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August 27, 2012

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DomainNameSales Scores First 6-Figure Sale Reported This Month, High 5-Figure Sales Also Return

For the first time since June 20 we have a six-figure sale to report. Frank Schilling's DomainNameSales (DNS) ended the drought at the high end of the market by moving CricketScore.com for $118,000. High five-figure sales have also been scarce in recent weeks, but those returned as well led by two more DNS sales; Mizu.com at $90,000 and ElectricCompany.com at $85,000. DNS went on to claim 6 of the top 10 sales and eight places overall on our new all extension Top 20 Sales Chart.

The week's biggest ccTLD sale (and one of the year's 10 biggest to date in that category) also soared into the high five-figure range. That was #4 Finance.co.za, a South African country code domain that Durni Companies LLC sold for $70,000. They placed two more .co.za domains on the elite list with Motorcycles.co.za and VehicleFinance.co.za tying for #14 at $15,000 apiece. 

By Ron Jackson

Sedo gave the ccTLDs a fourth chart entry with #18 Clothing.tv $14,120. Sedo wound up taking six places on the Big Board with a roster led by #9 (tie) SSM.com at $25,000. That looks like an exceptionally good buy especially when you consider that this same domain sold back in 2004 for $145,000. The 2004 buyer, Silver State Mortgage, acquired the domain in a private transaction but when the housing bust arrived three years later the company went under leaving the domain name as one of the few assets that floated back to the surface with some value still attached.

Sedo led the second half of the leader board with #11 Wardrobes.com, a domain they sold for $20,600 on behalf of Frank Paul. One other venue, Michael Berkens's MostwantedDomains.com, also took multiple chart positions this week. MWD did it with a pair of top ten entries - #6 Circumcision.com at $45,000 and #9 (tie) TheGold.com at $25,000

With the .coms sweeping 15 places and four going to country codes that left just one spot for the non .com gTLDs. That went to #12 (tie) Quorom.net at $19,000 via DomainNameSales. 

Here is how the sales leaders stacked up for the week ending Sunday, July 15:


The DN Journal Top 20 
Reported Domain Sales - Mon. July 9, 2012 - Sun. July 15, 2012
Euro/Pound to Dollar Conversions (€/£ to $) is Based on Rates in Effect July 18, 2012


Sold For

Where Sold
1. CricketScore.com $118,000 DomainNameSales
2. Mizu.com $90,000 DomainNameSales
3. ElectricCompany.com $85,000 DomainNameSales
4. Finance.co.za $70,000 Durni Companies
5. Jolla.com $50,000 DomainNameSales
6. Circumcision.com $45,000 MostWantedDomains
7. Emar.com $43,000 DomainNameSales
8. ElectricCompanies.com $30,000 DomainNameSales
SSM.com $25,000 Sedo
TheGold.com $25,000 MostWantedDomains

11. Wardrobes.com $20,600 Sedo
OfficeDeskChairs.com $19,000 Sedo
Quorom.net $19,000 DomainNameSales
Metformina.com $15,000 DomainNameSales
Motorcycles.co.za $15,000 Durni Companies
VehicleFinance.co.za $15,000 Durni Companies
17. Pict.com $14,995 Sedo
18. Clothing.tv $14,120 Sedo
19. PipeDream.com $13,600 GoDaddyAuctions
20. USABusiness.com €10,000 = $12,300 Sedo

Keep in mind that these are the highest value sales that have been reported to us in the past week. This column is meant to be an educational tool, not a complete list documenting ALL high value domain sales. Such a list is impossible to produce because many sales are kept private at the insistence of buyers, sellers or both. Our procedure for verifying the accuracy of domain sales reports is available here.

For the many newcomers entering the domain industry we also want to point out that the reasons why a domain name sells for a certain price can be varied and are not always clear to those who are unfamiliar with the domain market. If you do not understand why specific domain names command the prices they do, you are likely to make unwise domain registrations or purchases. We highly recommend that you do some basic research before you buy anything! As a starting point we have built a sister site specifically for you at NameNewbie.com.

CLICK HERE for our Year-To-Date Charts.

There were three more five-figure sales just off the chart led by Sedo's $11,931 sale of Acceo.com. Two others went for $10,000 each; AlabamaNews.net at DomainNameSales.com and Veo.TV through LegacyFundLLC.  

.Com Supporting Cast

The AfternicDLS led the .com supporting cast of four-figure sales with Etrol.com and Fungry.com at $9,500 each. ServiceTrade.com added $5,675, MergeDesign.com $5,575 and two others, DirtyBoxing.com and MassageAndSpa.com $5,000 each

DriverPermit.com, GreatBuyz.com and MushroomGarden.com grew $4,888 apiece while AOFV.com drew $4,788 and ABRH.com corralled $4,750. The AfternicDLS had 91 more ranging from $2,000 to $4,500 that are listed in the table below:

Additional AfternicDLS .com Sales Between $2,000 - $4,500
1ABC.com $4,500   chatshop.com $2,500
hilltopgarden.com $4,500 foodandfashion.com $2,500
tripart.com $4,500 lipoderm.com $2,500
giftjam.com $4,488 myingredients.com $2,500
professionalcontractor.com $4,488 sponti.com $2,500
eocco.com $4,388 thebridgecentre.com $2,500
newmedianow.com $4,288 videofestival.com $2,500
appwiz.com $4,200 amateurmodeling.com $2,488
bragi.com $4,000 suppliescentral.com $2,488
floorcoatings.com $4,000 shouttothelord.com $2,477
kineticsocial.com $4,000 keybiscaynerealty.com $2,455
merged.com $4,000 configurationmanager.com $2,388
robohost.com $4,000 kindshop.com $2,388
czechitout.com $3,888 lunart.com $2,388
imrad.com $3,888 stscorp.com $2,388
everythingin.com $3,788 unpacked.com $2,300
schoolblazers.com $3,788 globalbusinesstravel.com $2,250
classiclight.com $3,700 antiquesandinteriors.com $2,229
immunooncology.com $3,688 usbanksystems.com $2,208
5hosting.com $3,500 cdmatch.com $2,200
slugline.com $3,500 inhongkong.com $2,188
urteam.com $3,500 saveacall.com $2,188
woss.com $3,500 facevideo.com $2,177
gapsinc.com $3,388 liveanew.com $2,177
remembermypet.com $3,323 coldshop.com $2,149
yourcommunitygarden.com $3,288 freezetime.com $2,114
vacationrentalskauai.com $3,277 storagemadeeasy.com $2,094
dealpick.com $3,200 bankruptcity.com $2,088
garagedoorrepairman.com $3,088 epropertyplus.com $2,088
twginc.com $3,050 holylandtreasures.com $2,088
gorgeousshop.com $3,000 pearlofafrica.com $2,088
gratiscams.com $3,000 thisisdating.com $2,088
vitalfit.com $3,000 wahgroup.com $2,088
digitalbusinessdevelopment.com $2,888 academicdiscounts.com $2,000
chinatesting.com $2,800 AdBully.com $2,000
campeagle.com $2,782 e-sens.com $2,000
cosmicconcepts.com $2,700 farmergeorge.com $2,000
projectindependence.com $2,691 JacksonvilleMarketing.com $2,000
coloradoindian.com $2,688 khinc.com $2,000
africus.com $2,588 modelinggigs.com $2,000
au123.com $2,588 pensionskasse.com $2,000
buildingtours.com $2,588 sportingedge.com $2,000
cybernate.com $2,588 sportssponsorship.com $2,000
ibamolecular.com $2,577 SpringBot.com $2,000
ACSPA.com $2,500 timetogogreen.com $2,000
bcurious.com $2,500   

Back at Sedo PartyHouses.com hauled in $8,500, High-T.com tallied $7,500 and GreenElectric.com generated $7,495. iCrush.com cruised to $6,150, MindSteps.com stopped at $6,149 and two others; ColoradoSpringsMortgage.com and WorldBibles.com went for $6,000 each

PolarSports.com posted $5,500, StoreHere.com secured $5,250, SolarWay.com soaked up $5,000 and Samnaun.com notched $4,750. Sedo had 27 more .com sales ranging from $2,000 to $4,500 that are listed in the table below:

Additional Sedo .com Sales Between $2,000 - $5,000
applift.com $4,500   wealthguide.com $3,000
redmessage.com $4,300 udni.com $2,900
skyter.com $4,000 hucast.com $2,877
buzzrewards.com $3,950 vipjuegos.com $2,706
atlanticpacific.com $3,939 presshub.com $2,550
jumpco.com $3,895 streetbeauty.com $2,500
360virtualtours.com $3,800 markmedia.com $2,399
edusfera.com $3,690 wohn.com $2,214
volkmer.com $3,690 autismspectrum.com $2,200
techscout.com $3,600 kipsy.com $2,200
individi.com $3,000 cafeterias.com $2,000
kingseducation.com $3,000 propertyfund.com $2,000
ladybox.com $3,000 survivaltube.com $2,000
myworkbook.com $3,000   

Elsewhere NowYo.com sold HopelessRomantic.com for $8,000, DomainNameSales moved BabyShield.com for $7,000 and HamptonCollege.com for $3,000 and StupendousDomains.com sold BrooklynShuttle.com for $2,000.  

Country Codes

The ccTLDs were led by the four five-figure sales you saw on the all extension chart at the top of this report - three of those representing South Africa's .co.za extension, including #1 Finance.co.za, the 9th largest country code sale reported so far this year (the ccTLD YTD Top 100 is second chart on that page).  Our latest weekly Country Code Top 20 Sales Chart includes a fifth five-figure sale, Veo.tv ("look" in Spanish), a name that was sold for $10,000 by LegacyFundLLC.com.

Sedo had the most chart entries, sweeping 14 of the 20 positions with a roster that included three Italian ccTDs including #6 Stamp.it at $9,360. .co.za and Gemany's .de also had three chart entries each with #7 MyPass.de leading the German contingent at $8,610. However, Great Britain's .co.uk had the most chart entries with four, led by #10 Mobile-Money.co.uk at $7,800.

Here is how the ccTLD leaders stacked up for the week ending Sunday, July 15:

Country Code Top 20
 Highest Reported ccTLD  Sales: Mon. July 9, 2012 - Sun. July 15, 2012
Euro/Pound to Dollar Conversions (€/£ to $) is Based on Rates in Effect July 18, 2012


Sold For

Where Sold
1. Finance.co.za $70,000 Durni Companies
Motorcycles.co.za $15,000 Durni Companies
VehicleFinance.co.za $15,000 Durni Companies
4. Clothing.tv $14,120 Sedo
5. Veo.tv $10,000 LegacyFund LLC
6. Stamp.it £6,000 = $9,360 Sedo
7. MyPass.de €7,000 = $8,610 Sedo
8. Nostromo.it €6,800 = $8,364 Sedo
9. Mobile-Money.co.uk £5,000 = $7,800 Sedo
10. Bonnesaffaires.fr €5,600 = $6,888 Sedo

11. Pay.io €5,000 = $6,150 Sedo
Custard.co.uk $5,000 DomainNameSales
Immortal.me $5,000 Brands-and-Jingles
14. Jobweb.fr €4,000 = $4,920 Sedo
15. Oregon.es €3,900 = $4,797 Sedo
16. NationalExpress.de €3,800 = $4,674 Sedo
17. HeatArt.co.uk £2,785 = $4,345 Sedo
18. Schönste-reisen.de (IDN) €3,500 = $4,305 Sedo
19. Alcolismo.it €3,000 = $3,690 Sedo
20. UKCompanies.co.uk £2,200 = $3,432 Sedo

CLICK HERE for our Year-To-Date Charts.

There were dozens of additional four-figure ccTLD sales off the chart led by the $3,321 sale of  PKV-infos.de at Sedo. StickerPrinting.co.uk added $2,945, Einbruchschutz.de delivered $2,583 and two others; QuickStep.cz and Ultra.me dispensed $2,500 each there.

Sedo had 47 more four-figure ccTLD sales ranging from $1,000 to $2,460 that are listed in the table below:

Additional Sedo ccTLD Sales Between $1,000 - $2,460
physicum.de $2,460   lerntransfer.de $1,242
bag.by $2,299 atomico.es $1,230
giochibambini.it $2,276 hospitalier.fr $1,230
turm.ch $2,276 icars.ch $1,230
grip.it $2,189 maurath.de $1,230
datenrettung-deutschland.de $2,090 reiseburo.hu $1,230
ez.cc $2,050 savourclub.ch $1,230
geteco.com $2,000 sommerland.de $1,230
artnet.it $1,845 startupitaly.it $1,230
castpage.at $1,845 apetito.es $1,218
plasmadesinfektion.de $1,845 holzwerkhaus.de $1,218
stromverbrauch.at $1,845 ccleaner.ch $1,200
pendrive.co.in $1,800 telit.it $1,169
omm.es $1,661 luftreiniger.eu $1,144
wellnesshotels.tv $1,599 still.co.za $1,107
vinsdeloire.eu $1,538 webdesigncardiff.co.uk $1,092
finnair.in $1,500 bodystore.ch $1,046
holidaysdubai.co.uk $1,500 chagall.ch $1,046
spitalwalenstadt.ch $1,500 gesundheitsinformation.ch $1,046
mydream.de $1,464 taobao.eu $1,046
capitalize.it $1,445 camgirls.co.uk $1,000
frauholle.at $1,353 clouddrive.co.in $1,000
sparpirat.de $1,292 envelopes.me $1,000
palace.co $1,250  

Elsewhere Durni Companies LLC sold SexShop.co.za for $1,750 while NetFleet.com.au moved BusinessPhoneSystems.com.au for $1,186 and Feast.com.au for $1,095

If there are country code extensions in our report that you are not familiar with, you can look up the nation each extension goes with here

Non .com gTLDs (.biz, .info, .mobi, .net, .org, .asia, .pro & .tel)

A pair of five-figure .net sales at DomainNameSales.com led the charge for the non .com gTLDs this week. Quorom.net heads our new Non .Com gTLD Top 20 Sales Chart at $19,000 followed by AlabamaNews.net at $10,000. The .nets wound up taking five of the top six spots including #3 Today.net at $9,500 and #5 Tactics.net at $5,400. 

The .orgs broke through with a couple of top ten entries; #4 ClassicComedy.org ($6,000) and #8 WSM.org ($4,200). Sedo handled both of those sales and went on to pile up 11 of the 20 chart entries.

The AfternicDLS also had a strong outing with seven charted domains including the lone .biz on the leader board, #7 Interstate.biz at $5,000. The .nets rang up 13 charted sales to win the TLD race. The .orgs followed with six.

Here's how all of the Non .Com gTLD leaders stacked up for the week ending Sunday, July !5:

Non .Com gTLDs Top 20
 Highest Reported Non .Com Global TLD  Sales 
(.Net, .Org, .Biz & .Info) Mon. July 9, 2012 - Sun. July 15, 2012
Euro/Pound to Dollar Conversions (€/£ to $) is Based on Rates in Effect July 18, 2012


Sold For

Where Sold
1. Quorom.net $19,000 DomainNameSales
2. AlabamaNews.net $10,000 DomainNameSales
3. Today.net $9,500 Sedo
4. ClassicComedy.org $6,000 Sedo
5. Tactics.net $5,400 AfternicDLS
6. GoldClub.net $5,088 AfternicDLS
7. Interstate.biz $5,000 AfternicDLS
8. WSM.org $4,200 Sedo
9. Mitech.net $3,250 Sedo
10. iHow.net $2,950 Sedo

11. Whirlwind.org $2,677 AfternicDLS
12. OnlineWine.org $2,588 AfternicDLS
Ouya.net $2,500 Sedo
StockVectors.net $2,500 Sedo
15. Brandschutz.net €1,800 = $2,214 Sedo
DFIDHealthRC.org $2,000 Sedo
Distil.net $2,000 Sedo
Honden.net $2,000 AfternicDLS
Nasco.net $2,000 AfternicDLS
20. Godspeed.org $1,999 Sedo

CLICK HERE for our Year-To-Date Charts.

Domain Name Industry Newsletter

There were several more four-figure sales just off the chart led by Sedo's $1,968 sale of Game1.net. They also sold Berge.org ($1,845), Mann.info ($1,184) and Verbraucherschutz.net ($1,169). Two others; KAPX.net and Qmatic.net nabbed $1,000 each

Back at the AfternicDLS, Kerozen.net and World4You.net yielded $1,888 apiece. YouAreHere.org added $1,688, UniversitiesOnline.net landed $1,677 and ICEM.net drew $1,518. TCommerce.net and RemoteControls.org clicked for $1,488 apiece while SportsLife.org spawned $1,288 and Rhonda.org rang up $1,250.

SierraRealEstate.net and TaxForum.net fetched $1,200 each while Shoppe.pro and Totality.org tacked on $1,100 apiece. Three others; EDSolutions.com, Enas.org and LadiesFirst.net dished out $1,000 each. 

Now that you're up to date on what happened over the past week, check out how the leaders stand year to date in all categories by visiting our Year To Date Charts page



As always, we welcome all verifiable sales reports from companies, private sellers or individuals with knowledge of an important sale made through any channel. To contribute information and help make this column better,  just drop a note to editor@dnjournal.com.

We truly appreciate the industry leading companies who share their sales information with us to help everyone in the business get a handle on current domain values. Richard Meyer of Domain Sales Center also provides invaluable help in collecting data for these sales reports each week.

Every Wednesday we publish the highest reported domain name sales for the previous week. On Mondays and Tuesdays our contributors send us their sales data for the previous 7 days. We then compile that information and write this article to give you the most comprehensive sales report in the industry. 

Editor's Note: If you wish to review previous Domain Sales columns, they are available in our Archive.

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