Interest Registry,
the nonprofit operator of the
.org, .ngo and .ong top
level domains, and Nonprofit
Tech for Good have
released the results of their 2018
Global NGO Technology Report.
This third annual report analyzes
how non-governmental organizations
(NGOs) worldwide utilize web, email
and mobile technology, online
fundraising tools and social media,
as well as manage data and security.
report details the key findings from
a survey of
NGO respondents from 164
countries across Africa, Asia,
Australia & Oceania, Europe,
North America and South America. It
provides insight on the online
and mobile communication tools
NGOs around the world use to promote
general awareness, communicate with
core audiences and raise funds from
donors, as well as an analysis of
those online tools and comparisons
of regional usage. New findings this
year also uncover how NGOs implement
data management and security
Some of
the key findings globally include:
of respondents have a website.
Of those, 87% are
mobile-compatible, a 9% percent
increase from 2017
of survey respondents noted that
their organization uses the .org
domain, compared to 8%
that use the .com domain
dominates as the preferred form
of communication to donors, with
63% of respondents
regularly sending email updates,
but 18% use messaging
apps and 15% regularly
send text messages to supporters
of respondents accept online
donations, an increase of 5%
from 2017
95% agree that social
media is effective for online
brand awareness, only 32%
of NGOs worldwide have a written
social media strategy
leads global use as the highest
social media platform with 93%
of respondents having a
dedicated page, followed by Twitter
(77%) and YouTube (57%)
of NGOs post daily to their
Facebook page and 24%
Tweet two-to-five times daily,
yet 68% of NGOs post to
LinkedIn less than once per week
of NGOs worldwide rely on
Microsoft Windows operating
system for desktop/laptop
computers; on smartphones/tablets
global Google Android use
outweighs Apple iOS
respondents indicated using
Customer Relationship Manager
(CRM) software to manage
communications with donors (45%),
and of those, 64% use
cloud-based CRM
41% of global respondents
use encryption technology to
protect data and communications
Mansfield, founder of Nonprofit
Tech for Good, said, “The findings
from the 2018 report confirm that
NGOs worldwide are rapidly
expanding their use of technology
and with increased reliance on
technology, comes increased data
management and security needs. For
the first time, this year’s report
provides benchmarks for managing and
securing organizational and donor
data. NGOs lag behind the private
sector in this area and by providing
benchmarks, we hope to inspire NGOs
to modernize their data management
and security practices.”
is much more data in the full
report, including
breakdowns on how NGOs use
technology in the various regions
around the world.