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August 09, 2017

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The Lowdown is compiled by DN Journal Editor & Publisher Ron Jackson.

Closing Day Photos & Highlights from the 1st NameSummit Conference in New York City

The debut edition of the NameSummit digital branding conference ended Tuesday (August 8, 2017) at the Hilton Midtown Manhattan Hotel in New York (you will find opening day photos and highlights here). The event was co-founded by Steven Kaziyev (NewYorkMedia.com) and Jason Schaeffer (ESQWire.com) with invaluable support from Co-Producers Ari Goldberger (ESQwire.com) and Andrew Rosenener (MediaOptions.com). Jodi Chamberlain (32Events.com) was also brought onboard to direct the show. 

The founders and producers are all domain industry veterans but with NameSummit they wanted to expand their horizons beyond domains to also include all aspects of starting and operating a business online, including domain acquisition, website development, SEO, social media, marketing,  management and more.

Above: Despite being a first year show, NameSummit was able to attract A list speakers from all of the fields the conference set out to cover.  A perfect example of that came right off the bat Tuesday morning when conference Co-Founder Jason Schaeffer (left) kicked off Day 2 by bringing  Sedo CEO Tobias Flaitz on stage for a Fireside Chat in which the leader of the domain industry powerhouse discussed The Evolution of the Domain Industry and Branding Trends

Below: A view from the audience as the closing day of NameSummit 2017 got underway Tuesday morning (August 8).

Above: The second Tuesday session on Influencer Branding and Social Currency featured two stars from that category - Greg Yuna (at left), who is widely known as Mr. Flawless after being given that nickname by boxing champion Floyd Mayweather, and Gerard Adams (The Millennial Mentor) who founded popular social impact startup accelerator FOWNDERS. Gerard became a self-made millionaire at age 24. Yuna is an Instagram star who is known for selling custom medallions, watches, diamond and gold pieces to heavyweights in the music and sports world.

Below: Next up was Tony Kirsch, the Head of Professional Services and Evangelist for Neustar, who covered .BRANDS - TLDs and the Evolution of Digital Super Brands. Neustar administers or provides backend services for many top level domain extensions including many owned by corporate brands, as well as generic and geocentric extensions like .co, .biz, .us and the new .nyc, to name a few.

Above: In a special lunch hour coaching session, the audience learned about the Body of Power - Branding Through Body Language from Stacee Mandeville of Red Leaf Coaching. Stacee provided proven strategies for building your personal brand through physical communication skills.

Below: After lunch the hot topic of Blockchain was tackled by an expert panel is a session titled Disruption in Digital Advertising and Marketing and the Wolk Exchange. The session featured (left to right) Peter Borovykh (Blockchain Solution Architect at Blockchain Driven), Harish Thimmappa (SVP of Revenue at Wolk.com), Alex Mashinsky (Founder & Managing Director at Governing Dynamics) and Rob Monster (DigitalTown.com).

Above: Attendees KW Boswell and Lyra Simmonds pay close attention to the advice being offered from the experts on stage during the Tuesday business sessions at NameSummit.

Below: The Tuesday schedule continued with New Domain Usage Case Studies: Three Leading New TLD Registries Share Insights and Real World Examples. Those registries were represented by (left to right) Matt Bamonte (Donuts), Jeff Sass (.CLUB) and Victor Pitts (MMX.co). 

Above: Legal matters were also well covered at NameSummit. This session, featuring five highly experienced Internet/IP attorneys, was titled Starting Up and More - Protecting You and Your Business - From TMs to Social Media Law. It featured (left to right): Jason Schaeffer (NameSummit Co-Founder and IP Attorney at ESQwire.com), Brett Lewis (Lewis & Lin LLC), Daliah Saper (Saper Law), Stevan Lieberman (Partner, APLegal.com) and Ari Goldberger (Founder, ESQwire.com).

Below: The next session featured another quintet - this one detailing a Marketing Strategy Holistic Approach for Clients to Maximize ROI. It featured (left to right - participating in a group photo at the end of their discussion) Moderator Braden Pollock (LegalBrandMarketing.com), Alex Melen (Co-Founder & CEO, Smart Sites), Roberto Blake (RobertoBlake.com), Michael Mahler (Senior Strategist, Ajax Union) and Michael Suarez (Senior Strategist, Ajax Union).

Above: At 4pm it was time for the final business session of NameSummit 2017: Name Selection - Identifying Great Names for Branding - How Domains Can Propel Your Business. The session featured moderator Jason Schaeffer (standing at left) and (seated  left to right on stage) Amanda Waltz (Executive Director, North America, BrandIT), Dave Evanson (Senior Broker at Sedo), Loren Stocker (TollFreeMarket.com), Larry Fischer (GetYourDomain.com) and Joseph Peterson (Director of Operations, Epik.com).

Below: With NameSummit business now officially concluded attendees started filing from the ballroom to an adjacent hall where a Farewell Cocktail Party was just getting underway.

Above: Time to Say Goodbye (until next time)! (left to right) Jodi Chamberlain (32Events.com), Karen Bernstein (KarenBernsteinLaw.com) and Ilze Kaulins-Plaskacz (ExcellentDomains.ca).

Below: Some of the guys formed a trio of their own (also arranged by height - purely coincidental though, as none of us has the organizational skill to plan something like that!). Left to right are Jeff Sass (.CLUB), Ron Jackson (DNJournal.com) and Larry Fischer (GetYourDomain.com).

Above: On her way out Karen Bernstein (who lives in New York) was asked by George Verdugo (VisitSpace.com) for her opinion of the show. Karen gave it a big thumb's up!

Below: Finally, a big Thank You to NameSummit's Co-Founders - Steven Kaziyev (left) and Jason Schaeffer - for being such great hosts and for putting on a wonderful debut event that helped all of their guests expand their horizons (in both the virtual world and the real one). The same goes for NameSummit Co-Producers Ari Goldberger and Andrew Rosener as well as Show Director Jodi Chamberlain who teamed with Steven and Jason to make it all happen!

(Posted August 8, 2017)

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