Another morning highlight was a
keynote address from Name Ninja's
Bill Sweetman whose topic was New
gTLDs: Aren't We Forgetting Something?
Bill proposed a new way of looking at
the new gTLD program through the eyes
of end user registrants -
presenting alternative ways to gauge
the true success of new gTLDs, now and
in the future.

Speaker/moderator Braden Pollock
(LegalBrandMarketing.com) gets his
bidding paddle for a 22.cn domain
auction that was the main event on
the Tuesday afternoon schedule at Domainfest
Another popular session - as it is
always is - was Allegravita.com's China
Boot Camp.

Trellian.com President David Warmuz
(at far left in the front row) was
among those in those in the audience
today. David was one of many on hand
who made it to both Domainfest Asia
and last week's 2016 edition of THE
Domain Conference in Florida.

Domainfest Co-Founder Jothan Frakes
has another busy day planned for
conference attendees Wednesday (Sept.
21), a day that will conclude with an evening
party hosted by .CO. You can see
the full
agenda here.