Monday began with a 9am panel
discussion about Domain Name
Solutions for Blockchain Challenges.
CryptoCurrency Wallet Addresses,
Smart Contract Addresses and other
resources within the blockchain
world use long and complex
addresses. Just like IP addresses
than are too long and complicated to
remember, domain names can be used
to create an important
shortcut reference to systems you
need to access. The panelists were
(left to right): Jodee Rich (PeopleBrowser),
Dave Evanson (Sedo), Toby
Hall (MMX.co), Jebediah
Burnett (Donuts), Jothan
Frakes (The DNA) and moderator Alvin
Brown (Kickstart Commerce).

At 10am motivational speaker Dr.
Rob Fazio (Onpoint Advising)
delivered a tremendous keynote talk
titled Motivational Currency®:
The Psychology of Success. Rob
has over 20 years of experience
advising elite and emerging talent
in the areas of power, influence,
motivation and
emotional intelligence. He gave
attendees success strategies from
his book Simple
is the New Smart
that shows provides a path to
success. Rob was also instrumental
in starting the acclaimed Hold
the Door for Others
nonprofit organization that provides
resources and opportunities to
inspire people to grow in healthy
ways when faced with adversity.
Their mission was inspired by Rob's
father, Ron Fazio, Sr., who
on 9/11 in New York City
was seen holding the door open for
others at the cost of his own life (Full
Story). If you are not
already familiar with Rob, I would
highly recommended getting
acquainted with him and his work -
you will be glad you did.
Leaning forward, MERGE! Co-Founder Ray
Neu intently listening to Dr.
Rob Fazio's keynote talk Monday

& below: At 11am I stepped off
the domain track to learn more about
another subject by checking out a
panel discussion titled Cryptocurrency/Blockchain:
Practical Benefits and Where to Use
It, Where Not To. That panel
featured (left to right): Bianca
Diosdado (Quire), Michael
Palage (Pharos Global), Christa
Taylor (dotTBA Inc.), Tony
Hall (MMX.co) and moderator
Ken Hansen (Farsight

& below: In addition to all of
the sessions on the show agenda a
number of private events are
held throughout show week by various
companies and organizations. I
accepted a Verisign luncheon
invitation Monday that had a
two-fold purpose for those attending
- to hear about the latest
developments and initiatives at the
company that operates the .com
and .net registries and offer
their own thoughts on the most
significant current industry trends.
Several representatives from
Verisign management were on hand
including Director of Product
Management Ward Bond and
Director, Strategic Partnerships and
domain industry veteran Tim
Switzer (at right below).

After lunch I joined some other
longtime colleagues to serve as
panelists in a session titled Appraisals,
Comps & Aftermarket: How Do We
Know What Our Domains are Worth? Seated
(left to right) are Joe Styler
(GoDaddy), Dave Evanson (Sedo),
Ron Jackson (DNJournal.com)
and Kathy Nielsen (Neustar).
Another industry veteran, moderator Lance
Wolak (Founder, ExcelStrategy)
is standing at right.
The next afternoon session in the
Keynote Hall Monday featured
partners Wilfried Ligthart (Digital
Blacksmith and Co-owner of Netevents)
and Norman Farrar (AKA The
Amazon Growth Guy). The two eCommerce
experts gave attendees some
great ideas for running an online

Anyone who wanted an outdoor break
after spending hours in the
conference rooms didn't have to go
far. The hotel pool is right next to
the conference areas and the
shopping/dining, entertainment
center of Disney World - Disney
Springs (shown above in a photo
taken from our hotel balcony this
afternoon) is just a short walk
At 3:15 it was time for the Monday
afternoon keynote address
from Chad Bennett (CEO, Chief
Architect, Heroic.com) titled
Blockchain Based Cybersecurity: How
Cryptocurrent Can Enable the Future
of Cyber Protection. Chad is a
technology visionary with 15+ years
of professional cybersecurity
experience. As CEO of multiple
technology companies, Chad and his
teams have been recognized
three-times as Inc. 500 Fastest-Growing
Private Company honorees. He is also
a veteran of the domain space.

The next half hour was divided into
two lively 15-minute sessions. In
the first, Meet the ICA,
three leaders from the Internet
Commerce Association,
gave attendees details on the great
work the non-profit organization
does on behalf of domain owners.
Left to right are Legal Counsel Zak
Muscovitch, Executive Director Kamila
Sekiewicz and Board Member Nat
I returned to the stage at 4:15 and
brought one of the most successful
domain investors in history,
longtime friend Larry Fischer (GetYourDomain.com),
with me. We talked about the latest
trends in the domain aftermarket,
how Larry and his partner Ari
Goldberger put together their
biggest deals and the validity of
domain appraisals. As you might
expect, those 15 minutes flew by.

At 4:30pm ICANN Director of
Registrar Services, Jennifer Gore,
sat down with MERGE! Co-founder Jothan
Frakes for an interesting
Fireside Chat. The discussion
gave attendees an opportunity to
learn more about ICANN, what they
do, what they don't do, and how they
work to ensure that the Internet
Names and Numbers work in a stable,
reliable, and resilient manner.
In the final business session of the
day Monday, moderator Howard Neu
(standing) conducted a panel
discussion devoted to Legal
Matters: UDRP and ACPA Updates.
Seated left to right are Ava
Doppelt (Shareholder, Allen,
Dyer, Doppelt + Gilchrist, PA), Gerald
Levine (Partner, Levine Samuel,
LLP), Ari Goldberger (ESQWire.com)
and Zak Muscovitch (DNAttorney.com).

On Monday evening the Internet
Commerce Association and the Domain
Name Association teamed up to
organize a dinner at the Benihani
Restaurant located inside the
conference hotel. Dozens of
attendees filled up three rooms in
the popular Japanese restaurant.
A close up look as our masterful
Benihani chef, Ryan, works
the grill at the center of our

Some of our friends and tablemates
at the Benihani dinner, left
to right, Howard Neu, Barbara
Neu, Anna M. Bastian, my
wife Diana and I.
Like most, we headed straight to the
MERGE! Hospitality Suite right
after dinner and Barbara Neu had
a surprise birthday party
waiting for Diana when we
arrived. Barbara goes "all
out" when it comes to
celebrations and this was no
exception as she sat out TWO
birthday cakes, one with a Minnie
Mouse theme that perfectly matches
these two ladies who are both big
Disney fans.

A second birthday cake
insured that no one went home with a
sugar deficiency!
A round of applause after guests in
the MERGE! Hospitality Suite sang
Happy Birthday to Diana.
It has often been said that the
domain business is "like a
family" and occasions like this
underscore why so many feel that
way. Many life long friendships have
been forged in this industry.

MERGE! Co-founder Ray Neu gets
a special hug from Diana after
she learned that even though he had
no time to spare he had gone out of
his way to round up the cakes and
supplies Barbara needed for the
party - and had to deal with a flat
tire before he completed the
circuit! We've known Ray since he
was a teenager and that is exactly
the kind of person he is and has
always been - one in a million.
a write this, the final business day
of MERGE! 2018 is winding down. I
will have all of the Tuesday photos
and highlights for you in my next
post from Orlando.
September 18, 2018)