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February 14, 2019

Domain Sales

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A Trio of 3-Letter .Coms Helped the .Coms Sweep 18 of the Top 20 Domain Sales Reported This Week 

2019 is starting off the same way every year in recent memory has gone for domain sales- with ultra-short .com domains leading the parade. This week the top seven sales were all .coms and five of those were no more than four letters or numbers long. Sedo's $88,200 sale of PWA.com led the way, with two more three 3-letter .com sales also landing in the top half of our latest weekly all extension Top 20 Sales Chart. Short numeric domains also continue to do well as the runner-up spot went to #2 7525.com at $59,999 via NameJet (who also had the other 3-letter .com sales). Short combinations of letters and number can attract big bucks too as NameJet showed with their $53,001 sale of #4 Q4.com.

One-word dictionary .coms are perennial winners as well. This week's top example was the $57,600 sale of #3 Detect.com that Sharjil Saleem closed for the VPN.com brokerage.

NameJet, who released all of their January sales this week, contributed 10 sales to the .com onslaught. We are also happy to tell you that as of this week, NameJet's sister aftermarket sales 

By Ron Jackson

platform, SnapNames, has begun sharing their sales data with us (you will see 30 .com sales they reported in the additional tables below the Top 20 Chart). NameJet and SnapNames are both wholly owned subsidiaries of internet giant Web.com. By the way, you will start seeing an even bigger wave of sales from NameJet next month when they will start reporting closed sales from their live domain auction with RightOfTheDot.com at NamesCon two weeks ago and the extended online portion of that auction that just ended today.

Sedo also had their usual powerhouse outing this week, piling up eight entries on the Big Board and sweeping all 20 places on the ccTLD Top 20 Chart. Sedo accounted for the lone country code domain on the all extension leader board, selling #8 Lofis.de for $13,000.

The non .com gTLDs were also limited to one place on the elite list. That was the .GLOBAL Registry's sale of a new gTLD, #14 (tie) Energy.global at $10,000 in a deal brokered by .GLOBAL's Mark Ghoriafi.

Here is how the sales leaders stacked for the week ending Sunday, February 10, 2019:

HealthInsurance Services, Inc
eHealthInsurance Services, Inc
eHealthInsurance Services, Inc

The DN Journal Top 20 
Highest Reported Domain Sales - Mon. Feb. 4, 2019 - Sun. Feb. 10, 2019
(Foreign currency to U.S. Dollar Conversions Based on Rates in Effect Feb. 13, 2019)


Sold For

Where Sold
1. PWA.com $88,200 Sedo
2. 7525.com $59,999 NameJet
3. Detect.com $57,600 Sharjil Saleem/