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November 15, 2016

Domain Sales

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What .com Domain Sold for a Quarter of a Million Dollars This Week? ...and Why the The Question is Also the Answer!

Last week we were talking about Halloween scaring away domain buyers. Well, the ghosts and goblins are gone and the buyers are back, including one that forked over a quarter of a million dollars in one of the year's 15 biggest sales to date. $251,000 to be exact. What .com was worth that much money? What.com...no, I'm not repeating myself...it was What.com (now if I can just figure out Who is on first)! That hefty sale was made in a join effort by Indus Domains and NameKart and it led another romp for short .com domains.

Eight entries on our latest weekly all extension Top 20 Sales Chart were ever popular 3-letter .coms, including the week's second biggest sale - ZJE.com, sold by Tomas Korpa for $60,000 through GoDaddy Auctions. Another one from that category, NameJet's $32,300 sale of JUP.com, reached the first five at #5.

The week's biggest non .com sale was a very nice .org - $3 Science.org at $49,000 via Sedo. Numeric domains also had a strong representative in #4 7200.com, a name that broker Sharjil Saleem sold for $46,000.

By Ron Jackson

Two new gTLDs also made the elite list - both .nyc domains that were sold in a NameJet premium auction. Those were #9 (tie) RealEstate.nyc at $21,300 and #19 Apartments.nyc at $16,155

The ccTLDs has an invitation to the party too, thanks to the $20,000 sale of FB.io at Park.io

Everything else - 16 of 20 entries overall - went to the .coms with Michael Mann's DomainMarket contributing to their big week with #18 SweetLegs.com at $17,000.

Here is how all of the sales leaders stacked up for the week ending Sunday, October 30, 2016:

HealthInsurance Services, Inc
eHealthInsurance Services, Inc
eHealthInsurance Services, Inc

The DN Journal Top 20 
Highest Reported Domain Sales - Mon. Oct. 24, 2016 - Sun. Oct. 30, 2016
(Foreign currency to U.S. Dollar Conversions Based on Rates in Effect November 2, 2016)


Sold For

Where Sold
1. What.com $251,000 Indus Domains/
2. ZJE.com $60,000 GoDaddy Auctions
3. Science.org $49,000 Sedo
4. 7200.com $46,000 Sharjil Saleem
5. JUP.com $32,300 NameJet
Aswaq.com $32,000 Sedo
IUP.com $32,000 NameJet
8. MoneyExchange.com $25,700 NameJet
IIH.com $21,300 NameJet
RealEstate.nyc $21,300 NameJet

11. FB.io $20,000 Park.io
12. Facilities.com $19,100 NameJet
13. OCY.com $18,500 NameJet
BXO.com $18,000 NameJet
NJIE.com $18,000 Sedo
16. FJO.com $17,800 NameJet
17. KIJ.com $17,299 NameJet
18. SweetLegs.com $17,000 DomainMarket
19. Apartments.nyc $16,155 NameJet
20. TheStrategist.com $16,000 Sedo

Keep in mind that these are the highest value cash only sales that have been reported to us in the past week. This column is meant to be an educational tool, not a complete list documenting ALL high value domain sales. Such a list is impossible to produce because many sales are kept private at the insistence of buyers, sellers or both. Our procedure for verifying the accuracy of domain sales reports is available here.

CLICK HERE for our Year-To-Date Top Sales Charts

Click Link Below for
The All-Time Top 20 All-Cash Domain Sales Reported By DNJournal.com
 (2003 to Now)

There were 11 more five-figure sales off the chart let by the $15,000 sale of LESB.com by ErwanKina.com through NameJet. 

NameJet had seven more at this level including Qianke.com ($13,819), Suggestions.com ($11,100) and Pupo.com ($10,700). DomainAttorneys.com added $10,317, Worse.com went for $10,001 and two others - Foal.com and Others.com - commanded $10,000 each.

Back at Sedo, LuxeMarket.com made $12,500, Onwin.com kicked in $12,299 and Dolmetscher.com drew $12,210

.Com Supporting Cast

The .com supporting cast of four figure sales was led by TurboVPN.com - domain that Sean Rigo sold through GoDaddy Auctions for $9,995. Domain King Rick Schwartz was on the opposite side of a nice private transaction as the buyer of Deplorables.com at $8,888 (a keyword made popular in the current U.S. Presidential race).

Back at NameJet, 97sese.com sod for $8,910, CellTech.com tallied $7,600 and ZWWW.com commanded $6,000. ITMatters.com made $5,600, HSCB.com banked $5,599 and Garderie.com gathered $5,500.

DDDP.com and OOTS.com captured $5,000 apiece while GSMS.com clicked for $4,911. Inteva.com took in $4,900, Covaris.com corralled $4,610 and RRRU.com yielded $4,235. Bicheng.com bagged $4,210 and Comprafacil.com fetched $4,103

NameJet had 96 more sales ranging from $2,000 to $4,000 that are listed in the table below:

Additional NameJet.com Sales Between $2,000 - $4,000
gozi.com $4,000   18567.com $2,400
zery.com $3,910 67623.com $2,400
imok.com $3,900 wellis.com $2,357
v96.com $3,821 getsports.com $2,321
betterchoice.com $3,567 17832.com $2,310
plsolutions.com $3,522 61257.com $2,302
backupsystems.com $3,511 68376.com $2,302
jiangning.com $3,501 28273.com $2,301
whitedeer.com $3,450 57221.com $2,301
autoelectric.com $3,433 71762.com $2,301
chileanwine.com $3,422 89135.com $2,299
woodz.com $3,304 clearbenefits.com $2,256
e93.com $3,300 71826.com $2,250
reallaw.com $3,256 71861.com $2,222
eyey.com $3,200 71825.com $2,220
candyfactory.com $3,100 suntrade.com $2,212
giftidea.com $3,077 thecaves.com $2,212
qtqq.com $3,000 119mm.com $2,209
ceus.com $2,999 56139.com $2,209
searchsight.com $2,950 identityverification.com $2,207
askar.com $2,900 ateng.com $2,200
7khmer.com $2,890 kanni.com $2,200
nlcc.com $2,812 18519.com $2,160
superconductor.com $2,800 transits.com $2,152
zoof.com $2,800 35763.com $2,151
fkkb.com $2,788 idgm.com $2,122
wygw.com $2,750 wpcm.com $2,121
says-it.com $2,701 18979.com $2,101
blueedge.com $2,700 28235.com $2,101
sexgear.com $2,675 28371.com $2,101
weedonline.com $2,650 28512.com $2,101
i76.com $2,610 29732.com $2,101
tetanus.com $2,601 53913.com $2,101
liquore.com $2,600 57626.com $2,101
jltz.com $2,588 68176.com $2,101
8msc.com $2,560 78372.com $2,101
orangelaw.com $2,522 97359.com $2,101
triangletech.com $2,522 idealsystems.com $2,100
aati.com $2,510 kasuo.com $2,100
expresscard.com $2,500 59327.com $2,098
ovus.com $2,500 7zj.com $2,062
sheka.com $2,469 atlantictech.com $2,044
seds.com $2,450 69361.com $2,025
medf.com $2,430 limm.com $2,010
ourevents.com $2,419 mediaware.com $2,009
stenographer.com $2,409 28159.com $2,001
78716.com $2,401 ebitcoins.com $2,000
medicarequestions.com $2,401 thinkfood.com $2,000

NameJet also teamed up with SnapNames to sell MTKG.com for $2,085. Meanwhile, SnapNames sold Affiliator.com for $5,750, Alrosa.com for $4,203, SRNExpression.com for $2,705 and SSC888.com for $2,675.

Back at Sedo Maill.com managed $8,756, OShot.com claimed $8,500 and BankLocal.com booked $7,500. Feelm.com found $7,200, TheMenu.com attracted $7,000 and Balcarce.com cornered $6,383

Kilia.com collected $6,135, Softec.com secured $5,900 and CareMotion.com caught $5,850. PTPros.com produced $5,550 and eShipco.com deposited $5,495

Sedo had 26 more four-figure sales ranging from $2,000 to $5,000 that are listed in the table below:

Additional Sedo .com Sales Between $2,000 - $5,000
ingos.com $5,000   obsessie.com $2,775
lignin.com $5,000 zekeriya.com $2,775
riyatravel.com $5,000 seduzione.com $2,609
casinorank.com $4,500 givem.com $2,500
gopax.com $4,000 spermidin.com $2,500
uplock.com $3,885 onebooth.com $2,399
bigedge.com $3,875 sushimakers.com $2,350
uams.com $3,688 cmjr.com $2,300
texastogo.com $3,650 vgtex.com $2,200
a45.com $3,500 galleryg.com $2,000
jutting.com $2,999 photojobs.com $2,000
tradinginstitute.com $2,895 procurity.com $2,000
store-card.com $2,799 trulychinese.com $2,000

Elsewhere, in sales made through Afternic.com, Vernon Jones of JIG Media bought EastNewYork.com for $6,500 and Edward Emery sold CannabisSolar.com for $4,500.

Country Codes

The ccTLDs were led by that $20,000 sale of FB.io that you saw on the all extension leader board above. The highest sale in this category that you haven't seen yet is #2 on our latest Country Code Top 20 Sales Chart. That is Sedo's sale of an Argentinean domain - Rueda.com.ar - at $6,659.

The first five is rounded out by #3 Fooding.es ($5,550 at Sedo), #4 Backpack.io ($5,500 at Park.io) and #5 F.gp ($5,106 at Sedo). Sedo wound up sweeping 14 of the 20 chart entries.

The British Indian Ocean Territory's .io won the extension race with five chart entries, one better than Germany's .de. Here is how the country code leaders stacked up for the week ending Sunday, October 30, 2016:

Country Code Top 20 Sales Chart
Highest Reported Domain Sales - Mon. Oct. 24, 2016 - Sun. Oct. 30, 2016
(Foreign currency to U.S. Dollar Conversions Based on Rates in Effect November 2, 2016)


Sold For

Where Sold
1. FB.io $20,000 Park.io
2. Ruedas.com.ar €5,999 = $6,659 Sedo
3. Fooding.es €5,000 = $5,550 Sedo
4. Backpack.io $5,500 Park.io
5. F.gp €4,600 = $5,106 Sedo
6. Penn.me $5,000 Sedo
7. CasinoTitan.im $4,444 Sedo
8. Nudge.ai $3,999 Sedo
9. Rook.io $3,000 Park.io
10. Public.io $2,999 Sedo

11. Ready.co.uk £2,322 = $2,856 DomainLore.co.uk
Kreditmakler.de €2,500 = $2,775 Sedo
Sportbootführerschein.de (IDN) €2,500 = $2,775 Sedo
14. TopHotels.at €2,399 = $2,663 Golem.eu
Charlie.io $2,500 Park.io
Gloss.tv $2,500 Sedo
17. Snoepjes.nl €2,250 = $2,498 Sedo
18. Multitouch-Monitor.de €2,200 = $2,442 Sedo
Hyazinth.de €2,000 = $2,220 Sedo
Omeubebe.pt €2,000 = $2,220 Sedo

CLICK HERE for our Year-To-Date Charts.

There were 8 more four-figure sales off the chart with Golem.eu posting four of those - DesignThinking.eu and Pebble.ch at $2,219 apiece and IMMI.eu and Sketchup.eu at $1,109 each.

Sedo moved MSYK.cn for $2,000 while Park.io sold Airbase.io for $1,451, Immobilien.io for $1,145 and Telegraph.io for $1,140.   

If there are country code extensions in our report that you are not familiar with, you can look up the nation each extension goes with here

Non .com gTLDs (.net, .org, .biz, .info & others, including new gTLDs)

The non .com gTLDs were led by the trio of five-figure sales you saw on all extension leader board earlier, with Science.org setting the pace at $49,.000. The biggest sales in this group  that you haven't seen yet are a pair of Sedo sales that rounded out the first five on weekly Non .Com gTLD Top 20 Sales Chart. Those were #4 Banking.info at $6,700 and #5 SecureLink.net at $5,000.

NameJet wound up with the most chart entries though - sweeping 15 of 20 positions with a roster than included #6 Condos.nyc at $4,600.

The .nets easily won the extension race with 11 chart entries. New gTLD .nyc was next with 6.   Here is how the non .com gTLD sales leaders stacked up for the week ending Sunday, Oct. 30, 2016:

Non .Com gTLDs Top 20 Sales Chart
Highest Reported Domain Sales - Mon. Oct. 24, 2016 - Sun. Oct. 30, 2016
(Foreign currency to U.S. Dollar Conversions Based on Rates in Effect November 2, 2016)


Sold For

Where Sold
1. Science.org $49,000 Sedo
2. RealEstate.nyc $21,300 NameJet
3. Apartments.nyc $16,155 NameJet
4. Banking.info $6,700 Sedo
5. SecureLink.net $5,000 Sedo
6. Condos.nyc $4,600 NameJet
7. Lease.nyc $4,100 NameJet
8. Sturm.net $4,000 Sedo
9. BTR.org $3,750 Sedo
10. Xiangjiao.net $3,600 NameJet

11. CQB.net $3,400 NameJet
12. Homes.nyc $3,200 NameJet
13. CQN.net $3,011 NameJet
14. LLQ.net $3,000 NameJet
15. XGC.net $2,810 NameJet
16. XMC.net $2,750 NameJet
17. Living.nyc $2,650 NameJet
18. FZQ.net $2,615 NameJet
19. NXB.net $2,605 NameJet
20. GTQ.net $2,600 NameJet

CLICK HERE for our Year-To-Date Charts.


There were 11 more four-figure sales off the chart with NameJet ringing up 10 of those including Furniture.nyc ($2,508)MXC.net ($2,505), BYQ.net ($2,450) and YNF.net ($2,433). RPZ.net and SXK.net added $2,306 apiece while NKZ.net notched $2,300. Naph.org fetched $2,100 and two others - DET.org and Kitchen.nyc - contributed $2,000 each.

Back at Sedo, Luminator.net lit up $2,490

Now that you're up to date on what happened over the past week, check out how the leaders stand year to date in all categories by visiting our Year To Date Charts page

Domain Name Industry Newsletter



As always, we welcome all verifiable sales reports from companies, private sellers or individuals with knowledge of an important sale made through any channel. To contribute information and help make this column better,  just drop a note to editor@dnjournal.com. We truly appreciate the industry leading companies who share their sales information with us to help everyone in the business get a handle on current domain values. 

Every Wednesday we publish the highest reported domain name sales for the previous week. On Mondays and Tuesdays our contributors send us their sales data for the previous 7 days. We then compile that information and write this article to give you the most comprehensive sales report in the industry. 

Editor's Note: If you wish to review previous Domain Sales columns, they are available in our Archive.

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