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August 09, 2016

Domain Sales

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Sedo's Dave Evanson Rocks the Sales Chart With TWO Blockbusters Totaling Over $1 Million

Dave Evanson
Sedo Senior Broker

Sedo Senior Broker Dave Evanson has hit the top spot on our weekly domain sales chart many times over the years but he really outdid himself this week - taking both the first and second positions on our latest all extension Top 20 leader board with a pair of six-figure blockbusters, including the year's biggest (by a mile) ccTLD sale. 

Evanson's first tape measure blast was brokering a $650,000 sale of Furniture.co.uk to UK buyer Graham Haynes. Haynes had good reason to buy 

Furniture.co.uk. A few years ago he acquired BedroomFurniture.co.uk for $57,500 and built a furniture sales business on it that is now generating $7 million a year in sales. Haynes is also the guy who bought Purple.co.uk for $155,520 in in late May. That was the year's biggest country code sale until he raised the bar over four times higher by giving Evanson the OK to bag Furniture.co.uk for 650K. 

By Ron Jackson

Closing that deal would been a good week's work for anyone but Evanson followed it up with another huge sale - nailing down a $375,000 deal for Broker.com that was announced just minutes before I  began work on this column. Those two sales totaling over $1 million give Dave and Sedo two of the year's ten biggest sales to date, regardless of extension.

We also learned about another big sale this week from George Kirikos, a veteran domain investor who is also an expert at uncovering major sales hidden in government securities filings. While crunching numbers in an SEC report he learned that Sonus Networks had sold Net.com for a minimum of $800,000 last month (the exact number could not be determined and it could have been as high as 7 figures). George also knew that broker Tracy Fogarty of eNaming.com had Net.com among her listings so I contacted Tracy and she confirmed she brokered the deal but, as expected, it was subject to an NDA so she could not disclose the exact price information. We won't be able to chart it as a result but wanted to share the information with you as Net.com, even at the low end of the possible range, would rank among the year's five biggest sales to date.

One other note before we get back to this week's sales charts - last week, when we finished charting hundreds of previously unreleased 2016 sales from Uniregistry, I noted I would next go through the more than 2,400 sales they also sent from 2015 and provide you with links this week to those numbers. First I added the 22 sales they had (all in six figures) that ranked among 2015's 100 biggest sales and added them to that annual chart (you will see the highest of those was RP.com at $575,000 making it one of 2015's top ten sales). Then I prepared a special document (in Excel format) that includes all of the more than 2,400 2015 sales they reported. That chart and document will always be available in our Domain Sales Archive.

Now, back to the past week's sales where the other big news is NameJet's release of all of their notable July 2016 sales - a list that have them six chart entries in a row, starting with #3 Present.com at $90,600 and running through # Liposuccion.com at$16,500. They went on to pile up 10 of the 20 entries overall. Erwan Kina of MAM.com used the NameJet platform to make that big sale of Present.com.

The .coms swept 18 of the 20 chart entries. In addition to Furniture.co.uk the only other exception was #9 (tie) Bam.tech, a new gTLD that sold for $15,000 at Sedo to give the non .com gTLDs a presence on the Big Board.

 Here is how all of the sales leaders stacked up for the week ending Sunday, July 31, 2016:

HealthInsurance Services, Inc
eHealthInsurance Services, Inc
eHealthInsurance Services, Inc

The DN Journal Top 20 
Highest Reported Domain Sales - Mon. July 25, 2016 - Sun. July 31, 2016
(Foreign currency to U.S. Dollar Conversions Based on Rates in Effect August 3, 2016)


Sold For

Where Sold
1. Furniture.co.uk $650,000 Sedo
2. Broker.com $375,000 Sedo
3. Present.com $90,600 NameJet
4. Maggie.com $48,100 NameJet
5. Sandy.com $46,100 NameJet
6. BZN.com $38,600 NameJet
7. OQQ.com $26,000 NameJet
8. Liposuccion.com $16,500 NameJet
Bam.tech $15,000 Sedo
Laha.com $15,000 Sedo

11. Dispose.com $13,833 NameJet
12. AMFI.com €12,000 = $13,440 Sedo
13. Renovo.com $12,900 NameJet
14. SuperMind.com $12,500 DomainKitten/Efty
15. F-Club.com €10,000 = $11,200 Sedo
16. VNS88.com $11,100 NameJet
17. VNS8.com $10,200 NameJet
18. Advicent.com $10,000 Pvt Sale
19. DigitalLabor.com $9,888 DomainMarket
20. YoureFired.com $9,600 Sedo

Keep in mind that these are the highest value cash only sales that have been reported to us in the past week. This column is meant to be an educational tool, not a complete list documenting ALL high value domain sales. Such a list is impossible to produce because many sales are kept private at the insistence of buyers, sellers or both. Our procedure for verifying the accuracy of domain sales reports is available here.

CLICK HERE for our Year-To-Date Top Sales Charts

Click Link Below for
The All-Time Top 20 All-Cash Domain Sales Reported By DNJournal.com
 (2003 to Now)

.Com Supporting Cast

NameJet led the .Com Supporting Cast of four-figure sales with Langkawi.com at $9,500.   Adventist.com drew $8,811, MMail.com delivered $7,877 and Lomi.com landed $6,998. BetterCredit.com brought $6,500, VNS11.com added $6,100 and RedHen.com laid $5,260. Lorel.com commanded another $5,256 while Kams.com captured $5,201

NameJet had 73 more four-figure sales ranging from $2,000 to $5,000 that are listed in the table below:

Additional NameJet .com Sales Between $2,000 - $5,000
getproductive.com $5,000   cannabismag.com $2,600
souyixia.com $4,911 healthdepot.com $2,566
quicksurvey.com $4,900 splitreason.com $2,555
geoportal.com $4,844 trrt.com $2,501
holton.com $4,701 ignacioricci.com $2,450
photovoltaik.com $4,200 sunspa.com $2,441
hcom.com $4,110 88gege.com $2,422
defective.com $4,100 88197.com $2,419
ofoto.com $3,915 17312.com $2,400
stillness.com $3,903 81598.com $2,397
myprepaid.com $3,700 82568.com $2,355
qlql.com $3,600 73828.com $2,322
sotel.com $3,600 bitec.com $2,310
69691.com $3,588 realdetroitweekly.com $2,307
tophealth.com $3,533 77128.com $2,300
vegasodds.com $3,500 22gege.com $2,288
nrrr.com $3,433 pinkyswear.com $2,259
66906.com $3,410 58626.com $2,250
georgi.com $3,400 mmac.com $2,250
77355.com $3,388 85916.com $2,210
EnergyPill.com $3,333 66389.com $2,200
webstorage.com $3,319 ggjg.com $2,200
lumera.com $3,030 vns77.com $2,150
attended.com $3,000 58696.com $2,119
tirepro.com $3,000 insurancefraud.com $2,105
zppp.com $3,000 greenking.com $2,101
rapidexpress.com $2,988 66723.com $2,100
soyouwanna.com $2,900 tarskitheme.com $2,100
epichealth.com $2,850 ourweb.com $2,081
maryclaire.com $2,850 ibuilder.com $2,075
resumesample.com $2,803 53715.com $2,010
hhdh.com $2,800 73536.com $2,010
theflorist.com $2,750 83539.com $2,010
gobook.com $2,710 78137.com $2,000
66yeye.com $2,700 81337.com $2,000
njmj.com $2,700 wbww.com $2,000
66398.com $2,600  

Back at Sedo Kamagrafast.com fetched $8,778, RevCard.com returned $8,500 and PadelShop.com posted $8,260. ForScience.com discovered $8,000, Remoto.com rang up $7,280. MLMGroup.com made $7,250 and Bierhoff.com banked $6,589

Sedo had 19 more sales ranging from $2,240 to $6,000 that are listed in the table below:

Additional Sedo .com Sales Between $2,240 - $6,000
kvsb.com $6,000   hirecode.com $3,000
trustbuilder.com $5,988 bankblack.com $2,999
iotmart.com $5,888 si-global.com $2,999
simpas.com $5,040 rosuvastatin.com $2,820
streetsalon.com $3,808 invetus.com $2,500
hiter.com $3,750 pricelawyer.com $2,500
carbrain.com $3,300 hiveventures.com $2,250
crkk.com $3,300 realwear.com $2,250
qahub.com $3,248 wine-guide.com $2,240
binghamlaw.com $3,000   

Elsewhere, Michael Mann's DomainMarket.com sold LuxuryOfTime.com for $8,888. Mann told us he picked up the domain for $160 in 2012. He got a similar bargain on DigitalLabor.com (#19 on this week's Top 20 Chart at $9,888), having acquired that name for just $200 the same year.

Country Codes

The ccTLDs were of course led by that monster $650,000 sale of Furniture.co.uk that topped the all extension leader board you saw above. Sedo had that sale as well as the #2 sale on our latest weekly Country Code Top 20 Sales Chart with Bet.com.br at $9,500.

NameJet filled the #3 slot with YA.tv at $6,000 with Sedo then rounding out the first five with M.gp and W.gp at $5,824 apiece (.gp is the country code for Guadeloupe). Sedo went on to sweep 13 of the 17 chart entries. DomainLore.co.uk also scored, hitting the daily double with #15 Polls.co.uk at $1,995 and #17 HoneyBee.co.uk at $1,077.

Great Britain's .co.uk squeaked out a win in the extension race with three chart entries. Four other TLD's had two apiece. Here is how the country code leaders stacked up for the week ending Sunday, July 31, 2016:

Country Code Top Sales Chart
Highest Reported Domain Sales - Mon. July 25, 2016 - Sun. July 31, 2016
(Foreign currency to U.S. Dollar Conversions Based on Rates in Effect August 3, 2016)


Sold For

Where Sold
1. Furniture.co.uk $650,000 Sedo
2. Bet.com.br  $9,500 Sedo
3. YA.tv $6,000 NameJet
M.gp €5,200 = $5,824 Sedo
W.gp €5,200 = $5,824 Sedo
6. Advance.tv $5,500 Sedo
7. Air.ai $3,800 Sedo
8. BitcoinCasino.us $3,500 Sedo
9. Flipflops.de €2,980 = $3,338 Sedo
10. Bikini.at €2,500 = $2,800 Sedo

11. Abnehmwette.de €2,450 = $2,744 Sedo
12. Evolution.ai $2,499 Sedo
13. iLoad.to €2,000 = $2,240 Sedo
14. 1010.cc $2,000 Sedo
15 Polls.co.uk £1,500 = $1,995 DomainLore.co.uk
16. CRA.us $1,477 Pvt Sale
17. HoneyBee.co.uk £810 = $1,077 DomainLore.co.uk

CLICK HERE for our Year-To-Date Charts.

If there are country code extensions in our report that you are not familiar with, you can look up the nation each extension goes with here

Non .com gTLDs (.net, .org, .biz, .info & others, including new gTLDs)

The non .com gTLDs were led by their lone five-figure sale, Bam.tech at $15,000 via Sedo. The #2 slot on our latest weekly Non .com gTLD Top 20 Chart also went to Sedo for their $4,500 sale of Free-Bets.net.

Rounding out the first five were NameJet's sales of #3 HIAA.org ($4,451) and #5 CostaRica.org ($4,105) with Sedo's $4,140 sale of #4 EKV.org sandwiched in between.

While the .nets won the extension race with seven chart entries (followed by the .orgs with four), the new gTLDs also made a nice showing with three .tech domains on the leader board as well as #17 Like.bike at $1,600 via Fancy.domains.

 Here is how the non .com gTLD sales leaders stacked up for the week ending Sunday, July 31, 2016:

Non .Com gTLDs Top Sales Chart
Highest Reported Domain Sales - Mon. July 25, 2016 - Sun. July 31, 2016
(Foreign currency to U.S. Dollar Conversions Based on Rates in Effect August 3, 2016)


Sold For

Where Sold
1. Bam.tech $15,000 Sedo
2. Free-Bets.net $4,500 Sedo
3. HIAA.org $4,451 NameJet
4. EKV.org $4,140 Sedo
5. CostaRica.org $4,105 NameJet
6. CCCorp.net $3,800 Sedo
7. PDD.net $2,850 NameJet
Artists.net $2,500 NameJet
WestRock.net $2,500 Sedo
10. Jaeger.org €2,150 = $2,408 Sedo

11. CFL.org $2,220 NameJet
3363.net $2,100 NameJet
ICEM.org $2,100 NameJet
Salus.net $2,100 NameJet
CUL.tech $1,688 Brand.direct
DMA.tech $1,688 Brand.direct
17. Like.bike $1,600 Fancy.domains

CLICK HERE for our Year-To-Date Charts.


Now that you're up to date on what happened over the past week, check out how the leaders stand year to date in all categories by visiting our Year To Date Charts page

Domain Name Industry Newsletter



As always, we welcome all verifiable sales reports from companies, private sellers or individuals with knowledge of an important sale made through any channel. To contribute information and help make this column better,  just drop a note to editor@dnjournal.com. We truly appreciate the industry leading companies who share their sales information with us to help everyone in the business get a handle on current domain values. 

Every Wednesday we publish the highest reported domain name sales for the previous week. On Mondays and Tuesdays our contributors send us their sales data for the previous 7 days. We then compile that information and write this article to give you the most comprehensive sales report in the industry. 

Editor's Note: If you wish to review previous Domain Sales columns, they are available in our Archive.

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