the administrator of the
United States of America's official
country code domain, .US,
will hold their annual live
Town Hall meeting at 3pm
(US Eastern time) on Thursday,
October 5, 2017. The meeting is
open to anyone who has an interest
in the future of the .US extension
and should be of particular interest
to those who have invested in .US
Neustar announcement
about the meeting on Circle ID
said, "The annual town hall is part of Neustar's commitment to a bottom-up, multi-stakeholder model of domain registry
management. It's also an important aspect of ensuring that .US continues to be a vibrant namespace reflecting America's diversity, creativity, and innovative spirit. Attendees have the opportunity to collaborate, share expertise and ideas, and discuss topics of interest and public service goals."
will include Becky Burr,
Neustar's Chief Privacy Officer and member of the Board of Directors of
ICANN, who will give a
presentation on General Data Protection Regulation
(GDPR) as it applies to .US and the registry
community, Shane Tews
(Host, Chair .US Stakeholder Council),
Crystal Peterson (Director,
Registry Services Neustar) and Kimberly
Miller (Council Secretariat,
Senior Associate General Counsel
You can expect a rundown of the current state of the domain industry and .US, policy considerations for domain growth, and community outreach to establish top civic priorities for future direction.
You can register
for the free webcast here.