A trio of this week's six-figure sales
came from Heritage
Auctions who closed the first round of sales from their
first ever domain auction three weeks ago. That gave them the next
three spots on this week's all
extension Top 20 Sales Chart - #2 QR.com at $230,000,
#3 XZ.com at $138,000 and #4 Animation.com at
$112,125. HA went on to pile up seven chart entries overall,
tying Sedo
for the most charted sales. They also would have had the top spot on
this week's chart if their sale of MutualFunds.com had not
been subject to a non disclosure agreement.
Sedo's roster included a pair of domains
that tied for the #5 spot - Musique.com and Pizza.nl
at $103,500 apiece. Pizza.nl was one of four country codes
domains taking places on t he Big Board and three of those
(including NameJet's
$67,611 sale of #8 5.co.uk) rank among the year's ten
biggest ccTLD sales.
While the country codes had a banner week,
the non .com gTLDs were not as fortunate. That group not only
had no chart entries, it had no reported sales that reached even
five figures.
With no opposition from their non .com gTLD
counterparts, the .coms were able to sweep 16 of the 20 chart entries
including #7 Symbols.com
at $85,000. Yigal Ben Efraim told me his company
bought the domain in a private transaction to serve as the
foundation for a new symbols dictionary website that will tie
together 11
other reference related websites they own.
Here is how all of the sales leaders
stacked up for the week ending Sunday, Dec. 15:
DN Journal Top 20
Domain Sales - Mon. Dec. 9, 2013 - Sun. Dec. 15, 2013
Euro/Pound to Dollar Conversions (€/£ to $)
is Based on Rates in Effect Dec. 18, 2013
Domain |
Sold For
Sold |
1. |
Jobs.ca |
$450,000 |
Sedo |
2. |
QR.com |
$230,000 |
Heritage Auctions |
3. |
XZ.com |
$138,000 |
Heritage Auctions |
4. |
Animation.com |
$112,125 |
Heritage Auctions |
tie |
Musique.com |
€75,000 = $103,500 |
Sedo |
tie |
Pizza.nl |
€75,000 = $103,500 |
Sedo |
7. |
Symbols.com |
$85,000 |
Pvt Sale |
8. |
5.co.uk |
$67,611 |
NameJet |
tie |
Humble.com |
$50,000 |
Go Daddy/Afternic |
tie |
LoanCenter.com |
$50,000 |
Sedo |
11. |
Hemisphere.com |
$34,500 |
Heritage Auctions |
12. |
NetHouse.com |
$30,000 |
Sedo |
13. |
ERS.com |
£17,500 = $28,700 |
Sedo |
tie |
EconomyRentalCars.com |
$25,000 |
Go Daddy/Afternic |
tie |
SDA.com |
$25,000 |
Go Daddy/Afternic |
16. |
Schedule.me |
$24,000 |
Sedo |
tie |
AIE.com |
$23,000 |
Heritage Auctions |
tie |
BusinessPhones.com |
$23,000 |
Heritage Auctions |
19. |
OrderMe.com |
$20,000 |
Go Daddy/Afternic |
20. |
Numismatics.com |
$17,250 |
Heritage Auctions |
Keep in mind that these are the highest
value cash only sales that have been reported to us in the
past week. This column is meant to be an educational tool,
not a complete list documenting ALL high
value domain sales. Such a list is impossible to produce
because many sales are kept private at the insistence of
buyers, sellers or both. Our procedure for verifying the
accuracy of domain sales reports is available here.
HERE for our Year-To-Date Charts.
There were 18 more five-figure sales off the
chart led by a pair of $15,000 sales at Go Daddy/Afternic - one
for HeadsUpDisplay.com and the other for Remotely.com.
They also sold Fiaba.com and SimplySpotless.com for $14,000
each. LoanPal.com posted $12,000, NaturalMarket.com
notched $11,350 and two others, MutualFundDatabase.com and
TourismBermuda.com, brought $10,000 apiece.
At Sedo PokerTalk.com dealt out $13,800, JumpCut.com
clipped $11,500 and TopForex.com fetched $11,000.
HeartProject.com provided $10,725, PH-D.com drew $10,500
and CloudApp.com clicked for $10,100. Three others - CrimeToday.com,
ExitPlan.com and GolfApparel.com - chipped in $10,000
Heritage Auctions also had another one in this range - DoctorateDegree.com
at $11,500.
.Com Supporting
Sedo led the .com supporting cast of four-figure sales
with Moos.com at $9,995. They added $8,500 for BetBit.com,
$8,280 for CursosOnline.com and $8,049 for PingMe.com.
Casino-E.com cashed out at $8,000, Comparoptic.com
spotted $7,900 and Cosmethics.com covered $7,590.
PowerCare.com produced $7,000, Vozip.com
drew $6,900, TerminalBlock.com booked $6,700
and Zido.com delivered $6,210. Sedo had 30 more four-figure .com sales
ranging from $2,000 to
$5,999 that are listed in the table below:
Sedo.com Sales Between $2,000 - $5,999 |
oolo.com |
$5,999 |
ehas.com |
$3,000 |
schweigen.com |
$5,762 |
body-plus.com |
$2,898 |
videomapping.com |
$5,377 |
coinfest.com |
$2,800 |
mobstar.com |
$5,175 |
erfolgreich.com |
$2,760 |
concebir.com |
$5,000 |
adefy.com |
$2,695 |
miniride.com |
$5,000 |
flixhub.com |
$2,650 |
zeroinsurance.com |
$4,500 |
countdowntosavings.com |
$2,500 |
b-works.com |
$4,000 |
forensiq.com |
$2,500 |
ehscareer.com |
$4,000 |
tayori.com |
$2,500 |
metguard.com |
$4,000 |
eisenflechter.com |
$2,484 |
cloudstage.com |
$3,900 |
datemanager.com |
$2,400 |
equilia.com |
$3,588 |
spielencasino.com |
$2,395 |
gradiant.com |
$3,500 |
cheapcuba.com |
$2,077 |
arrox.com |
$3,450 |
kokar.com |
$2,000 |
kommunal.com |
$3,450 |
ubercom.com |
$2,000 |
At Go Daddy/Afternic, iFollow.com fetched $9,700,
ClickMD.com dispensed $9,500 and Intrinsic.com
captured $9,000. Rugula.com returned $8,900,
LEDPro.com lit up $8,500 and FStore.com
stocked $8,024.
LookAtMyBaby.com attracted $8,000, BestBlenders.com
mxied up $7,500 and two others - DXS.com and
GunsAndButter.com corralled $6,500 each.
Knifeman.com sliced off another $6,500 and SportsBreak.com
spawned $6,476.
Go Daddy/Afternic had 97 more four-figure
.com sales ranging from $2,000 to $5,000 that are
listed in the table below:
Go Daddy/Afternic .com Sales Between $2,000 - $5,000 |
atmcashcard.com |
$5,000 |
maxnyc.com |
$2,800 |
eggbanks.com |
$5,000 |
avdigital.com |
$2,788 |
film-on.com |
$5,000 |
mandovi.com |
$2,750 |
simplymine.com |
$5,000 |
nakata.com |
$2,741 |
vois.com |
$5,000 |
totalimaging.com |
$2,714 |
youthfulaging.com |
$5,000 |
hollywoodhighlights.com |
$2,690 |
betonsports.com |
$4,900 |
eastla.com |
$2,677 |
carii.com |
$4,888 |
benefitmanagers.com |
$2,570 |
euroscore.com |
$4,850 |
riocapital.com |
$2,550 |
ideposit.com |
$4,750 |
247webmail.com |
$2,500 |
racersguide.com |
$4,750 |
goldenarm.com |
$2,500 |
europeanuniversity.com |
$4,588 |
greencourt.com |
$2,500 |
thenewgreen.com |
$4,588 |
iqlighting.com |
$2,500 |
hgha.com |
$4,500 |
mrled.com |
$2,500 |
lcdmonitors.com |
$4,500 |
swimbook.com |
$2,500 |
espend.com |
$4,288 |
timelessmale.com |
$2,500 |
ergonomicconsultants.com |
$4,250 |
contracthub.com |
$2,488 |
datacamp.com |
$4,122 |
mged.com |
$2,488 |
cashgen.com |
$4,000 |
thefullstory.com |
$2,477 |
mobilemommy.com |
$4,000 |
equian.com |
$2,459 |
newsgrabber.com |
$3,900 |
careerme.com |
$2,450 |
flyboss.com |
$3,888 |
advisorslink.com |
$2,397 |
isolveit.com |
$3,888 |
defeathunger.com |
$2,388 |
idcoach.com |
$3,824 |
startscreen.com |
$2,388 |
datanext.com |
$3,600 |
automobilelending.com |
$2,377 |
cfpco.com |
$3,588 |
technocratic.com |
$2,363 |
mobileradar.com |
$3,588 |
microbusinessrevolution.com |
$2,350 |
criminallawmiami.com |
$3,580 |
connectedcustomer.com |
$2,346 |
9539.com |
$3,500 |
bellasue.com |
$2,300 |
blinkt.com |
$3,500 |
googlecreate.com |
$2,300 |
ileb.com |
$3,500 |
artfetish.com |
$2,277 |
overages.com |
$3,500 |
heartmaster.com |
$2,277 |
networkglobal.com |
$3,489 |
productiq.com |
$2,250 |
privateequitydeals.com |
$3,488 |
rootcausemedicine.com |
$2,250 |
qualityautomotiveparts.com |
$3,400 |
bewed.com |
$2,242 |
ultimatecarcare.com |
$3,388 |
247webhost.com |
$2,213 |
fidare.com |
$3,288 |
vipdiscounts.com |
$2,200 |
hiresearch.com |
$3,288 |
4690.com |
$2,125 |
grandrank.com |
$3,100 |
jidao.com |
$2,125 |
globalbeat.com |
$3,000 |
financialstories.com |
$2,088 |
groovon.com |
$3,000 |
headhigh.com |
$2,088 |
lynxus.com |
$3,000 |
smedigital.com |
$2,050 |
purposed.com |
$3,000 |
fit2me.com |
$2,000 |
supertitanium.com |
$3,000 |
myphotocards.com |
$2,000 |
taima.com |
$3,000 |
nomadicaudio.com |
$2,000 |
thebrandman.com |
$3,000 |
onlinebootcamp.com |
$2,000 |
wikidu.com |
$3,000 |
primestonecapital.com |
$2,000 |
capitolconstruction.com |
$2,900 |
seatgenie.com |
$2,000 |
camptech.com |
$2,840 |
Back at Heritage Auctions DupontCircle.com
sold for $8,050. GIU.com generated $7,475
and SellShort.com secured $6,900. SmartTVs.com
tuned in $6,325, FFQ.com commanded $5,750, PHQ.com
cornered $5,175 and OJX.com clicked for $4,126.
Elsewhere, Flippa.com
rang up $8,950 for QRP.com.
ccTLD fans were probably popping
champagne corks this week even though New Year's Eve is
still a couple of weeks away. The country codes booked three of
the year's ten biggest sales in this category in the past week
alone - including a new #1 for 2013
- Jobs.ca at $450,000.
All told the ccTLDs piled up a pair of
six-figure sales and six five-figure transactions. All of those
were listed in the all extension section above so the biggest
country code sale you haven't seen yet is #9 on our latest weekly Country Code Top 20 Sales
Chart. That is Sedo's $7,245 sale of ExactSoftware.nl.
Sedo rounded out the top ten with Reassured.co.uk at $6,560
and went on to sweep 16 of the 20 chart entries.
Great Britain's .co.uk won the extension
race with four chart entries, nipping Germany's .de and
Montenegro's .me with three each. Here is how the
country code leaders stacked up for the week ending Sunday, Dec.
Code Top 20
Highest Reported ccTLD
Sales: Mon. Dec. 9, 2013 - Sun. Dec. 15, 2013
Euro/Pound to Dollar Conversions (€/£ to $)
is Based on Rates in Effect Dec. 18, 2013 |
Domain |
Sold For
Sold |
1. |
Jobs.ca |
$450,000 |
Sedo |
2. |
Pizza.nl |
€75,000 = $103,500 |
Sedo |
3. |
5.co.uk |
$67,611 |
NameJet |
4. |
Schedule.me |
$24,000 |
Sedo |
5. |
Sold.com.au |
$15,600 |
Sedo |
6. |
LivingRoom.de |
= $12,420 |
Sedo |
7. |
KEA.me |
= $11,040 |
Sedo |
8. |
Cupon.co |
= $11,039 |
Sedo |
9. |
ExactSoftware.nl |
= $7,245 |
Sedo |
10. |
Reassured.co.uk |
= $6,560 |
Sedo |
11. |
G1.ca |
$6,500 |
Sedo |
12. |
Lynda.fr |
$5,500 |
Sedo |
13. |
GoodGame.pt |
= $4,830 |
Sedo |
14. |
StudentPlaces.co.uk |
= $4,823 |
Sedo |
15. |
CompareTravel.co.uk |
$4,600 |
Sedo |
16. |
WatchIt.tv |
$4,500 |
Daddy/Afternic |
17. |
Lyve.de |
= $4,140 |
Sedo |
18. |
OnlineShoppingDirect.co |
$3,995 |
Daddy/Afternic |
19. |
Charge.me |
$3,450 |
Auctions |
20. |
Busurlaub.de |
= $3,312 |
Sedo |
HERE for our Year-To-Date Charts. |
There were a few dozen additional four-figure
ccTLD sales off the chart led by NetFleet.com.au's
$3,176 sale of LakeStClair.com.au.
Sedo kept rolling with Ferracini.com.au
($3,000), Rosebank.de and Supermagneti.it at $2,759
apiece and Poker-Treff.de at $2,561.
Sedo had 38 more
four-figure ccTLD sales ranging from $1,000 to $2,553 that
are listed in the table below:
Sedo ccTLD Sales Between $1,000 - $2,553 |
(IDN) |
$2,553 |
digitron.be |
$1,463 |
lottostar.co.uk |
$2,460 |
alondra.ru |
$1,380 |
nextdirect.me.uk |
$2,460 |
haberler.de |
$1,380 |
home24.pt |
$2,415 |
selbst-coaching.de |
$1,379 |
bskd.de |
$2,401 |
ready2start.de |
$1,314 |
beerenstark.de |
$2,070 |
geothermia.gr |
$1,311 |
kosmetik-konzept.de |
$2,070 |
emf.at |
$1,242 |
resales.de |
$2,070 |
phaseone.eu |
$1,241 |
4gantenna.co.uk |
$2,050 |
kredito.ch |
$1,173 |
homi.it |
$2,020 |
thd.es |
$1,173 |
branchen-portal.de |
$1,932 |
spire.co |
$1,100 |
hafenstadt-hamburg.de |
$1,656 |
espressimo.de |
$1,035 |
kakaopulver.de |
$1,656 |
impossible.fr |
$1,035 |
kometa.de |
$1,656 |
qsz.de |
$1,035 |
netviagens.com.br |
$1,656 |
keyword.me |
$1,000 |
neuboote.de |
$1,642 |
lokalportal.se |
$1,000 |
kyfar.by |
$1,600 |
probiotics.tv |
$1,000 |
7.nu |
$1,500 |
SKS.us |
$1,000 |
landlordinsure.co.uk |
$1,476 |
snowflake.co |
$1,000 |
Go Daddy/Afternic sold eLoan.me ($2,400) and
Arista.co ($1,639) and Steve Orosz moved Chrysalis.us
for $2,700 in a private transaction.
If there are country code extensions in our report
that you are not familiar with, you can look up the nation each
extension goes with here.
Non .com gTLDs (.biz, .info, .mobi,
.net, .org, .asia, .pro & .tel)
While the .coms and ccTLDs were partying
hearty the non .com gTLDs were on the outside looking in
this week. With no five-figure sales reported it only took $5,500 to take the top spot on
our latest Non .Com gTLD Top 20 Sales Chart - an honor
that went to Tess.net via Sedo. They also sold MyPeople.net
for $4,500.
Go Daddy/Afternic answered with #3 IPDB.net
($3,788) and #4 VirtualMuseum.org ($3,200) before
Sedo rounded out the first five with Thread.org at $3,000.
The extension race went to the .nets with 11
entries. The .orgs followed with seven, leaving
one spot each for .asia and .pro.
Here's how all of the Non .Com gTLD leaders
stacked up for the week ending Sunday, Dec. 15:
.Com gTLDs Top 20
Highest Reported Non .Com Global
TLD Sales
(.Net, .Org, .Biz & .Info) Mon. Dec.
9, 2013 - Sun. Dec. 15, 2013
Euro/Pound to Dollar Conversions (€/£ to $)
is Based on Rates in Effect Dec. 18, 2013 |
Domain |
For |
Where Sold |
1. |
Tess.net |
$5,500 |
Sedo |
2. |
MyPeople.net |
$4,500 |
Sedo |
3. |
IPDB.net |
$3,788 |
Go Daddy/Afternic |
4. |
VirtualMuseum.org |
$3,200 |
Go Daddy/Afternic |
5 |
Thread.org |
$3,000 |
Sedo |
6. |
TheFancy.net |
£1,800 = $2,952 |
Sedo |
7. |
K.asia |
€2,110 = $2,912 |
Sedo |
8. |
HoustonProperties.net |
$2,900 |
Go Daddy/Afternic |
9. |
Iora.net |
$2,850 |
Sedo |
10. |
CasaSoft.net |
€2,000 = $2,760 |
Sedo |
11. |
DataSharing.org |
$2,440 |
Go Daddy/Afternic |
12. |
RUS.pro |
€1,750 = $2,415 |
Sedo |
13. |
TechNews.org |
$2,100 |
Flippa |
tie |
CREP.org |
$2,000 |
Go Daddy/Afternic |
tie |
GNRD.org |
$2,000 |
Go Daddy/Afternic |
16. |
ContentSolutions.net |
$1,999 |
Go Daddy/Afternic |
17. |
$1,825 |
Go Daddy/Afternic |
18. |
GunGames.net |
$1,750 |
Sedo |
19. |
L42.net |
€1,200 = $1,656 |
Sedo |
20. |
MJMedia.net |
$1,588 |
Go Daddy/Afternic |
HERE for our Year-To-Date Charts.
There were several additional four-figure sales off
the chart led by Flippa's $1,555 sale of Heaven.info.
They also moved Addicted.info ($1,250) and Convert.info
At Go Daddy/Afternic the hit list included VBNet.org
($1,500), HCAOA.org ($1,380) and TeamLab.org
($1,250). 51ise.info added $1,225, WomensHealthSite.net
secured $1,199 and AmericanMom.net earned $1,188.
AmericanMom.org and CSGC.org generated $1,088
each while Tahrir.net notched $1,001 and WhiteHeart.org
gained $1,000.
At Sedo Mitfahrzentrale.org drew
$1,380, ElectroCar.net plugged in $1,299 and EarnMoneyOnline.org
banked $1,100. AFSD.org, DotSoft.net and GlobalCounsel.net
delivered $1,000 each.
Now that you're up to date on what happened over the
past week, check out how the leaders stand year to date in all
categories by visiting our Year
To Date Charts page.
As always, we welcome all verifiable sales reports
from companies, private sellers or individuals with knowledge of an
important sale made through any channel. To contribute information and
help make this column better, just drop a note to [email protected].
We truly appreciate the industry leading companies who share their
sales information with us to help everyone in the business get a
handle on current domain values.
Every Wednesday we publish the highest
reported domain name sales for the previous week. On Mondays and
Tuesdays our contributors send us their sales data for the previous
7 days. We then compile that information and write this article to
give you the most comprehensive sales report in the industry.
Editor's Note: If you wish to review
previous Domain
Sales columns, they are available in our Archive.