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July 05, 2018

Domain Sales

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High Ticket Item Attracts Six Figures to Top This Week's Domain Sales Chart 

This has been a .com kind of week. 11 of the top 12 sales on our latest all extension Top 20 Sales Chart are .coms led by a  chart-topping $102,000 sale of Item.com by CanavasMedia.com. Sedo and NameJet split up the remaining 21 entries on the elite list,  the extra spots resulting from a three-way tie for the final position. 

Sedo took three of the next four highest spots including #2 Koffer.com at $87,750 and #4 Spying.com at $25,000. Sandwiched in between those was NameJet's sale of #3 QWE.com at $31,400. That was one of four 3-letter .coms on the honor roll. Sedo banked $24,570 for #5 KGA.com and NameJet sold two others - #10 DQO.com for $14,500 and #12 UZY.com for $13,400.

The lone non .com domain among the top dozen sales was NameJet's $23,800 sale of #6 NetWellness.org. That was also the only non .com gTLD to make this week's chart. 

The ccTLDs fared considerably better, taking five places on the Big Board. #13 NetID.ch led the country code charge with an $11,700 sale at Sedo. They also sold #15 NetID.at for $9,360 and had two of the three other ccTLD sales, including #17 Otec.us for $8,412. NameJet, who released all of their June sales this week, booked the one country code sale not claimed by Sedo - #14 89.tv at $10,000.

By Ron Jackson

Here is how all of the sales leaders stacked up for the week ending Sunday, July 1, 2018:

HealthInsurance Services, Inc
eHealthInsurance Services, Inc
eHealthInsurance Services, Inc

The DN Journal Top 20 
Highest Reported Domain Sales - Mon. June 25, 2018 - Sun. July 1, 2018
(Foreign currency to U.S. Dollar Conversions Based on Rates in Effect July 5, 2018)


Sold For

Where Sold
1. Item.com $102,000 CanavasMedia
2. Koffer.com €75,000 = $87,750 Sedo
3. QWE.com $31,400 NameJet
4. Spying.com $25,000 Sedo
5. KGA.com €21,000 = $24,570 Sedo
6. NetWellness.org $23,800 NameJet
7. SexEducation.com $18,900 NameJet
8. 0721.com