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August 17, 2016

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Domain Aftermarket Heats Up With 70 Sales Ranging From $10,000 to $120,000 Over the Past Two Weeks  

I was away last week for my daughter Brittany's wedding, so we have some catching up to do this week. To bring you completely up to speed on all domain sales reported since my last column two weeks ago, this will be a double-length report with each of our charts expanded from their usual 20 positions to 40 to reflect the double dose of data. 

It was a very solid fortnight for the domain aftermarket led by a six-figure sale and 69 others that broke the five-figure barrier. Hitting that mark is usually good enough to earn a spot on the Big Board, but  so many did it over the past two weeks that 30 sales at that level fell short of qualifying for the elite list. 

The  AfternicDLS sale of Paddle.com at $120,000 set the pace this time around the track. That marks the 6th time in the past 7 weeks that at least one six-figure sale has been posted. 

GoDaddyAuctions swept the next four spots on the leader board with a quartet of .coms including #2 TeachingJobs.com at $89,250 and #3 TMG.com at $80,000. The .coms went on to sweep the first 18 places on the expanded all extension Top 40 sales chart, including an IDN, 動画.com ("video" in Japanese), at #8 with a $35,069 sale at Moniker/SnapNames.

By Ron Jackson

The ccTLDs finally snapped the .com streak with #19 Agri.eu changing hands for $20,790 at Sedo. They went on to put four more country codes on the leader board including #25 Runway.ca at $19,500.

The non .com gTLDs were less fortunate, with just one representative from that group on chart - #28 (tie) Oktoberfest.net, a domain that sold for $18,000 at DomainNameSales

The race among venues was a very competitive one with the AfternicDLS and GoDaddyAuctions each having a hand in 10 charted sales and Sedo accounting for nine. Five other venues has multiple chart entries; Moniker/SnapNames (4), NameJet (4), DomainNameSales (3), MostWantedDomains (2) and NoktaDomains (2). 

Here is how the sales leaders stacked up for the two weeks ending Sunday, Sept. 2:

The DN Journal Top 40 
Reported Domain Sales - Mon. Aug. 20, 2012 - Sun. Sept. 2, 2012
Euro/Pound to Dollar Conversions (€/£ to $) is Based on Rates in Effect Sept. 6, 2012


Sold For

Where Sold
1. Paddle.com $120,000 AfternicDLS
2. TeachingJobs.com $89,250 GoDaddyAuctions
3. TMG.com $80,000 GoDaddyAuctions
CED.com $60,000 GoDaddyAuctions
Curio.com $60,000 GoDaddyAuctions
6. MaidService.com $49,500 Sedo
7. GarageDoorRepair.com $44,000 DomainNameSales
8. 動画.com (IDN)
("video" in Japanese)
$35,069 Moniker/SnapNames
9. Indotogel.com $33,000 Sedo
10. Elysium.com $30,000 AfternicDLS
11. ComputerRepairs.com $25,655 NameJet
12. DataInterchange.com $25,369 Moniker/SnapNames
JRK.com $25,000 GoDaddyAuctions
VideoConverter.com $25,000 AfternicDLS
15. Concealer.com $23,500 NowYo/MichaelConner.tv
16. FitnessClass.com $22,500 DomainAdvisors/
17. NebraskaWorkforce.com $22,299 NameJet
18. EduHelper.com $21,288 AfternicDLS/
19. Agri.eu €16,500 = $20,790 Sedo
351.com $20,000 AfternicDLS
LandGrab.com $20,000 MostWantedDomains
WellPlay.com $20,000 AfternicDLS

23. MyEyes.com $19,777 GoDaddyAuctions
24. CoralReef.com $19,500 NameJet
25. Runway.ca $19,000 Sedo
FirstClassShopping.com $18,500 AfternicDLS
Orkide.com $18,500 NoktaDomains
CottonTraders.com $18,000 Sedo
Oktoberfest.net $18,000 DomainNameSales
29. WeDownload.com $17,500 MostWantedDomains
30. Turbe.com $17,000 NoktaDomains
31. ComputerMonitors.com $16,099 NameJet
AutumnLeaves.com $16,000 GoDaddyAuctions
Forever.co.uk $16,000 Sedo
Rocket.co $16,000 Sedo
35. PrivateNumberPlates.com $15,700 AfternicDLS
36. KevinOleary.com $15,474 Moniker/SnapNames
37. Kabazzled.com $15,125 Moniker/SnapNames
38. 21.de €12,000 = $15,120 Sedo
DeptOfHealth.com $15,000 AfternicDLS
Ergotronic.com $15,000 AfternicDLS
FanTickets.com $15,000 GoDaddyAuctions
Microlancer.com $15,000 Sedo
MRCGlobal.com $15,000 GoDaddyAuctions

Keep in mind that these are the highest value sales that have been reported to us in the past week. This column is meant to be an educational tool, not a complete list documenting ALL high value domain sales. Such a list is impossible to produce because many sales are kept private at the insistence of buyers, sellers or both. Our procedure for verifying the accuracy of domain sales reports is available here.

For the many newcomers entering the domain industry we also want to point out that the reasons why a domain name sells for a certain price can be varied and are not always clear to those who are unfamiliar with the domain market. If you do not understand why specific domain names command the prices they do, you are likely to make unwise domain registrations or purchases. We highly recommend that you do some basic research before you buy anything! As a starting point we have built a sister site specifically for you at NameNewbie.com.

CLICK HERE for our Year-To-Date Charts.

There were 30 more five-figure .com sales off the chart led by Sedo's $14,760 sale of SIPX.com. They also banked $13,000 for GHUB.com and $12,600 each for Panzerspiele.de and SHP.net. Also at Sedo, SeniorCare.org sold for $12,000 and three others; MyDriver.com, MyMosaic.com and Origami.org went for $10,000 apiece

At the AfternicDLS EcoPlaza.com plucked $14,500, VehicleTracking.com drew $14,000 and HotelGuests.com generated $12,500. WakeyWakey.com wangled $12,088, TravelPlus.com provided $11,500 and V99.com notched $10,500. Two others; IZU.com and WarrantCheck.com chalked up $10,000 each.

At Moniker/SnapNames GovernmentJobs.org added $13,250, Bookland.com bagged $12,500 and Mivo.com made $10,550. RealStone.com returned $10,525 while ChristianLove.com and WinForce.com fetched $10,200 apiece

Elsewhere, GoDaddyAuctions sold OfficeRentals.com ($12,500) and LiveCasinoTV.com ($12,000) while DomainNameSales moved ChinaList.com for $12,000, ITCertifications.com for $11,000 and two others, MorninGlory.com and ShotOver.com corralled $10,000 each. NoktaDomains tacked on $11,000 apiece for HelmetCameras.com and Tagesgeldzinsen.com.

.Com Supporting Cast

Sedo led the .com supporting cast of four-figure sales with Inspirational.com at $9,999. They also scored with Dagrasso.com ($9,828), Mirova.com ($9,411) and Jagen.com ($8,807). USPAP.com posted $8,800 while BirdFly.com and Enriched.com rang up $8,000 each

Point-Rouge.com commanded $7,560, WindEnergie.com went for $7,559 and EJEJ.com clicked for $7,140. iAmerican.com dug up $7,000 and eMeasure.com discovered $6,250. Sedo had 65 more four-figure sales ranging from $2,000 to $6,000 that are listed in the table below:

Additional Sedo .com Sales Between $2,000 - $6,000
compress.com $6,000   fashionmagazines.com $2,960
feuds.com $5,750 lightking.com $2,950
businessdna.com $5,250 herceg-novi.com $2,772
egomotion.com $5,040 linenservice.com $2,750
bizzoom.com $5,000 pakd.com $2,750
knowledgeinc.com $5,000 power-generators.com $2,688
linkbutler.com $5,000 chiropraxie.com $2,646
unjustus.com $5,000 fitnessfreaks.com $2,550
homecredit.com $4,500 towncenter.com $2,550
retiresmarter.com $4,500 cerexis.com $2,535
sume.com $4,500 willwill.com $2,520
writearesume.com $4,500 1105publishing.com $2,500
coach24.com $4,410 fols.com $2,500
nekutai.com $4,410 realclean.com $2,500
bookwithus.com $4,250 buqa.com $2,427
aequator.com $3,969 shipshow.com $2,395
everlive.com $3,700 colline.com $2,379
anywind.com $3,500 vigon.com $2,379
kthouse.com $3,500 casino-slots.com $2,325
schoolbuzz.com $3,500 dasmassivhaus.com $2,268
televan.com $3,500 couturekitchen.com $2,250
todopro.com $3,500 wowprofessions.com $2,250
fedoskino.com $3,200 hotelphoto.com $2,210
continu.com $3,150 ydin.com $2,200
elitewater.com $3,150 helpa.com $2,050
fullhair.com $3,000 agga.com $2,000
gonemobile.com $3,000 conferencemanagement.com $2,000
linkflex.com $3,000 filereview.com $2,000
seemp.com $3,000 gitlab.com $2,000
tokusatsu.com $3,000 platerate.com $2,000
expertnutrition.com $2,997 popmania.com $2,000
mrshirts.com $2,995 rippling.com $2,000
datachina.com $2,990  

Back at Moniker/SnapNames MinimartJobs.com attracted $9,900, FUGA.com claimed $9,461 and ChinaMall.com marked down $8,274. TheGameChangers.com chipped in $7,200, HeartVision.com harvested $5,000 and an IDN, レンタカー.com, added $4,500

PersianFood.com wolfed down $3,711 while ChinaTeacher.com and PhoenixInsurance.com uncovered $3,600 each. GovernmentHomes.com welcomed $3,532, PhotoRanker.com rated $3,125 and UDEV.com delivered $2,900. Funs.com found $2,700, BiminghamNews.com booked $2,600 and FindACard.com located $2,405. Another IDN, ホームページ.com, sold for $2,272

Back at the AfternicDLS AutismHope.com, Tropical-Naturals.com and Xhow.com contributed $8,000 apiece. Kubix.com and SparklingImage.com displayed $7,500 each and Fehrs.com flagged down $6,988

NewCard.com cleared $6,800, AirsoftGearStore.com distributed $6,500, SalsaStore.com served up $6,400 and HomeInteractive,com connected for $6,088. The AfternicDLS had 201 more four-figure .com sales ranging from $2,000 to $6,000 that are listed in the table below:

Additional AfternicDLS .com Sales Between $2,000 - $6,000
GableVents.com $6,000   minelink.com $2,800
Implicitly.com $6,000 tapnet.com $2,800
meetingvenue.com $6,000 jobdreaming.com $2,777
proximal.com $6,000 CLOUDCHARGE.com $2,750
SchoolPortraits.com $6,000 showaround.com $2,750
sinet.com $6,000 tradeoftheday.com $2,750
hrha.com $5,999 destinationwellness.com $2,688
okne.com $5,900 sportsplanner.com $2,650
imajin.com $5,625 TotalMedCare.com $2,650
airportrent.com $5,600 HealthBeautyLife.com $2,595
GlycolicAcidPeel.com $5,500 UltraShore.com $2,595
winglets.com $5,500 2amigos.com $2,588
connectgolf.com $5,400 baybuy.com $2,588
automata.com $5,000 choonline.com $2,588
bagpack.com $5,000 gccnet.com $2,588
baldisbeautiful.com $5,000 just-kids.com $2,588
beautybuy.com $5,000 majestical.com $2,588
designstuff.com $5,000 marrakechholidays.com $2,588
dresswatches.com $5,000 sellingout.com $2,588
exchangeco.com $5,000 sportmachine.com $2,588
greattools.com $5,000 themoviehouse.com $2,588
healthcatalyst.com $5,000 homny.com $2,577
italytrips.com $5,000 churchpastor.com $2,527
lxs.com $5,000 gumballmachinewarehouse.com $2,500
paternitytests.com $5,000 irenesstory.com $2,500
pediatricsplus.com $5,000 kwsa.com $2,500
StainedGlassFilm.com $5,000 mwas.com $2,500
breathable.com $4,999 ontariohomebuilders.com $2,500
cardconnect.com $4,999 open-access.com $2,500
qualitytoystores.com $4,985 rekenen.com $2,500
utto.com $4,788 Sam360.com $2,500
mpde.com $4,700 sensorlab.com $2,500
medrev.com $4,688 siili.com $2,500
yourcampaign.com $4,588 ForOurKids.com $2,499
digitalrewards.com $4,575 findbuilder.com $2,488
legacystudios.com $4,500 inthesquare.com $2,488
noangle.com $4,488 grillclub.com $2,470
thegulf.com $4,479 PUREINCOME.com $2,450
businessminded.com $4,388 agservice.com $2,400
rokos.com $4,388 californiadreamers.com $2,400
cordlessanglegrinder.com $4,288 piazzetta.com $2,400
SaverPlus.com $4,250 saversnetwork.com $2,400
arizonamedical.com $4,188 MedicareFacts.com $2,395
lasermedia.com $4,129 SoutheasternHealth.com $2,395
taxionline.com $4,088 westernsales.com $2,391
ahlebait.com $4,000 arqnet.com $2,388
christianjewelry.com $4,000 hullstreet.com $2,388
HalfPast.com $4,000 productfeed.com $2,388
Hometeamrealty.com $4,000 tensiv.com $2,388
angelbusiness.com $3,888 writeable.com $2,350
basicdental.com $3,888 dhfonline.com $2,332
cardu.com $3,888 adcan.com $2,300
oneups.com $3,888 flexlinks.com $2,300
reviewalert.com $3,888 nightatthemovies.com $2,300
askthelaw.com $3,800 theartistsmuse.com $2,288
electronicdance.com $3,788 CARSOFT.com $2,250
intelligentenvironment.com $3,788 furthered.com $2,200
lawyerscommunity.com $3,788 weyv.com $2,200
formula4.com $3,777 InFound.com $2,195
salsify.com $3,750 elitestar.com $2,188
angleinn.com $3,688 gamenemesis.com $2,188
ahbgroup.com $3,588 interventionnow.com $2,188
CodeHire.com $3,500 nextnotes.com $2,188
hallowelt.com $3,500 ciausa.com $2,161
Mad360.com $3,500 venturehealthcare.com $2,144
terrytown.com $3,500 mediamerchandising.com $2,137
wiredorthodontics.com $3,500 FairChip.com $2,100
dealerbroker.com $3,388 honeycandles.com $2,100
homeinspiration.com $3,300 123contractors.com $2,088
nordicinnovation.com $3,300 benzocaine.com $2,088
simpletons.com $3,288 greatlakeshome.com $2,088
teacherwall.com $3,288 improveeducation.com $2,088
electronicszone.com $3,225 policydesk.com $2,088
injuryadvocates.com $3,200 promparties.com $2,088
restorationprogram.com $3,200 slivo.com $2,088
thetortoise.com $3,200 soundsleepers.com $2,088
marmelade.com $3,136 superbullet.com $2,088
appsco.com $3,088 trueoptimization.com $2,088
food-time.com $3,088 yourpersonalbrand.com $2,088
Alphag.com $3,000 changesomething.com $2,070
aspenschools.com $3,000 learningpod.com $2,050
bosted.com $3,000 AEROBIA.com $2,000
fivestarvacations.com $3,000 aunit.com $2,000
LikeYourStyle.com $3,000 educationalpsychologist.com $2,000
mobilegenerators.com $3,000 farmersfriend.com $2,000
OvernightSummerCamps.com $3,000 greatvisit.com $2,000
spacecube.com $3,000 indigogold.com $2,000
ticketsnet.com $3,000 keeponrocking.com $2,000
worldbeachgames.com $3,000 lightearth.com $2,000
healthysolutionsonline.com $2,995 mobilecad.com $2,000
golfonthego.com $2,988 Neo365.com $2,000
platinumchoice.com $2,959 onlinegoldmine.com $2,000
atmh.com $2,950 pointguards.com $2,000
salonsavvy.com $2,950 SecondaryMarketing.com $2,000
dealminers.com $2,900 streetsweep.com $2,000
meatandfish.com $2,900 supermx.com $2,000
avdr.com $2,852 surfapparel.com $2,000
uscycle.com $2,850 ticketsforlife.com $2,000
AnyRide.com $2,800 viajebien.com $2,000
fixpain.com $2,800 weguard.com $2,000
inlao.com $2,800  

The AfternicDLS also worked with Moniker/SnapNames to sell EmbroideryFonts.com ($8,100), GotSexy.com ($2,777) and ItsAllAboutMoney.com ($2,188).

At NameJet Maxidress.com slipped into $8,000, Andai.com dished out $7,877 and Foal.com collared $7,800. OJV.com added $7,101, GatlinburgCabins.com booked $6,958 and ChinaInfo.com focused on $6,680

CollegeChannel.com tuned in $6,600, NordicWalking.com worked up $6,488 and Hepai.com paid out $6,300. DoubleUp.com devoured $5,199 and Bakabt,com buttoned up $5,100. Namejet had 57 more four-figure .com sales ranging from $2,000 to $5,000 that are listed in the table below:

Additional NameJet .com Sales Between $2,000 - $5,000
cush.com $5,000   onlinetutoringsolutions.com $2,500
sponsorme.com $4,603 viam.com $2,500
managementservices.com $4,601 exploding.com $2,400
lemall.com $4,600 fishinglines.com $2,399
affari.com $4,522 aceboard.com $2,322
myangel.com $4,300 labelshop.com $2,322
biaoyan.com $4,100 avkids.com $2,300
dailybark.com $4,000 campingtoday.com $2,266
sendo.com $3,811 kittys.com $2,223
radiationshielding.com $3,533 dailydollar.com $2,201
netforum.com $3,510 kryptos.com $2,200
corinthian.com $3,451 moodo.com $2,200
dishui.com $3,266 timbo.com $2,200
healthyair.com $3,201 vintagedesign.com $2,200
scorecast.com $3,103 beachtimeshare.com $2,167
isabell.com $3,100 mobilesupply.com $2,166
selfsufficient.com $3,010 justforshow.com $2,131
netbaby.com $2,700 tscc.com $2,122
appversity.com $2,699 wwwtesco.com $2,112
4117.com $2,600 overhaulin.com $2,102
birdseyeview.com $2,600 minorities.com $2,100
ezconnect.com $2,600 discoverniagara.com $2,099
isci.com $2,600 igong.com $2,082
tonerfactory.com $2,600 flightservices.com $2,078
winegarden.com $2,600 mortgageconnect.com $2,011
marketfresh.com $2,555 transcriptionsoftware.com $2,001
depositbonus.com $2,550 atina.com $2,000
dandruffshampoo.com $2,501 commercialvacuumcleaners.com $2,000
audiomixer.com $2,500  

At DomainNameSales FuneralExpense.com and VirtualYoga.com yielded $8,000 apiece while NYCYogurt.com and ShipLoader.com docked at $7,500 each. TypeScript.com and GeorgiaHunting.com bagged $5,000 apiece and NatureGuides.com garnered $4,500

BeerFestivals.com celebrated $4,000, ServiceBids.com secured $3,500, VatLogistics.com locked up $2,750 and FineCT.com tallied $2,000. DomainNameSales also worked with GoDaddyAuctions to sell AustinRoofing.com ($7,500), EdmontonApartments.com ($5,000) and KamloopsApartments.com ($3,000)

YummyNames worked with the AfternicDLS to sell Upwardly.com ($4,000), EasyEggs.com ($3,496), LondonCeramics.com ($3,496) and IK9.com ($2,500). They also sold two names on their own; SafeOption.com at $2,500 and Hakenjob.com at $2,000

At NoktaDomains ServiceManagementSoftware.com downloaded $3,882, LinenServices.com landed $3,600 and PhotographyMarketing.com closed at $2,850. BelediyeBaskani.com billed $2,424 and SellingUp.com sewed up $2,300.

Country Codes

The ccTLDs were led by the six five-figure sales you saw in the all extension section above (five of which made the Big Board). The highest sale in this category that you haven't seen yet is #7 on our expanded Country Code Top 40 Sales Chart. That is NewYears.co.uk, a name that sold at NoktaDomains for $9,250

Sedo, who swept 36 of the 40 chart entries, took the next two spots with #8 QuickTune.de ($8,896) and #9 Sohome.co.uk ($7,950) and Moniker/SnapNames rounded out the top ten with Beez.me at $7,500

Here is how the ccTLD leaders stacked up for the two weeks ending Sunday, Sept. 2:

Country Code Top 40
 Highest Reported ccTLD  Sales: Mon. Aug. 20, 2012 - Sun. Sept. 2, 2012
Euro/Pound to Dollar Conversions (€/£ to $) is Based on Rates in Effect Sept. 6, 2012


Sold For

Where Sold
1. Agri.eu €16,500 = $20,790 Sedo
2. Runway.ca $19,000 Sedo
Forever.co.uk $16,000 Sedo
Rocket.co $16,000 Sedo
5. 21.de €12,000 = $15,120 Sedo
6. Panzerspiele.de €10,000 = $12,600 Sedo
7. NewYears.co.uk $9,250 NoktaDomains
8. QuickTune.de €7,060 = $8,896 Sedo
9. Sohome.co.uk £5,000 = $7,950 Sedo
10. Beez.me $7,500 Moniker/SnapNames
11. Roads.co $6,666 Sedo
12. SellMyHouseFast.co.uk £4,000 = $6,360 Sedo
13. RealEstates.com.au $5,682 Drop.com.au
14. Sales.gr €4,500 = $5,670 Sedo
15. TA.gs £3,100 = $4,929 Sedo
16. Yubi.de €3,900 = $4,914 Sedo
17. Yo.nl €3,600 = $4,536 Sedo
18. StahlDesign.de €3,350 = $4,221 Sedo
19. Impossible.me $4,000 Sedo
20. Lieblingsrezept.de €3,050 = $3,843 Sedo

21. 24V.de €3,001 = $3,781 Sedo
Bicycle.ch €3,000 = $3,780 Sedo
Enjo.de €3,000 = $3,780 Sedo
24. BusinessCards.co.za $3,500 Pvt Sale
25. Smart-ElectricDrive.de €2,650 = $3,339 Sedo
Franceluxe.fr €2,500 = $3,150 Sedo
SuperGame.be €2,500 = $3,150 Sedo
28. Klassiekemuziek.nl €2,380 = $2,999 Sedo
Fussballwetten.eu €2,250 = $2,835 Sedo
Resus.eu €2,250 = $2,835 Sedo
Ferienhaus-Ferienwohnungen.ch €2,200 = $2,772 Sedo
Shopping.de €2,200 = $2,772 Sedo
33. Webinar.cc €2,000 = $2,520 Sedo
34. Transport.us $2,500 Sedo
Estanques.es €1,900 = $2,394 Sedo
EyeTracking.de €1,900 = $2,394 Sedo
Prussia.eu €1,900 = $2,394 Sedo
38. CL.am £1,500 = $2,385 Sedo
39. Leefkracht.nl €1,890 = $2,381 Sedo
40. QRShopping.at $2,300 Sedo

CLICK HERE for our Year-To-Date Charts.

There were several dozen more four-figure ccTLD sales off the chart led by Sedo's $2,268 sale of Cheminova.de. GIR.eu and Wienerberger.co.in brought $2,016 each and RichardCarter.co.uk kicked in $1,908

A six-name log jam followed with ADP.in, IQS.eu, an IDN - Möglich.de, MyWebsite.de, RMB.es and Showtechnik.de going for $1,890 apiece. Sedo had 42 more four-figure ccTLD sales ranging from $1,000 to $1,790 that are listed in the table below:

Additional Sedo ccTLD Sales Between $1,000 - $1,790
elftec.de $1,790   hauptstadt-immobilien.de $1,247
robotek.de $1,764 medienwerk.at $1,229
wuerfel.de $1,764 energiemanagement.eu $1,197
goedkopen.nl $1,701 ji.be $1,197
1337.tv $1,685 shamballa.ch $1,197
nch.ch $1,638 mobilephonesignalbooster.co.uk $1,193
vergoldung.de $1,633 esy.es $1,134
barracuda.eu $1,607 grc.eu $1,134
bikeworld.co.uk $1,588 smokers.co.uk $1,134
mietgerueste.de $1,588 designe.ch $1,071
mytracker.co.uk $1,415 mybudget.ch $1,071
denken.eu $1,386 teichshop.ch $1,071
eformazionecontinua.it $1,386 2good.de $1,008
londonvenues.co.uk $1,367 akne.no $1,008
woxikon.in $1,300 easy-bill.de $1,008
mydeal.in $1,290 juranek.de $1,008
quantumenergy.co.uk $1,272 badger.co $1,000
mega-content.de $1,260 credits.mx $1,000
omn.eu $1,260 ers.in $1,000
handytarif.ch $1,259 hangwith.me $1,000
sum.im $1,250 kredits.in $1,000

NetFleet.com.au sold GourmetHampers.com.au for $2,039, PrepaidDebitcard.com.au for $1,416 and Queenscliff.com.au for $1,360. LifeInsuranceQuotes.net.au added $1,331 and ChinaBar.com.au banked $1,076

Elsewhere, NameJet sold MySky.tv for $2,000 while NoktaDomains moved WatchStraps.co.uk ($1,900), SoccerTeams.co.uk ($1,500) and EventCatering.co.uk ($1,150). GenericDomainMarket.com worked with the AfternicDLS to sell Boost.us for $1,699 and DomainLore.co.uk sold Pier.co.uk for $1,272

If there are country code extensions in our report that you are not familiar with, you can look up the nation each extension goes with here

Non .com gTLDs (.biz, .info, .mobi, .net, .org, .asia, .pro & .tel)

The non .com gTLDs were led by the five-figure sales that were noted in the all extension section above. The highest sale in this category that you haven't seen yet is 43.net at $8,800 via NameJet - making it the #6 domain on our expanded Non .com gTLD Top 40 Sales Chart.  

Sedo took the next slot with #7 Wetten.biz at $8,190 and NameJet filled the next two positions with #8 OF.org at $7,603 and #9 Certification.net at $7,501. Sedo's $5,166 sale of Descargar.info rounded out the top ten.  

Here's how all of the Non .Com gTLD leaders stacked up for the two weeks ending Sunday, Sept. 2:

Non .Com gTLDs Top 20
 Highest Reported Non .Com Global TLD  Sales 
(.Net, .Org, .Biz & .Info) Mon. Aug. 20, 2012 - Sun. Sept. 2, 2012
Euro/Pound to Dollar Conversions (€/£ to $) is Based on Rates in Effect Sept. 6, 2012


Sold For

Where Sold
1. Oktoberfest.net $18,000 DomainNameSales
2. GovernmentJobs.org $13,250 Moniker/SnapNames
3. SHP.net €10,000 = $12,600 Sedo
4. SeniorCare.org $12,000 Sedo
5. Origami.org $10,000 Sedo
6. 43.net $8,800 NameJet
7. Wetten.biz €6,500 = $8,190 Sedo
8. OF.org $7,603 NameJet
9. Certification.net $7,501 NameJet
10. Descargar.info €4,100 = $5,166 Sedo
11. Lover.net $5,001 NameJet
12. Mail.biz $4,900 Sedo
13. Samy.net €3,800 = $4,788 Sedo
14. Kirala.net $4,500 NoktaDomains
15. Flutter.net $4,388 AfternicDLS
16. SearchResults.org $3,888 AfternicDLS
Serrurerie.net $3,688 AfternicDLS
TVDirect.net $3,688 AfternicDLS
19. Bobbleheads.net $3,601 NameJet
20. Kaninchenstall.info €2,750 = $3,465 Sedo

21. Jets.org $3,433 NameJet
22. Cicon.net $3,388 AfternicDLS
23. SkyDiving.org $3,300 Moniker/SnapNames
Congratulations.net $3,201 NameJet
LionsClub.org $3,201 NameJet
26. Luscious.net $3,188 AfternicDLS
Hellomobile.net €2,500 = $3,150 Sedo
Kinderkleidung.net €2,500 = $3,150 Sedo
Schweizer-Kredit.net €2,500 = $3,150 Sedo
Flynet.net $3,000 AfternicDLS
Hut.net $3,000 Sedo
Unexpected.org $3,000 AfternicDLS
33. MobileBanking.net $2,966 NameJet
34. Sellside.net $2,852 AfternicDLS
35. Casinospiele.info €2,250 = $2,835 Sedo
36. Montreal.info $2,611 NameJet
37. Scary.net $2,600 Moniker/SnapNames
38. LastMinuteHolidays.org €2,000 = $2,520 Sedo
CollegeFinder.org $2,500 AfternicDLS
Kupi.net $2,500 AfternicDLS
Mediums.net $2,500 AfternicDLS
PlayPool.net $2,500 AfternicDLS
Sportsweb.net $2,500 AfternicDLS

CLICK HERE for our Year-To-Date Charts.

Domain Name Industry Newsletter

There were several dozen more four-figure sales off the chart with the AfternicDLS accounting for most of those. Their roster included SunGlow.net ($2,400), MentalHealthCenter.org ($2,388), InNetwork.net ($2,302) and LiveInspired.net ($2,288).  

The AfternicDLS had 37 more four-figure non .com gTLD sales that are listed in the table below: 

Additional AfternicDLS Non .com gTLD Sales Between $1,000 - $2,200
crco.net $2,200   findtherightjob.org $1,388
serruriers.net $2,134 searchfortruth.org $1,388
actionjobs.net $2,100 agconnect.org $1,377
creativepeople.net $2,088 alphadental.net $1,357
babyvac.com $2,000 labb.net $1,295
proximal.net $2,000 secretsurvey.net $1,250
safetyservices.net $1,888 idom.net $1,228
wideangle.net $1,788 wibo.net $1,221
illusions.org $1,750 voiceheard.net $1,200
learnnow.org $1,688 euroclean.net $1,188
quatro.net $1,600 geps.org $1,100
altincicadde.net $1,550 getcashforgold.net $1,088
crtech.net $1,544 escrituras.net $1,000
travelmate.net $1,500 healthyvending.org $1,000
busrental.net $1,488 imer.net $1,000
worldatlas.net $1,488 sharif.org $1,000
avwdb.biz $1,477 studyhelp.net $1,000
avwdb.net $1,477 unilink.net $1,000
avwdb.org $1,477   

Back at Sedo Horseman.net saddled up $2,079, Rosarito.net returned $2,000 and PokerLife.net raked in $1,890. Handte.info hauled in $1,764, Buchmacher.info fetched $1,638 and Iching.org chalked up $1,613.

Jewels.biz bagged $1,610, Kanaren.net called in $1,575 and two others; Citizen.mobi and LHN.org added $1,500 apiece. WirelessUSA.net connected for $1,488, SanDiegoHomesForSale.org sold for $1,277 and Goldkaufen.net notched $1,260. Matranga.net made $1,100 and three others; Ekko.net, RevolutionRacing.net and Unjustus.org generated $1,000 each

Elsewhere, NameJet sold Zebra.org ($2,400) and AAG.net ($2,350), YummyNames teamed up with the AfternicDLS to sell EKO.biz for $2,177 and also sold Congdongame.net on their own for $2,000 and Moniker/SnapNames sold CarDealers.net for $2,049

Now that you're up to date on what happened over the past week, check out how the leaders stand year to date in all categories by visiting our Year To Date Charts page



As always, we welcome all verifiable sales reports from companies, private sellers or individuals with knowledge of an important sale made through any channel. To contribute information and help make this column better,  just drop a note to editor@dnjournal.com.

We truly appreciate the industry leading companies who share their sales information with us to help everyone in the business get a handle on current domain values. Richard Meyer of Domain Sales Center also provides invaluable help in collecting data for these sales reports each week.

Every Wednesday we publish the highest reported domain name sales for the previous week. On Mondays and Tuesdays our contributors send us their sales data for the previous 7 days. We then compile that information and write this article to give you the most comprehensive sales report in the industry. 

Editor's Note: If you wish to review previous Domain Sales columns, they are available in our Archive.

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