GUTA report says 48 2-letter
.com sales were made in 2018 with 16
of those purchased by end
users. Chinese buyers acquired
more of those than
investors/developers from any other
country - with 19 of them
moved into the hands of buyers
located in China. GUTA said 12
of those were let go by sellers in
the U.S. GUTA also noted that
seven of the eight 2-letter .com
sales they brokered themselves saw
U.S. sellers sending their names to
Chinese buyers - meaning GUTA
accounted for more than half of all
U.S. to China 2-letter .com sales.
They added that six of their eight
2-letter .com sales reached 7
charts below that will appear in the
final GUTA report further
illustrates movement of 2-letter
.coms in 2018. You can click on
the image to see a larger
version of this graphic.

reported seeing several undisclosed one-word
dictionary domain sales in 2018
that sold for six figures and at
least one - a 3-letter word - went
for 7 figures.
they don't trade at nosebleed levels,
4-digit numeric domains are
another one
of the more popular categories in
the aftermarket. While only a couple
of dozen sales from that group were reported
in 2018, GUTA alone brokered 86
4-number domain sales according to
their report - another good reminder
that publicly reported sales
represent just a fraction of
what is happening in the
attributes much of their success to collaborating
with other brokers and partners to
get deals done. Three different
brokers worked with GUTA to close
7-figures transactions in 2018. If
you will be at NamesCon
in Las Vegas later this month
and are interested in working with
George and the GUTA team as a
broker, buyer or seller, you can
connect with them there (you can see our show
preview article here).
George will also be speaking at
NamesCon in a Domain Sales
Optimization Strategies session
that is scheduled for Monday,
January 28th.