The .nets did not fare as
well. They stood at approximately 14.1
million registrations at the end
of 2Q-2018, about 300,000 down from
the previous quarter and
approximately 1 million down
from the same time a year ago (a loss
of 6.6%).
new gTLD domain name
registrations were approximately 21.8
million at the end of the second
quarter of 2018, an increase
of approximately 1.6 million domain
name registrations, or 7.9%,
compared to the first quarter of
2018. However, that rebound came
after the new gTLDs had a massive
year over year loss of over 20% of
their total registrations at the end
of 1Q-2018. At the end of 2Q-2018
they were still below the same point
a year ago, but in that time frame
the loss (down about 2.5 million
names from the end of 2Q-2017) was
cut in half percentage wise to minus
ccTLD domain name registrations were approximately
149.7 million at the end of the second quarter of 2018,
an increase of about 3.5 million domain name
registrations (up 2.4%), compared to the first quarter of
2018. ccTLDs increased by approximately 5.5 million domain name
registrations year over year, a 3.8%
Verisign publishes the Domain Name Industry Brief to provide internet users throughout the world with statistical and analytical research and data on the domain name industry. The second quarter 2018 Domain Name Industry Brief, as well as previous reports, can be obtained at