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September 15, 2017

Domain Sales

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Biggest ccTLD Sale of the Year to Date Takes Top Spot on This Week's Domain Sales Chart

The ccTLDs got a new 2017 King of The Hill this week after Sedo announced the closing of a €200,000 ($238,000) sale of Kaffee.de ("coffee" in German). That price more than doubles the $100,320 paid for the previous country code leader - Fetch.com.au - in April. A coffee wholesale distribution specialist, OPAG GmbH, was the buyer of Kaffee.de. They successfully completed the acquisition after negotiations with the seller that were managed by Sedo Senior Broker Frank Tillmanns.

Kaffee.de topped all of the week's reported sales, regardless of extension but the .coms filled most of the remaining spots on our latest all extension Top 20 Sales Chart, including the next five chart entries in a row. James Booth's BQDN.com led the .com charge with #2 Pisces.com at $80,000 and #3 Chop.com at $70,000. BQDN also sold #5 Trap.com for $52,000. That sale was sandwiched between two more from Sedo - #4 Vant.com at $59,500 and #6 Resolution.com at $50,000.

The non .com gTLDs made their first of five appearances on the Big Board with #7 CB.org at $28,000 via Sedo, who went on to pile up 14 of the 20 chart entries. Four of the five charted sales in this category were .orgs with the fifth being a new gTLD - WebQuest's $15,000 sale of Web.media.

By Ron Jackson

In addition to the top spot on the elite list, the ccTLDs took two other positions - #8 Sicherheitsdienst.de at $24,395 and #16 SocialMedia.it at $11,781 with Sedo booking both of those.

Everything else went to the .coms including Erwan Kina's $18,000 sale of #12 IMK.com and the $11,201 sale of an emoji domain - #17 ☯.com (puny code: xn--w4h.com)  - in a private transaction. That is the Yin Yang Emoji character - one of only 33 .com emoji domains currently in existence. GNO, Inc. acquired the domain from the Sperling Corporation. It is the sixth one GNO has added to their portfolio.

Here is how all of the sales leaders stacked up for the week ending Sunday, Sept. 10, 2017:

HealthInsurance Services, Inc
eHealthInsurance Services, Inc
eHealthInsurance Services, Inc

The DN Journal Top 20 
Highest Reported Domain Sales - Mon. Sept. 4, 2017 - Sun. Sept. 10, 2017
(Foreign currency to U.S. Dollar Conversions Based on Rates in Effect Sept. 15, 2017)


Sold For

Where Sold
1. Kaffee.de €200,000 = $238,000 Sedo
2. Pisces.com $80,000 BQDN
3. Chop.com $70,000 BQDN
4. Vant.com €50,000 = $59,500 Sedo
5. Trap.com $52,000 BQDN
6. Resolution.com $50,000 Sedo
7. CB.org $28,000 Sedo
8. Sicherheitsdienst.de €20,500 = $24,395 Sedo
9. Nissei.com $22,500 Sedo
10. Goood.com $20,000 Sedo

11. BS2.com $19,000 Sedo
12. IMK.com $18,000 Erwan Kina
13. Web.media $15,000 WebQuest
14. Solo.org £10,000 = $13,600 Sedo
15. FreeIndonesia.com $12,000 Sedo
16. SocialMedia.it €9,900 = $11,781 Sedo
17. ☯.com $11,201 Pvt Sale
18. Setoo.com $10,000 Sedo
CTG.org $9,888 Sedo
WHH.org $9,888 Sedo

Keep in mind that these are the highest value cash only sales that have been reported to us in the past week. This column is meant to be an educational tool, not a complete list documenting ALL high value domain sales. Such a list is impossible to produce because many sales are kept private at the insistence of buyers, sellers or both. Our procedure for verifying the accuracy of domain sales reports is available here.

CLICK HERE for our Year-To-Date Top Sales Charts

Click Link Below for
The All-Time Top 20 All-Cash Domain Sales Reported By DNJournal.com
 (2003 to Now)

.Com Supporting Cast

Sedo led the .com supporting cast of four figure sales with Lefit.com at $9,850, VIIM.com at $9,112 and two others - FairEconomy.com and Olono.com - at $8,000 each. MagicColor.com commanded $7,800 while HighlandParkHomes.com and Imrprover.com drew $7,000 each.

NonExecutiveDirector.com notched $6,999, SmartNic.com and Techlandia.com tallied $5,831 each and Bybe.com banked $5,800.  Sedo had 26 more four-figure sales ranging from $2,000 to $4,988 that are listed in the table below:

Additional Sedo .com Sales Between $2,000 - $4,988
goodpoop.com $4,988   veterans247.com $3,000
zensi.com $4,900 aoihome.com $2,951
treehill.com $4,896 workwin.com $2,888
homeandoffice.com $4,800 rentd.com $2,720
serrurierparis.com $4,736 cellarspace.com $2,650
best-place.com $4,641 amylon.com $2,500
freelibya.com $4,641 lascala.com $2,499
vasantha.com $4,500 maprod.com $2,380
123homecare.com $4,000 pokerenlinea.com $2,380
ggtrade.com $3,570 baypay.com $2,200
nicebet.com $3,570 dcpump.com $2,000
blockstocks.com $3,500 doorsme.com $2,000
wendywhite.com $3,500 ybcom.com $2,000

Elsewhere, NameTrends.com sold TVDinners.com for $3,300 and Logan Flatt moved Appmatics.com via the Uniregistry Market for $2,488


Country Codes

The ccTLDs were, of course, led by the three country code domains you saw in the all extension section at the top of this report with Kaffee.de providing the $238,000 caffeine high of a new Year to Date ccTLD chart topper (the ccTLD YTD Top 100 is the second chart on the page linked to). The biggest sale in this category this week that you haven't seen yet is #4 on our latest Country Code Top Sales Chart. That is Sedo's $9,000 sale of Artifact.com.cn.

Sedo went on to sweep 16 of the 18 country code sales reported including #5 Y.at at $6,545. The lone exceptions were DomainLore.co.uk's sales of #17 RoomsToRent.co.uk ($1,157) and #18 Carer.uk ($1,088).

In a very diverse week, Germany's .de won the extension race with three charted sales as 13 different TLDs were represented on the chart.  Here is how the country code leaders stacked up for the week ending Sunday, Sept. 10, 2017:

Country Code Top Sales Chart
Highest Reported Domain Sales - Mon. Sept. 4, 2017 - Sun. Sept. 10, 2017
(Foreign currency to U.S. Dollar Conversions Based on Rates in Effect Sept. 15, 2017)


Sold For

Where Sold
1. Kaffee.de €200,000 = $238,000 Sedo
2. Sicherheitsdienst.de €20,500 = $24,395 Sedo
3. SocialMedia.it €9,900 = $11,781 Sedo
4. Artifact.com.cn $9,000 Sedo
5. Y.at €5,500 = $6,545 Sedo
6. L.at €5,463 = $6,501 Sedo
7. Dein-Anwalt.de €5,000 = $5,950 Sedo
8. Accelerant.co $5,000 Sedo
9. Sumup.jp $3,999 Sedo
10. Morena.mx $3,900 Sedo

11. AugmentedReality.ch €2,990 = $3,558 Sedo
12. Pico.me $3,500 Sedo
Blaser.fr €2,500 = $2,975 Sedo
WA.be €2,500 = $2,975 Sedo
15. Franke.mk €2,250 = $2,678 Sedo
16. Oisix.cn $2,000 Sedo
17. RoomsToRent.co.uk £851 = $1,157 DomainLore.co.uk
18. Carer.uk £800 = $1,088 DomainLore.co.uk

CLICK HERE for our Year-To-Date Charts.

If there are country code extensions in our report that you are not familiar with, you can look up the nation each extension goes with here

Non .com gTLDs (.net, .org and others, including new gTLDs)

Only 12 sales were reported from the Non .com gTLD category this week and five of those made the all extension leader board you saw earlier, led by CB.org at $28,000 (that was also one of the year's ten biggest sales to date in this category).

The highest sale in this group that you haven't seen yet is #6 on our latest Non. com gTLD Top Sales Chart. That is Sedo's $9,000 sale of URL.net. They went on to sweep 11 of the 12 chart entries.

The .orgs scored an easy win in the extension race, piling up seven chart entries. Here is how the non .com gTLD leaders stacked up for the week ending Sunday, Sept. 10, 2017:

Non .Com gTLDs Top Sales Chart
Highest Reported Domain Sales - Mon. Sept. 4, 2017 - Sun. Sept. 10, 2017
(Foreign currency to U.S. Dollar Conversions Based on Rates in Effect Sept. 15, 2017)


Sold For

Where Sold
1. CB.org $28,000 Sedo
2. Web.media $15,000 WebQuest
3. Solo.org £10,000 = $13,600 Sedo
CTG.org $9,888 Sedo
WHH.org $9,888 Sedo
6. URL.net $9,000 Sedo

7. BitWallet.org $4,850 Sedo
8. Volkov.net $4,000 Sedo
9. SexVideos.org €2,420 = $2,880 Sedo
10. Homex.net $2,595 Sedo
11. Curley.org $2,000 Sedo
12. Ipro.net $2,000 Sedo


Now that you're up to date on what happened over the past week, check out how the leaders stand year to date in all categories by visiting our Year To Date Charts page

Domain Name Industry Newsletter



As always, we welcome all verifiable sales reports from companies, private sellers or individuals with knowledge of an important sale made through any channel. To contribute information and help make this column better,  just drop a note to editor@dnjournal.com. We truly appreciate the industry leading companies who share their sales information with us to help everyone in the business get a handle on current domain values. 

Every Wednesday we publish the highest reported domain name sales for the previous week. On Mondays and Tuesdays our contributors send us their sales data for the previous 7 days. We then compile that information and write this article to give you the most comprehensive sales report in the industry. 

Editor's Note: If you wish to review previous Domain Sales columns, they are available in our Archive.

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