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May 01, 2014

Domain Sales

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Flashcards.com Helps Sedo Ace This Week's Sales Test With Quarter Million Dollar Deal

Over the years Sedo and their Senior Broker, Dave Evanson, have topped our weekly domain sales chart so many times they don't need flashcards to help them remember the route to #1. However, FlashCards.com did help put them back on the top of the heap this week after Evanson brokered a $250,000 sale of the domain, one of the 15 biggest sales reported so far this year

Sedo also worked with one of their former brokers, Ryan Colby, who now runs Outcome Brokerage, to close the #2 sale on our latest all extension Top 20 Sales Chart - Intensity.com at $57,000. Sedo then made it 3 for 3 by taking the next spot with the week's biggest ccTLD sale, Tel.fr at $30,580. Sedo wound up having a hand in 15 of the 24 charted sales (the extra spots resulted from a five-way tie for the final position).

Go Daddy/Afternic also had their usual solid outing, claiming nine places on the Big Board. They rounded out the first five with #4 Modernize.com at $25,000 and #5 B2BCloud.com at $20,000. Those sales helped the .coms pile up 15 of the 24 chart entries.

By Ron Jackson

The ccTLDs also had a strong outing, placing six names on the elite list including two more in the top ten - a pair of German domains - #8 Bussgeldkatalog.de at $16,680 and #9 Lanzarote-web.de at $16,180. Sedo booked all six of those country code sales.

The non .com gTLDs earned three spots on the leader board with a trio led by #10 (tie) Prostate.info at $15,000 via Go Daddy/Afternic. They rung up the other two sales in this category as well, getting $14,003 for #14 XK.net and $13,500 for #15 Bridge.net.  

Here is how all of the sales leaders stacked up for the week ending Sunday, April 27:

The DN Journal Top 20 
Reported Domain Sales - Mon. April 21 2014 - Sun. April 27, 2014
Euro/Pound to Dollar Conversions (€/£ to $) is Based on Rates in Effect April 30, 2014


Sold For

Where Sold
1. Flashcards.com $250,000 Sedo
2. Intensity.com $57,000 Outcome Brokerage/
3. Tel.fr €22,000 = $30,580 Sedo
4. Modernize.com $25,000 Go Daddy/Afternic
5. B2BCloud.com $20,000 Go Daddy/Afternic
6. BestSub.com $17,888 Sedo
7. ArtJobs.com $17,500 Sedo
8. Bussgeldkatalog.de €12,000 = $16,680 Sedo
9. Lanzarote-web.de €11,640 = $16,180 Sedo
KNZ.com $15,000 Go Daddy/Afternic
Nope.com $15,000 Sedo
OnCast.com $15,000 Sedo
Prostate.info $15,000 Go Daddy/Afternic

Domain Escrow

14. XK.net $14,003 Go Daddy/Afternic
15. Bridge.net $13,500 Go Daddy/Afternic
Istanbul.ch €8,000 = $11,120 Sedo
PrintSolutions.de €8,000 = $11,120 Sedo
18. Novelas.tv $10,400 Sedo
19. Ecompay.com $10,100 Sedo
AcmeEquipment.com $10,000 Go Daddy/Afternic
IslandBankI.com $10,000 Sedo
LifeMastery.com $10,000 Go Daddy/Afternic
Louder.com $10,000 Sedo
SolarOwn.com $10,000 Go Daddy/Afternic

Keep in mind that these are the highest value cash only sales that have been reported to us in the past week. This column is meant to be an educational tool, not a complete list documenting ALL high value domain sales. Such a list is impossible to produce because many sales are kept private at the insistence of buyers, sellers or both. Our procedure for verifying the accuracy of domain sales reports is available here.

CLICK HERE for our Year-To-Date Charts.

.Com Supporting Cast

Go Daddy/Afternic led the .com supporting cast of four-figure .com sales with SecureWebsiteHost.com at $9,900. ChessLessons.com chalked up $9,090, NewYorkCityREIT.com returned $7,597 and JuiceCart.com squeezed out $6,300.  

StrategyManagement.com made $6,221, LogicIT.com tacked on $6,088 and three others - Agropalma.com, Shocase.com and VerfiedHealth.com - clicked for $6,000 each. KKRR.com commanded $5,900, IAmYou.com yielded $5,450 and ANDL.com contributed $5,168.

Go Daddy/Afternic had 87 more four-figure .com sales ranging from $2,000 to $5,000 that are listed in the table below:

Additional Go Daddy/Afternic .com Sales Between $2,000 - $5,000
repulse.com $5,000   justbbguns.com $2,500
accesshongkong.com $4,999 projectgreenlight.com $2,500
bancobic.com $4,999 propertymgmt.com $2,500
peopletimes.com $4,995 representingthepeople.com $2,500
sandiegodermatology.com $4,995 sanfranciscodaycares.com $2,500
nzzf.com $4,900 santabarbarastorage.com $2,500
chinapacific.com $4,888 tiyya.com $2,500
PIRCH.com $4,750 turfguys.com $2,500
marketopia.com $4,625 watify.com $2,500
southerngrown.com $4,550 WORLDSBESTVACATION.com $2,500
CorporateWellnessPrograms.com $4,500 breakingbadhabits.com $2,488
toerific.com $4,500 DrWebb.com $2,450
bostoncalendar.com $4,440 CALIFORNIAPERMIT.com $2,400
reviewcopy.com $4,400 mdhair.com $2,373
smilemaker.com $4,400 itakecare.com $2,346
responsively.com $4,250 ourtampabay.com $2,295
franklamark.com $4,200 spoilit.com $2,250
ambot.com $4,050 getsome.com $2,225
4257.com $4,002 zentest.com $2,200
mikemcgowan.com $4,000 relaxmind.com $2,188
nutriplex.com $4,000 vacationrentalsdeals.com $2,188
SelectWine.com $4,000 perfectbalance.com $2,125
tacom.com $4,000 appboom.com $2,088
newyorktutors.com $3,990 elasticonline.com $2,088
independenttrust.com $3,888 fashionprofiles.com $2,088
istanbul.co.com $3,750 novelaudio.com $2,088
iclife.com $3,588 signschool.com $2,077
vonhaas.com $3,500 vipoffer.com $2,077
exchangeideas.com $3,088 getfitathome.com $2,025
cornerofmyheart.com $3,000 autobob.com $2,000
customizegoogle.com $3,000 emprendizaje.com $2,000
lcash.com $3,000 globalhorsesales.com $2,000
phase2solutions.com $3,000 gruposms.com $2,000
thewellnesscentre.com $2,800 IdealLift.com $2,000
hxxs.com $2,750 illcommunication.com $2,000
pituitaryadenoma.com $2,732 m-track.com $2,000
yogabuddy.com $2,700 ncaat.com $2,000
clubsolar.com $2,688 peleton.com $2,000
hgti.com $2,650 royaljay.com $2,000
mabry.com $2,650 tahoeluxuryhomes.com $2,000
ecopaving.com $2,600 traphic.com $2,000
boutiquechic.com $2,500 VFCorp.com $2,000
couponcodes.co.com $2,500 vougioukas.com $2,000
fruitt.com $2,500  

Back at Sedo AutismRocks.com drummed up $9,500 while three others - Cinyi.com, FocusEnergy.com and Tobila.com - banked $8,000 apiece. 6280.com sold for $6,300 and ZSchool.com drew $6,250 while Luebbe.com and SupportNinja.com notched $6,000 apiece. HappyClinic.com dispensed another $5,900 and Eargo.com generated $5,400.  

Sedo had 37 more four-figure .com sales ranging from $2,000 to $5,000 that are listed in the table below:

Additional Sedo .com Sales Between $2,000 - $5,000
treasuryforum.com $5,000   ayza.com $2,780
weekup.com $5,000 junea.com $2,695
kourosh.com $4,995 coos.com $2,641
macromind.com $4,900 educatorslounge.com $2,595
informr.com $4,800 mynfo.com $2,595
artikle.com $4,000 axiu.com $2,500
goodxchange.com $4,000 jessicapark.com $2,500
movineo.com $4,000 kuznetsov.com $2,500
xcounter.com $3,753 keylane.com $2,495
lesroismages.com $3,614 giftwallet.com $2,400
tairan.com $3,600 graphicmarket.com $2,200
portavita.com $3,580 windtraders.com $2,195
nwhl.com $3,500 commsmanager.com $2,113
skillsx.com $3,499 contactsuite.com $2,095
minitrade.com $3,000 resultsinfo.com $2,095
parfumoriginal.com $3,000 topcasas.com $2,085
archilogic.com $2,958 thewok.com $2,077
korestudios.com $2,795 cloudjob.com $2,000
astondoa.com $2,780 ecommercebasics.com $2,000

Country Codes

The ccTLDs were led by the half-dozen five-figure sales you saw on the all extension Top 20 Chart above. The highest sale in this category that you haven't seen yet is #7 on this week's Country Code Top 20 Chart. That is Sedo's $9,500 sale of ArtJobs.co.uk. They went on to sweep 16 of the 20 chart entries overall.

Go Daddy/Afternic nailed down two spots on the leader board with #8 Draft.me at $7,500 and #16 Mike.co at $2,500. DomainAftermarket.co.uk claimed the other two openings with a pair of names that tied for #19 - Liff.co.uk and PCCases.co.uk - selling for $2,434 each.

Germany's .de won the extension race with five chart entries. Great Britain's .co.uk and Colombia's .co followed with three each.  Here is how the country code sales stacked up for the week ending Sunday, April 27:

Country Code Top 20
 Highest Reported ccTLD  Sales: Mon. April 21, 2014 - Sun. April 27, 2014
Euro/Pound to Dollar Conversions (€/£ to $) is Based on Rates in Effect April 30, 2014


Sold For

Where Sold
1. Tel.fr €22,000 = $30,580 Sedo
2. Bussgeldkatalog.de €12,000 = $16,680 Sedo
3. Lazarote-web.de €11,640 = $16,180 Sedo
Istanbul.ch €8,000 = $11,120 Sedo
PrintSolutions.de €8,000 = $11,120 Sedo
6. Novelas.tv $10,400 Sedo
7. ArtJobs.co.uk $9,500 Sedo
8. Draft.me $7,500 Go Daddy/Afternic
9. Acesse.in $5,000 Sedo
10. LiveTV.fr €3,000 = $4,170 Sedo

11. Technica.ch €2,799 = $3,891 Sedo
12. Printing.de €2,298 = $3,194 Sedo
13. Asos.com.ar €2,200 = $3,058 Sedo
14. FDG.com.cn $2,799 Sedo
15. Heftig.de €1,850 = $2,572 Sedo
Mike.co $2,500 Go Daddy/Afternic
Strategic.co $2,500 Sedo
SuperFood.co $2,500 Sedo
Liff.co.uk £1,440 = $2,434 DomainAftermarket.co.uk
PCCases.co.uk £1,440 = $2,434 DomainAftermarket.co.uk

CLICK HERE for our Year-To-Date Charts.

There were several more four-figure sales off the chart led by the $2,239 sale of Blueprint.co.uk at DomainLore.co.uk.

Sedo rang up four sales at $2,085 apiece - C-A-M.it, GameCode.nl, Unverblümt.de (an IDN) and WVS.eu. Sedo had 17 more four-figure ccTLD sales ranging from $1,000 to $1,807 that are listed in the table below:

Additional Sedo ccTLD Sales Between $1,000 - $1,807
hero.li $1,807   kochmirwas.de $1,390
istream.to $1,790 holzindustrie.eu $1,389
kinox2.to $1,790 stopfmaschine.de $1,251
aluminiumshopfront.co.uk $1,746 architektur.tv $1,043
wirpflegen.de $1,640 freitod.de $1,043
labelprint.de $1,572 gebrauchtmaschinenbörse.de $1,043
carwrap.be $1,390 turkey.gr $1,041
cosmeticaecologica.es $1,390 searchresults.com.au $1,000
duemmersee.de $1,390   

Elsewhere, DomainAftermarket.co.uk sold Dolcis.co.uk for $1,825 and NetFleet.com.au moved WindowRollerShutters.com.au ($1,580) and DDE.com.au ($1,457).

Go Daddy/Afternic added three others to their sales ledger - Axiom.me ($1,550), Tom365.cc ($1,539) and RuthChris.ca ($1,100).   

If there are country code extensions in our report that you are not familiar with, you can look up the nation each extension goes with here

Non .com gTLDs (.biz, .info, .mobi, .net, .org, .asia, .pro & .tel)

The non .com gTLDs had three five-figure sales reported this week with Go Daddy/Afternic's $15,000 sale of Prostate.info leading our latest Non .Com gTLD Top 20 Sales Chart. The highest sale in the group that you haven't seen yet is Sedo's $9,800 sale of #4 EJM.net at $9,800. They also rang up the two sales that rounded out the first five, tying for the 5th position - Focus.asia and Regime.net - at $6,255 each. 

Go Daddy/Afternic swept 12 of the next 14 sales and wound up bagging 15 chart entries overall. They put three more .nets in the top ten with a trio led by #7 Prostate-Cancer.net at $5,995.

The .nets easily won the extension with 14 chart entries. .Org was a distant second with four while .info and .asia had one each. Here's how all of the Non .Com gTLD leaders stacked up for the week ending Sunday, April 27:

Non .Com gTLDs Top 20
 Highest Reported Non .Com Global TLD Sales 
(.Net, .Org, .Biz & .Info) Mon. April 21, 2014 - Sun. April 27, 2014
Euro/Pound to Dollar Conversions (€/£ to $) is Based on Rates in Effect April 30, 2014


Sold For

Where Sold
1. Prostate.info $15,000 Go Daddy/Afternic
2. XK.net $14,003 Go Daddy/Afternic
3. Bridge.net $13,500 Go Daddy/Afternic
4. EJM.net $9,800 Sedo
Focus.asia €4,500 = $6,255 Sedo
Regime.net €4,500 = $6,255 Sedo
7. Prostate-Cancer.net $5,995 Go Daddy/Afternic
8. Latins.net $4,550 Go Daddy/Afternic
9. ZSchool.net $3,900 Sedo
10. SPDC.net $3,488 Go Daddy/Afternic

11. JetParts.net $3,200 Go Daddy/Afternic
12. 433.net $3,050 Go Daddy/Afternic
009.net $3,000 Sedo
ACSS.org $3,000 Go Daddy/Afternic
15. MarioLopez.net $2,999 Go Daddy/Afternic
16. CarsForCharity.org $2,988 Go Daddy/Afternic
17. Datebook.net $2,750 Go Daddy/Afternic
18. IdealLife.org $2,588 Go Daddy/Afternic
4Freedom.org $2,500 Go Daddy/Afternic
NEK.net $2,500 Go Daddy/Afternic

CLICK HERE for our Year-To-Date Charts.

Domain Name Industry Newsletter

There were several more four-figure non .com sales off the chart led by Go Daddy/Afternic's sales of EmergencyLight.net ($2,388), Amro.net ($2,200) and Buffalo.org ($2,100). PlayFoundation.org fetched $2,000, Playout.org plucked $1,888 and LongTermCarePlanning.net dispensed $1,800

Morgellons.org garnered $1,675, VeinSurgeon.net excised $1,637 and WebwiseKids.org went for $1,575. LookFor.org found $1,495, Uovo.net nabbed $1,288 and three others - Mappable.net, Pledges.org and Technotherapy.org - added $1,000 apiece.

Back at Sedo, GoodGame.biz brought $2,000, Aansprakelijkheidsverzekering.net deposited $1,390 and  two others - Bellagia.net and PaulCezanne.org - chipped in $1,000 each

Now that you're up to date on what happened over the past week, check out how the leaders stand year to date in all categories by visiting our Year To Date Charts page



As always, we welcome all verifiable sales reports from companies, private sellers or individuals with knowledge of an important sale made through any channel. To contribute information and help make this column better,  just drop a note to editor@dnjournal.com. We truly appreciate the industry leading companies who share their sales information with us to help everyone in the business get a handle on current domain values. 

Every Wednesday we publish the highest reported domain name sales for the previous week. On Mondays and Tuesdays our contributors send us their sales data for the previous 7 days. We then compile that information and write this article to give you the most comprehensive sales report in the industry. 

Editor's Note: If you wish to review previous Domain Sales columns, they are available in our Archive.

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