000.

By Ron Jackson

Despite having to compete with results from such a big one-time event Sedo managed to maintain their usual high visibility, filling six slots on the elite list. Their roster was led by #6 (tie) Boot.com at $70,000 in a deal handled by veteran Sedo broker Frank Tillmanns. Sedo also accounted for the lone ccTLD sale on the Big Board, #19 SwimmingPool.de at $14,408

Everything else went to the .coms as the world's most popular extension swept 18 of the 20 chart entries. VPN.com aided the .com cause with their $35,000 sale of #10 SEOService.com.

NameJet, in addition to all of their auction sales with ROTD, put two more on the board that were sold online at NameJet.com - #13 KDJ.com at $22,300 and #17 Arcus.com at $18,600. 

Here is how the sales leaders stacked for the week ending Sunday, March 10, 2019:

HealthInsurance Services, Inc
eHealthInsurance Services, Inc
eHealthInsurance Services, Inc

The DN Journal Top 20 
Highest Reported Domain Sales - Mon. March 4, 2019 - Sun. March 10, 2019
(Foreign currency to U.S. Dollar Conversions Based on Rates in Effect March 13, 2019)


Sold For

Where Sold
1. OL.com $900,000 NameJet/ROTD/
NamesCon Auction
2. Leads.com $435,000 NameJet/ROTD/
NamesCon Auction