(left to right): Brian Gilbert,
Mike Robertson and
Charlotte Gilbert at the
September 2008 TRAFFIC Conference
in New York City. That was
the year that Robertson, the
Director of Business Development at
Fabulous.com, first met the Gilberts
and they remained very close friends from
that point on. Last weekend Mike
raised thousands of dollars in
Charlotte's name by running a
distance race in Florida put on by
the Pulmonary
Hypertension Association. Below:
There is that trademark smile again
as Charlotte Gilbert (2nd
from left) huddled with friends at a
party in the cabin of a cruise ship
during the 2011 DNCruise through the

losing Charlotte was devastating
enough, it also left us with a deep
sorrow for Brian who was one of the
most devoted husbands I've
ever known. He was at her side every
step of the way and always kept
their many grateful friends up to
date on how things were going as
they went through Charlotte's treatment and surgery.
A big part of the nausea I felt when
the news came was being unable to
even imagine the sense of loss Brian
would be dealing with. I wanted to
immediately send condolences of some
kind but I couldn't find the words
needed to express the emotions that
surround such a life shattering
event. I finally realized I wasn't
going to come up with any
because there aren't any. The
best I could do was acknowledge that
and try to convey it in this note
about how greatly the Gilberts
impacted all of us who were
fortunate enough to meet them and
how they will continue to impact
us in the future: "This
is so heartbreaking I think it is
beyond anyone's ability to describe.
However, I hope the outpouring of
love for Charlotte and you in all of
these comments brings you some
solace and peace Brian. They show
what an amazing and instant impact
she had on everyone she met - she
was truly a blessing to all of us
left behind, no matter how brief our
encounters with her were. In your
complete devotion and care for your
beautiful wife you have similarly
inspired and blessed us in a way
that words could never adequately
We will forever be in your and
Charlotte's debt for showing us the
best of what the human spirit is
capable of."

posted this photo of him and Charlotte
when he notified friends of her
passing. Charlotte never stopped
smiling and I'm convinced she
never will. One of her great
legacies will be that whenever
friends think of her, they will
smile too.