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February 24, 2016

Domain Sales

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Chinese Auction of .XYZ Domains Yields a 6-Figure Sale & 5 Others That Took Places on This Week's Top 20 Chart

We have been looking forward to this week to see if Chinese buyers, who returned to work last week after the country's New Year celebrations, would be back in big numbers after their holiday break. It doesn't appear that they were. While some of the biggest sales on our latest  all extension Top 20 Sales Chart were made to Chinese buyers, those sales were transactions from a registry auction of ultra-short .XYZ domains conducted on the West.cn platform last month (before the New Year's break) that have now closed. 

If you look at the non .XYZ domains on the Big Board there are only three (all sold by Sedo) that fit the mold most popular with Chinese buyers- short .com acronyms and numeric domains - and we can only confirm that one of those went to China. Sedo's sale of #2 GWH.com at $57,306 is now registered to someone in Korea, #13 RBET.com at $11,000 has been moved to Sedo's transfer account but, as of this writing, we don't know if it is headed to China or somewhere else. According to the WhoIs record, #17 11998.com did go to a Chinese buyer. So the jury may be out for awhile before we will know if China will be the dominant factor in the aftermarket this year that it was  through much of 2015.

By Ron Jackson

The .XYZ registry had to be delighted with the support they got from China in the West.cn auction that yielded the highest sale reported this week - 9.xyz at $170,250 (that is also one of the three biggest sales reported so far this year in any extension). Three others landed in the top ten - #3 YY.xyz at $37,500, #5 22.xyz at $25,800 and #7 ZZ.xyz at $17,100 

The .coms were still able to claim the majority of chart entries, 11 overall, with a roster that included the DomainProducts.com sale of #4 Lotto247.com via Afternic for $30,000. DomainProducts owner Clark Siegelin, who specializes in .com domains with the 247 suffix (as well as those with 360 and 365), told me that is the highest "247" sale to date. 

PlentyOfBrands.com also contributed to the .com effort, making a nice profit on #14 (tie) Convict.com. Owner Christian Calvin had picked that name up for just $4,200 at last month's NamesCon conference before flipping it this month for $10,000

The .XYZ sales obviously made it a good week for non .com gTLDs but that group also got some help from the category's traditional extensions. #11 Private-Krankenversicherungen.net went for $13,090 at Sedo while Rory Ivey sold #14 (tie) Bolt.org for $10,000 in a private transaction and Logan Flatt used Afternic to sell #19 (tie) Overture.org for $7,500. That left no room for the ccTLDs who were shut out this week. 

Before we go to the chart there is some more news of interest from George Kirikos of Leap.com, who has uncovered many six and seven domain sales by poring over public SEC filings. He has learned that Sonus Networks netted $896,000 for selling PT.com in October. It is quite likely the sales price before commissions were deducted was seven figures. I have an inquiry in to Sonus investor relations to see if they will confirm the exact sales price so we can add it to our 2015 Top 100 Chart where it would rank among the top 5 sales. No matter how you slice it, that is a big deal and, as always, we appreciate George bringing in to our attention.

Here is how all of the sales leaders stacked up for the week ending Sunday, Feb. 21, 2016:

HealthInsurance Services, Inc
eHealthInsurance Services, Inc
eHealthInsurance Services, Inc

The DN Journal Top 20 
Highest Reported Domain Sales - Mon. Feb. 15, 2016 - Sun. Feb. 21, 2016
(Foreign currency to U.S. Dollar Conversions Based on Rates in Effect Feb. 24, 2016)


Sold For

Where Sold
1. 9.xyz $170,250 West.cn
2. GWH.com $57,306 Sedo
3. YY.xyz $37,500 West.cn
4. Lotto247.com $30,000 DomainProducts/
5. 22.xyz $25,800 West.cn
6. Bankster.com $20,000 Sedo
7. ZZ.xyz $17,100 West.cn
8. Kanka.com $15,001 Sedo
9. Dolap.com €13,000 = $14,300 Sedo
10. Conversable.com £10,000 = $14,000 Sedo

11. Spectrum360.com $13,500 DomainProducts/
12. Private-Krankenversicherungen.net €11,900 = $13,090 Sedo
13. RBET.com $11,000 Sedo
Bolt.org $10,000 Pvt Sale
Convict.com $10,000 PlentyOfBrands
16. PZ.xyz $8,100 West.cn
17. 11998.com $7,710 Sedo
18. LiveFootballScores.com £5,500 = $7,700 Sedo
118.xyz $7,500 West.cn
Overture.org $7,500 Afternic

Keep in mind that these are the highest value cash only sales that have been reported to us in the past week. This column is meant to be an educational tool, not a complete list documenting ALL high value domain sales. Such a list is impossible to produce because many sales are kept private at the insistence of buyers, sellers or both. Our procedure for verifying the accuracy of domain sales reports is available here.

CLICK HERE for our Year-To-Date Top Sales Charts

Click Link Below for
The All-Time Top 20 All-Cash Domain Sales Reported By DNJournal.com
 (2003 to Now)

.Com Supporting Cast

Sedo led the .Com supporting cast of additional four-figure sales with Besca.com at $7,000. BizHub.com brought $6,719 and Buzfeed.com fetched $5,597. ContactCare.com captured $5,000 while C-Commerce.com and Shanthi.com drew $4,950 each. InPics.com and Ventis.com tacked on $4,500 apiece and JobCheck.com chalked up $4,000.  

Sedo had 30 more four-figure sales ranging from $2,000 to $3,900 that are listed in the table below:

Additional Sedo .com Sales Between $2,000 - $3,900
pdzf.com $3,900   thnks.com $2,899
xpartners.com $3,888 americangifts.com $2,588
thegay.com $3,850 liveflirt.com $2,500
iotserver.com $3,740 motome.com $2,500
purehaven.com $3,650 artoffreelance.com $2,495
wearablepro.com $3,580 sustainabletrust.com $2,495
kitsound.com $3,520 laundromagic.com $2,400
lovelearning.com $3,500 studentfactory.com $2,310
mybags.com $3,300 whdr.com $2,255
ubaghana.com $3,229 presets.com $2,050
rires.com $3,177 casinofootball.com $2,000
backalley.com $3,000 copytrack.com $2,000
ehealthresearch.com $3,000 parkourgames.com $2,000
kloee.com $3,000 tradecentrum.com $2,000
lovesweets.com $3,000 virtreal.com $2,000

At SnapNames.com Cashy.com corralled $4,356, Besso.com bagged $3,500 and Digui.com kicked in $2,605. BLWK.com added $2,460, PSKR.com produced $2,208. NSXD.com commanded $2,168 and KU4.com found $2,060.

Elsewhere, DomainProducts sold 365Simple.com for $5,500 at Afternic and Rory Ivey moved YesTag.com for $3,160 via DomainNameSales.com. GenericDomainMarket.com used Sedo to sell OyygenApp.com for $2,999, GoDaddy to sell SpiderApp.com for $2,499 and Afternic to sell StyleMyLife.com for $2,499

Country Codes

It was relatively slow going for the ccTLDs this week with no reported sales from this category reaching five figures. That allowed Lumax.de to take the top spot on our our latest Country Code Top 20 Sales Chart with a $6,600 sale at Sedo. They also moved #2 Schuetzenfest-Hannover.de for $6,490 and #3 YA.co.uk for $3,713.

Rounding out the first five are Majestic.eu - $3,465 at Golem.eu - and Wages.co.uk - $3,220 at DomainLore.co.uk. Sedo swept the rest of the top ten and took 11 of the 20 chart entries overall.

The European Union's .eu won the extension race with seven chart entries, followed by Germany's .de with five. Here is how the country code leaders stacked up for the week ending Sunday, Feb. 21, 2016:

Country Code Top 20 Sales Chart
Highest Reported Domain Sales - Mon. Feb. 15, 2016 - Sun. Feb. 21, 2016
(Foreign currency to U.S. Dollar Conversions Based on Rates in Effect Feb. 24, 2016)


Sold For

Where Sold
1. Lumax.de €6,000 = $6,600 Sedo
2. Schuetzenfest-Hannover.de €5,900 = $6,490 Sedo
3. YA.co.uk $3,713 Sedo
4. Majestic.eu €3,150 = $3,465 Golem.eu
5. Wages.co.uk £2,300 = $3,220 DomainLore.co.uk
6. Cap.io $3,200 Sedo
7. Autobett.de €2,846 = $3,131 Sedo
8. Sonax.co $2,999 Sedo
9. RetirementMortgages.co.uk £2,000 = $2,800 Sedo
10. MedicalSpa.de €2,500 = $2,750 Sedo

11. Rebalance.eu €2,300 = $2,530 Sedo
Bestewahl.de €2,000 = $2,200 Sedo
Pornogay.it €2,000 = $2,200 Sedo
14. SBK.ae $2,000 Sedo
15. eCigs.eu €1,801 = $1,981 Golem.eu
16. Stuehrenberg..eu €1,400 = $1,540 Golem.eu
17. Yogi.me $1,200 DNPric.es
18. Foodcom.eu €999 = $1,099 Golem.eu
19. Rori.eu €972 = $1,069 Golem.eu
20. Jongerius.eu €950 = $1,045 Golem.eu

CLICK HERE for our Year-To-Date Charts.

If there are country code extensions in our report that you are not familiar with, you can look up the nation each extension goes with here

Non .com gTLDs (.net, .org, .biz, .info & others, including new gTLDs)

The non .com gTLDs were led by the nine sales you saw on the all extension Top 20 chart at the top of this report. The biggest sale in this group that you haven't seen yet is #10 on our  latest Non. Com gTLD Top 20 Sales Chart. That is another one of those .XYZ auction sales at West.cn - XXX.xyz at $6,450.

Five more of those filled spots on the second half of the leader board, along with five more Sedo sales. The West.cn list included #11 YYY.xyz at $6,000 while the Sedo group featured #13 Casino.live at $5,000.

All of those auction sales gave .XYZ an easy win in the extension race with 12 chart entries. Here's how all of the Non .Com gTLD leaders stacked up for the week ending Sunday, Feb. 21, 2016:

Non .Com gTLDs Top 20 Sales Chart
Highest Reported Domain Sales - Mon. Feb. 15, 2016 - Sun. Feb. 21, 2016
(Foreign currency to U.S. Dollar Conversions Based on Rates in Effect Feb. 24, 2016)


Sold For

Where Sold
1. 9.xyz $170,250 West.cn
2. YY.xyz $37,500 West.cn
3. 22.xyz $25,800 West.cn
4. ZZ.xyz $17,100 West.cn
5. Private-Krankenversicherungen.net €11,900 = $13,090 Sedo
6. Bolt.org $10,000 Pvt Sale
7. PZ.xyz $8,100 West.cn
118.xyz $7,500 West.cn
Overture.org $7,500 Afternic
10. XXX.xyz $6,450 West.cn

11. YYY.xyz $6,000 West.cn
12. ZZZ.xyz $5,850 West.cn
13. Casino.live $5,000 Sedo
14. BabyLetter.net €3,990 = $4,389 Sedo
15. 987.xyz $3,975 West.cn
189.xyz $3,375 West.cn
6N.xyz $3,375 West.cn
18. JPO.net $2,500 Sedo
19. 673.org $2,151 Sedo
20. I.company $2,150 Sedo

CLICK HERE for our Year-To-Date Charts.

There were three more four-figure sales just off the chart. Sedo sold Vouch.org for $2,100 and two others -  Mind.plus and Rex.club for $2,000 each.

Now that you're up to date on what happened over the past week, check out how the leaders stand year to date in all categories by visiting our Year To Date Charts page

Domain Name Industry Newsletter



As always, we welcome all verifiable sales reports from companies, private sellers or individuals with knowledge of an important sale made through any channel. To contribute information and help make this column better,  just drop a note to editor@dnjournal.com. We truly appreciate the industry leading companies who share their sales information with us to help everyone in the business get a handle on current domain values. 

Every Wednesday we publish the highest reported domain name sales for the previous week. On Mondays and Tuesdays our contributors send us their sales data for the previous 7 days. We then compile that information and write this article to give you the most comprehensive sales report in the industry. 

Editor's Note: If you wish to review previous Domain Sales columns, they are available in our Archive.

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