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February 04, 2018

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NamesCon Global 2018 Day 3 Photos & Highlights from Las Vegas Including Domain Sales Award Winners & Live Auction Results

The 2018 NamesCon Global conference continued Tuesday (January 30) with the 3rd day & night of the 5th annual event at the Tropicana Hotel in Las Vegas. If you missed our coverage of the opening

day Sunday, you can find that here. Day 2 coverage from Monday is here

Above & below: The busy Tuesday schedule began with an insightful Keynote talk from Verisign Senior Vice President for Global Marketing and Channel Management Scott Schnell. Scott's address, Domain Name Industry Drivers, was a data-rich presentation detailing the latest trends in domain registrations.

Above: Another key industry leader, GoDaddy Aftermarket Vice President & GM Paul Nicks was the next featured speaker in the Keynote Hall. Paul covered Lessons Learned from Operating the Most Valuable Portfolio in the World.

Below: At the same time in the .Asia Space, India's Deepak Daftari (left) from Esiksha.com and Jay Paudyal from DomainKhan.com discussed the Impact of Cultural Diversity on Domaining, including India’s role in the domain name industry and IDN’s role as a growth driver of Indian Internet. 

Above: A major highlight of the morning Tuesday was the Internet Commerce Association's presentation of their 2nd annual Lonnie Borck Memorial Award that went to attorney Kathy Kleiman, a fierce advocate for domain registrant rights from the very beginning of the UDRP process. Kathy continues that advocacy for fairness today. Noted attorney John Berryhill introduced Ms. Kleiman and Lonnie's brother-in-law Jonathan (in this photo with Kathy) came to Las Vegas to present the award that honors the late beloved domain investor.

Below: ICA board members and managers joined Kathy after the award presentation. Left to right are Bob Mountain, Daniel Law, Kathy Kleiman, ICA Executive Director Kamila Sekiewicz, ICA Legal Counsel Zak Muscovitch, Nat Cohen and Jay Chapman.

Above: After Ms. Kleiman was honored, the ICA presented a panel discussion on UDRP Reform and the Worst UDRP Decisions of 2017. The panelists (L to R) were Daniel Law, Nat Cohen, Bob Mountain and Zak Muscovitch.

Below: When the noon hour arrived many attendees headed to the Keynote Hall to see Daliah Saper (Saper Law) who talked about Negotiation Strategies in Business. As a transactional lawyer and litigator, Daliah regularly negotiates on behalf of her clients. However, most business negotiations take place before lawyers are involved. In this seminar Daliah explained how to successfully negotiate your business deals. 

Above: Two other sessions were held simultaneously in adjacent meeting rooms. In the one above Margot Bushnaq (Brandbucket), Tony Kim (Hexonet) and Joe Alagna (Afilias) offered an inside look at Domain Search Tools.

Below: Meanwhile, just up the hall, Mano Samy (ENSListing.com) drew a crowd with his presentation on Blockchain Domain Names: Hands On.

Above: On a walk through the Exhibit Hall we found Payoneer Director of Strategic Accounts Brandon Abbey visiting broker George Hong at the Guta.com booth. George, the company founder, recently closed TWO 7-figure sales on the Payoneer escrow platform (unfortunately we can't share the details due to non-disclosure agreements). Left to right are Cindy from Guta, Brandon, George and Tina (Guta).

Below: After the lunch break the Keynote Hall quickly filled up again to see a Crypto Meets Domaining Fireside Chat in which NamesCon Founder Richard Lau (left) interviewed star brokers Jen Sale (Evergreen.com Co-Founder) and Andrew Rosener (MediaOptions.com Founder).

Above: In the final business session of the afternoon a domain broker's panel discussion centered on Mastering Aftermarket Appraisals. It featured (L to R) George Hong (Guta.com), David Clements (Brannans.com), Brian Kleiner (Afternic) and Andrew Rosener (MediaOptions.com).

Below: That set the stage for two special events in the Keynote Hall, the first being the annual Escrow.com Masters of Domains Awards in which the company recognized the world's top brokers in terms of total dollar volume transactions on the Escrow.com platform. Escrow.com General Manager Jackson Elsegood announced the winners, many of whom were in attendance at NamesCon Global 2018.

Above: This year's #1 broker was Raymond Liu of 62.com. Raymond could not be here so last year's winner, George Hong, accepted the award for him from Escrow.com Senior Account Manager Brian Tharp

Below: For the second year in a row, Andrew Rosener of MediaOptions.com was the #2 broker in the world on the Escrow.com platform. 

Above: #3 broker Mohammed Hashim Al-Asadi (CEO of TopNames, Ltd.) was not in attendance but #4 Joe Uddeme (NameExperts.com) was there to pick up his award from Brian Tharp. Ali Zandinejad of Starfire Holdings completed the first five. 

Awards also went to #6 Özcan Marcus Kocak (CEO of DotWhat),  #7 Jen Sale (Evergreen.com), #8 James Booth (BQDN.com), #9 Nat Cohen (Telepathy Inc) and #10 Ryan McKegney (DomainAgents.com).

Above and Below: The day's grand finale was the NamesCon's Live Domain Auction staged again by NameJet.com and RightOfTheDot.com. It drew a standing room only crowd that watched world champion auctioneer Wayne Wheat call the action. The auction wound up producing over $1.5 million in sales led by Great.com at $900,000. Lucky.com had a bid of over $1 million but did not reach reserve. The next highest sale was PayPerClick.com at $100,000. TheDomains.com has a listing of all of the auction results here

Above: After dark fell the first big event of the evening was the annual Internet Commerce Association Member's Dinner held in the Crossroads Restaurant in the House of Blues at Mandalay Bay. On hand to welcome over 100 attendees were ICA Legal Counsel Zak Muscovitch and Executive Director Kamila Sekiewicz

Below: ICA members enjoyed a fabulous dinner spread at their annual event Tuesday night.

Above: Braden Pollock (LegalBrandMarketing.com), a long time ICA supporter, helped drive record ticket sales for the ICA Dinner by merging a dinner he hosted over the past four years at NamesCon with this years ICA event. Kamila had him join her on stage to be recognized.

Below: After the ICA Dinner it was on to the MGM Grand where MMX.co hosted their NamesCon Party open to all conference attendees at the Ling Ling Lounge inside the world famous Hakkasan Night Club.

Above: Toby Hall, CEO of party host Minds + Machines (MMX), is third from the left with three of his guests (L to R): Ron Jackson, Gregg McNair, (Toby) and Howard Neu. Toby and his team made sure everyone had an unforgettable evening at the world class venue.

Below: NamesCon/Cloudfest President Soeren von Varchmin (right) was also on the scene. He visited with MERGE! Conference Co-Founder Ray Neu at the Ling Ling Lounge. Since Soeren's company bought NamesCon from Richard Lau last year we have been impressed by how he has expanded the NamesCon presence around the world while also putting out the welcome mat for  leaders from other important domain industry conferences (for example, NamesCon will partner with the NameSummit show in New York City next August to present a Global Pitchfest competition). Soeren has been all about growing the domain business worldwide for everyone and knows the best way to do that is to do it together.


In my final post from Las Vegas I'll have Wednesday's closing day photos and highlights - so keep an eye on this spot for that!

(Posted January 31, 2018) 

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