fascinating journey actually began in England where
he was born in 1970, becoming the youngest of three
children. "My dad was from Hong Kong and
went to school in the UK where he met my
mother. She was 10 years his junior - what a
player!," Lau laughed. "He started a
Chinese restaurant in Derby called the King
Pin and they built a house extension above the
restaurant. I was born at home, so I was born above a
right: Richard's father and mother on
their wedding day.
The family's King Pin Restaurant in
Derby, England. Richard was born above the
restaurant. |



dressed man! An early portrait
of budding entrepreneur Richard Lau |
didn't take long for Lau to get his first lesson in
entrepreneurship, but he had to travel a long way to
get it. "We moved to Canada when I was
five years old and I watched my Dad arrive there with
very little," Lau recalled. He got a job at a
service company and when they shut down he set up his
own company to take over their contracts. It was
interesting to see a business start before my very
eyes. It took the “scary” factor away. I just saw
it as what you should do to build a better life."
father's business involved servicing commercial
kitchen equipment at restaurants and hotels and I
spent many summers with him in his van driving from
place to place. I saw firsthand the pride he
took in his work and the reputation he held with his
clients," Lau said, recalling an ideal he would
incorporate into his own businesses as an adult.
came early for Lau who met his wife while they were
still in high school. They had a lot in common,
including entrepreneurial blood! "I went to the
local fair with Vanessa (my girlfriend at the
time and my wife today). She |
got there early and sold
coupons to people in the line outside to get
enough money to buy an all day pass. We returned the
next day and did sales together. Then I went back the
third day by myself and got pulled in by security.
They called my mother at home and I then biked home to
my mother and visiting grandmother. Instead of being
in trouble, I was greeted with pats on the back and
told to keep up the creativity!," Lau
smiled. |
"After graduating from Prince of Wales High
School in Vancouver in 1987, I attended the University
of British Columbia (UBC). I entered the
Bachelor of Commerce program there and also worked
at least one job all through university. My
favorite summer job was working for a bank training
retailers on how to use the new Debit Card machines. I
saw then that checks were going to be replaced by this
new technology, and it got my wheels turning on
technology," Lau said.
job I had during my University days was providing new
insurance for cars at dealerships. When a new car was
sold, the company I worked for would send out a
message to my pager and I would rush to the car
dealership to issue new license plates. We offered a
15-minute guarantee and were responsible for providing
top notch service. My boss’ mantra was “Just
get it handled” and I found myself
problem-solving my own issues. The importance of this
mantra and responsibility was not lost on me, even
to this day.
1992 University graduation
photo from UBC. He had just turned 22.


Richard and Vanessa Lau |
and Vanessa were married in 1991 while they
were both still in college. "People who didn’t
know us were shocked that we were getting
married so young, while friends who knew us weren’t
surprised at all. We’d been dating since we were
15! A friend of a friend rented us a run-down tiny
house (600 square feet) and we fixed it up with help
from friends," Richard remembered.
addition to getting married Lau also launched his
first business while still at UBC. "I started
Evergreen Communications with two church
friends (one I had known since I was 6 years old!) and
sold pagers and cell phones," Lau said.
"Then, after graduating from UBC in 1992, I just
stepped straight into this business. It evolved into a
company where we sold cell phones and pagers
through Costco, Hudson’s Bay (like
Macy’s) and a local chain store. Pretty impressive
for guys operating from a basement office!" Lau
UBC the Bachelor of Commerce degree didn’t have MIS
or Computer Science
as a minor, so I took Marketing
instead. This helped when the partnership launched its
own paging reseller company and we began
placing ads in local newspapers. My dad’s business
advice was to provide a product or service that everyone
wants. I pictured everyone with a pager, rather than
everyone with a cell phone. I never said I was the
smartest guy in the room!," Lau laughed. |
his friendly, easy going manner, a lot of people who
know Lau today will be surprised to know he
wasn't always that way. "I was extremely shy
and introverted as a young man. I have my wife
to credit for both pulling me out of my shell and
also demonstrating by example how to draw others into
conversation. I remember being out and about and not
talking to a single person other than grunted
yes/no/directions. That was me. So, I took a public
speaking course, challenged myself to ask people
questions and to get over the fear of
conversation," Lau said.
built up his social skills Lau was ready to take on
the world and it seemed as if he never met a business
idea he didn't like. "I had all kinds of crazy,
entrepreneurial jobs in my young adult life. I took a
job selling vacuums. Filter Queen to be exact.
I did this because I’d been told that sales was
the hardest job - and that vacuum cleaner sales
was the hardest of those. If I could learn how to sell
vacuums, then I would know that I could do sales. It
wasn’t pretty but I did it. And I learned that the
most important aspect of sales was that you truly
believe in your product or service."
made a sales call to one lady who told me at the end
of my hour-long presentation, “I’m not going to
buy a vacuum from you today but I want you to know,
you are a fine young man and you will be successful at
whatever you do in the future.” Speaking into
people’s lives and encouraging them as they start endeavors
is vital and I have always remembered this
particular lady’s words during the almost 30
years since she spoke them. I try and do the
same now recognizing the importance it played in
my life," Lau said.
of the most amusing jobs I had was delivering
the Sears Catalog. I removed all the seats out
of my car to make more room and with the tires rubbing
on the wheel wells set out to deliver my route. I kept

Vanessa helping pull her introverted
husband out of his shell and buoyed by a
potential vacuum cleaner customer's reassuring
words, Richard plowed ahead -
learning by doing and endless variety of
jobs. |
the trunk and windows open with the car running as I
ran to and from my car making the deliveries. As soon
as I was done, I returned to request another batch to
deliver. My new boss refused, and accused me of having
thrown the catalogs in a dumpster! He didn’t
believe that there was any way I could have delivered
them that quickly. I was stunned as I’d
never been accused of being dishonest like that
before in a job. I encouraged him to check on my
work. The following day, he called me and said
that he didn’t know how I did it but that he’d
happily provide me with as many routes as I could handle.
He pointed out that all of my deliveries were
with the catalogs leaning against the front door
whereas many of his workers would leave them
anywhere ranging from the front steps to the
front walk. My years of delivering newspapers in
the rain taught me that no one wants a wet
delivery! When I do a job, I put in 110%,
doing it a bit better, pushing the boundaries of
what the job entails. I find that I am always
critiquing any business to see what something
could be done better." |

has been through good times and bad times
but through at all Vanessa always stayed
by his side. Of course, having a matinee idol
calibre mustache always draws in the ladies! |
Lau was living the entrepreneurial life he always
wanted he also learned that being your own boss
doesn't guarantee riches, no matter how hard you work.
"While not living in poverty, when we were first
married and both in University times were tough.
I had cars that barely ran, with no gas gauge, wipers
that only worked with a pulley system that I had
macgyvered up. My wife reminds me of the many times she
had to help push start our car when we were dating
- can you believe she married me?!,"
Lau asked in amazement.
is fine now, but I remember the days of going in to
work with baggies around my socks so that my feet
wouldn’t get wet from the holes in the soles of
my shoes. And sitting on a garbage bag in the car
because of a leaking window. But we were resourceful,
hard-working and stretched our money beyond
imagination. I was the Coupon King!," Lau
declared with a laugh.
paging reseller partnership eventually tanked.
I even narrowly avoided bankruptcy in 1992.
When we were handing over the assets of our failed
paging reseller my wife instructed me to write a
contract that, later, was the only piece of
protection against having to file for
bankruptcy. The
“contract” was hand-written, in the car,
on a
scrap piece of paper. Our creditor had signed it when
we handed in our assets (pagers and our customer
list). To me this impressed the importance of
good advice. Or as my wife says: always listen
to your wife!" |
setback only fueled Lau's determination to succeed.
"From the paging reseller, we moved over to
running the retail sales for a new paging network. I
worked like a dog. Definitely a workaholic. At the
paging company, I outlasted/survived nasty bosses and
took over as President. Turned the company
around from losing money to profitability in 90
days, and won awards from our large retail
customers including London Drugs “Vendor of the
Year”. I wound up selling over 50,000 pagers
in five years," Lau recalled.
NamesCon conference that Lau launched in 2014
will make its third annual run in Las Vegas in
January 2016. It is a city he came to know well during
his days in that earlier business life. "While
working for the paging company, I would go to the Consumer
Electronics Show in Las Vegas every January. Being
that I’m cheap (or ultra-economical) and that all my
friends are too, we would all go down together and
share my (company paid) hotel room. This isn’t two
or three guys to a room. Picture the Fiesta Hotel in
Vegas with 7 guys in one hotel room! I’m not
saying I’m cheap, I’m saying I’m Asian and I
have economical friends," Lau smiled. "We
call ourselves CC which usually means Chinese
Canadian but to us means Cheap Chinese!"

has had a long relationship with Las Vegas dating
back to his early days selling pagers right up to
today when the Entertainment Capital of the World is
home to his annual NamesCon conference.
his time working for this company was rewarding it
also re-affirmed Lau's core business belief. "The
job running the paging networks was a challenging one
that required customer service skills, legal
stickhandling, public speaking and financial acumen.
It also taught me that life is too short to work
for someone else. So, in 1998 I took a six-month
severance package and headed to Europe."
That trip would turn out
to be a revelation and a turning point in Lau's
life. "I backpacked with Vanessa through
England, France, Italy and Greece
for six weeks that year. It was our second
honeymoon. I loved the feeling of freedom
with your life in a bag on your back and the
ability to go wherever you wanted to go. We
looked around Europe at the history, people, food and
different business ideas, and I held hands with my
wife while we explored these new worlds together. It crystallized
then that the world was an amazing place and that I
wanted the same kind of freedom in my work world. To
be my own boss, having the freedom to work on my own
ideas with the ability to take them wherever I wanted

on a six-month sabbatical after his time
managing a pager business for someone else, Lau
decided he wanted to have the same kind of freedom
in his work life that he was enjoying in his
personal life. He found what he was looking for
when he discovered domains in the late
90s and planted his flag in an industry that was
just starting to bloom. |
As it turned out, the
domain business would offer Lau exactly the kind of
environment he was looking for. "A friend of mine
had set up a dial up ISP (Internet Service
Provider) during the paging days. It was while helping
him with some marketing that I learned what a
domain was. Three guys who worked with him (who
later became the Chris, Eric and Scott
of CES Marketing) talked with me about a real
estate guru who was registering domains like,
and they were following suit with domains like, and"
"Another friend and
I registered 50 car domains like, and many others with the idea of
playing with html, tcp/ip, winsock and setting up a
website for a local car dealer. Our day jobs were
taking all of our attention, so we let the domains
expire. Then Microsoft called and offered $10,000
for We literally had to get the
paperwork out of the recycling bin to find the invoice
from Network Solutions to pay! In the end, it
turned out that there was a trademark on the term so
Microsoft didn’t buy it -- but the trademark owner
paid us (a much smaller amount) for it," Lau
"This was back when
were charging upwards of $150 per domain name
to register a domain for a customer, and then the
customer would have to pay $50 per year to
Network Solutions when the paper invoice from NSI
arrived in the mail. While still at the paging
company, I created and set up
an “emailto” form that would send an email to
Network Solutions when a visitor found a domain that
was available that they wanted to register. I offered
this as a free service. I couldn’t
afford to renew all my names, and I knew you were only
supposed to have one domain per company (it was
in the NSI Terms and Conditions). So, I let expire and just used Then Tucows registered and began offering a nearly identical
service, but with more polish and better backing. At
the time I was literally a one-man operation, working
from home in my bunny slippers!" Lau said. |
played by the rules. It never occurred to me to stockpile
domain names. Instead I focused on helping others
register domains, and I would upsell them to buy
services from me, namely Email Forwarding and URL
Forwarding. In 1998 when I left the paging
business, I decided I shouldn’t focus on if Tucows was operating using |
Therefore, I launched a new brand
and my site was called It
didn’t do well. I perhaps had one upsell order a
week. The site worked, the scripts all worked, but the
visitors were just local Vancouverites." |

this point, in December 1998, my
wife gave me a wake-up call saying “You
have 30 days left to play”. My six month
severance package was almost at its end. So, I
wrote a begging, heartfelt email to every Yahoo Canada
email address I could find asking them to please list in their directory (alongside And I
prayed. I asked God to intervene.
Some people will laugh, but I had faith that God was
guiding my life. Sure enough, two days later,
listed my site. It was life changing!,"
Lau declared.
I was interviewing for real 9 to 5 jobs. Had two job
offers I was considering but didn’t really want
either. I didn’t want to work for someone else
again. Then Yahoo Canada listed my site, and overnight
I went from an order a week to ten a day. I still
remember that first day. I felt like I had struck oil
in my backyard."
being listed in Yahoo Canada the site continued to
grow. We then received coverage on two TV shows. We
decided to partner with Paul Lum of
order to receive a commission on the thousands of
domains that we were helping people register through
Network Solutions. We set it up so that when people
found a domain to register we offered them the option
of receiving an invoice later from Network Solutions
or saving $10 and paying online through
for their brand-new domain registration. We received a
commission from but continued to
receive nothing from Network Solutions. I was working
with my brother David and I remember when we first
set up the script. He set it up to send a message
to my pager and we went out for dinner. The pager
buzzed all throughout dinner and we knew we were on to
something!," Lau said.

then applied to become a registrar ourselves and from
that NamesDirect was born. One of the first 30
registrars, NamesDirect became our main brand. We also
purchased a
free DNS service called as a lead for
members to transfer their domains to NamesDirect." |
"We then moved ourselves and the businesses to Bermuda. Things
were hitting on all cylinders. My wife and I moved to
Bermuda with our three month old son and we were
ecstatic. Life was grand!"
life also has a way of knocking us back down,
often when we least expect it. It happened to Lau in
another life changing event that just as easily could
have turned out to be a life ending catastrophe.
"I continued to work long hours in Bermuda," Lau
said. "We now had
staff in three time zones and it seemed like there was
always work to do. I remember sleeping at my desk many
nights and working 18 to 20 hours per day. In the
entire year I was in Bermuda I visited the beach less
than six times. As part of gaining a work
visa there, I had to undergo a full physical
checkup, including x-rays and more. They don’t make
it easy to get in."
a few months after arriving in Bermuda Lau's business
took two body blows. Godaddy entered the domain
registration business with a low price strategy that
made life tough for competitors. On top of that Lau's
customer database was hacked but these would
turn out to be the least of his problems.
biggest hit was that I was passing blood,"
Lau said. "My physical
3 months earlier had missed this. Then I was
misdiagnosed with an ulcer by a visiting doctor from
the U.S. A week later I again checked myself into the
hospital and the Chief of Surgery came to my bedside
and he personally took charge of my care. An
emergency colonoscopy found a massive cancerous growth
in my colon, I was released to go home
for the weekend with surgery scheduled for Monday
morning. The doctors didn't think I would ever leave
the hospital after the scheduled surgery. At 30 years
of age, with my wife in a new country and our five
month old son, I was given 3 to 6 months to live."

had good reason to smile in this photo with his
wife Vanessa. Were it not for a miraculous
recovery from cancer he would not have been around
for the many happy days that followed that dark time
15 years ago.
a series of miracles that strengthened my faith in God
I was released from hospital with a short colon, but
with the best diagnosis possible - no chemotherapy
needed. The doctors couldn’t believe this was
possible so I was sent to John Hopkins Hospital in
Baltimore for a second opinion and came through with a
mixed blessing. I had an 80% chance of the colon
cancer recurring in the next five years and if it did
I had a 50% chance of survival. I believe in the power
of prayer and the hand of God. Here I am today, 15
years later healthy and strong with no recurrence, a
living example of a miracle." Lau said. The
doctors also told Lau he should stop working to lower
his stress level so he decided to merge NameDirect,
MyDomain and YourNameFree with a
California startup company called NameZero. He
also moved his family to the Golden State and though
he did not stop working he cut back to 40-50
hours a week, a schedule that made him feel like he
was "on vacation" compared to the hours he
had been working.
"vacation" didn't last though and he
soon parted ways with NameZero. "I
won’t air all the dirty laundry from NameZero, but
if we fast forward 18 months, I was on my way back to
Vancouver with nothing more than a severance check
and my health," Lau said. " All the equity in my companies had
evaporated. As Jim Beaver from eNom said to me at the
time after hearing about my situation: “Wow, sucks to be
you.” I returned to Vancouver knowing I had to
reinvent myself. I had to somehow self-insure should I
die in the next 3.5 years, and I was ready to be
creative. I believed that God was leading me through
these tough times to show me how fleeting material
success is. Business, equity, savings, mean
nothing when weighed against your health and your
family," Lau added.
he was done with NameZero, Lau was a long way
from being done with domains. "While I
was running I had been invited
by, I believe, Kevin Sinclair to join Rick
Schwartz’s message board so that I could provide VIP
customer support to his members who were using the
MyDomain service. I would log on, search for
“” and answer everyone who had a
question. So when I was faced with reinventing myself,
I turned to Rick’s board and posted something along
the lines of “The writing is on the wall here and my
tenure is coming to a close. Can you guys tell me what
it is you do and how you do it?” I wanted to learn
how these domainers were making money from the domains
they’d been registering through my businesses,"
Lau recalled.

parting ways with NameZero
Richard headed home to Vancouver
to "reinvent" himself. |

Sacks took Richard under his
wing and showed him the ropes. |
clearly remember Steven Sacks taking me under his
wing. He showed me the ropes and I set off at a
sprint. Steven is a godly man and we’ve had many
deep conversations over the years - even if some of
them are at 2am at a bar. He took me by the hand and
showed me how best to buy and sell domains. I owe him
a great deal of gratitude. Working from home, buying
domains on my credit cards, I quickly built a
portfolio of 400 domains that earned a small monthly
flow of PPC income. But the real income came when I
was asked to investigate a couple of members of the
board who were suspected of buying stolen domains."
There was reason
Lau was the one board members asked to do the
investigation " I’d read a book about a man who used creative
methods for tracking down non-custodial parents who
had run off with their children. That apparently is
the cause of the vast majority of missing children,'
Lau noted. "
After reading the book, I thought that I could use
some of these same techniques to track down owners of
domains who had old or false Whois information. Sure
enough, I was right. I became a “broker” of sorts,
helping people to communicate with domain owners who
were hard to find." |
member was accusing another member of somehow stealing
domains just as they were about to expire. I was given a list of three
one- word
.com domains that this member had recently acquired.
Tracking down the previous owners was difficult, but
not overly so. Getting them on the phone was the
challenge, but one I was determined to overcome. I
managed to get all three on the phone and they all had
a similar answer. A sweet young man had contacted them
and asked for their domain. Not to buy it, not for
them to sell it to him, but just a straight up
audacious ask. And in all three cases they gave it to
"Wow! I was blown
away. Some of these names were
worth over $10,000 back then. In one case the person
said they paid the renewal fee for two years and
didn’t want to ask Merlin to pay for it since he was
such a nice kid. Yes, Merlin Kauffman. A crazy kid
back then with kahunas the size of Texas," Lau
laughed. " Merlin is
now a close associate and a serial entrepreneur."
that point on, I started to focus solely on tracking
down domains where the Whois information was
inaccurate. This brought in

Kauffman |
commissions, and
was also able to make offers on domains where the
owners hadn’t seen an offer in years. I also used my
skills in helping to track down owners who had had
their domain names stolen from them and assisted them
in getting their hijacked domains back." |
my hijacking assistance I was awarded the first
Domainer of the Year award at T.R.A.F.F.I.C. in
And at that conference I was given my biggest
challenge - righting the wrong of being
stolen. That is an entire story that would be longer
than this article so I will try and summarize it. Of
the dozens of hijacking cases I worked on such as,,, and
many others, this was the most consuming. I became
personally vested in the ownership of and only
through years (yes, years) of court battles was I able
to finally wrestle the ownership back after the
hijacker had sold the domain to someone in California
who had absolutely no desire to give it up."

to right): T.R.A.F.F.I.C. Co-Founder Rick Schwartz,
T.R.A.F.F.I.C.'s first ever Domainer of the Year
Award winner Richard Lau, attorney John
Berryhill and T.R.A.F.F.I.C. Co-Founder Howard
Neu at the inaugural T.R.A.F.F.I.C. conference in
October 2004.
Lau's focus has been on helping others acquire (and
keep) valuable domains, he started taking an ownership
interest in some great names as well. "Most of the best names I hold are
with partners," Lau said. " In
buying and selling portfolios of domains you come
across gems. Some are deals, most are not. You are
buying real estate and hoping for capital appreciation
over time. On almost all the gems we have paid at or
above market rates, bidding against fellow buyers. In
hind-sight they look like deals, but at the time, it
was nail-biting putting down the funds necessary to
tie up these names."
"Every name has a great story and there are many missed
opportunities including,
and having sold some two letter .com domains for what
now looks like a pittance. (along with is one of my favorites as it came out of a
conversation in the back of a limo in Las Vegas at 2am
during a Domain Madness conference. If I hadn’t been
there I would have missed out on that fantastic domain
purchase. I also love the purchase of that
Andy Booth facilitated. He had secured the purchase
and flipped it to me before paying for it at a 300%
markup. I knew exactly what he was making and I
didn’t mind. It was a fantastic domain and worth
every penny," Lau said.
partners Richard Kirkendall (left)
and Richard Lau. |
and his partners have also ventured beyond domain
ownership to domain development where they have
also had success. "We own along with
Kirkendall of NameCheap fame. is an
year " overnight success". It’s been a lot, and I mean,
a freight-train load of work to build to
its current level of over 1 million members,"
Lau said.
is easy to sit back and think that things come easy to
successful people, if all you hear about are their
successes. But looking back, my road is littered with
the carcasses of
many, many cases of buyer’s
remorse, seller’s remorse and straight out project
failures. At the end of the day, so long as your
successes outweigh your failures, you are a business
success. Plus, it helps to not publicize your
failures, but instead learn from them and move
on," Lau noted. |
it is important to note that most of the above work
has not been done by me. The secret to success is not
really that secret. Surround yourself with smart,
responsible, passionate people and give them the tools
and motivation to build. James Morfopoulos has been
working with me for about five years and has become my
right hand man, and I trust his judgment, creativity
and business insight so much so that he is now my
business partner and I rely heavily on him daily. Plus
he is just a great guy to hang out with. Ken Nybeck is
the force behind the service and the
numbers speak for themselves. Our 1 million+ members
are a testament to the hard work Ken and his team have
expended. Loyal, generous and a real problem solver
it's been a real honor to work with Ken for over 10
years. And at NamesCon you will meet Terri Potratz,
our newest prized team member. Jothan
Frakes, as
co-founder of NamesCon, was instrumental in its
success, and continues to “bring it” every
day," Lau said.

NamesCon team (left to right): Jothan Frakes,
Terri Potratz, Richard Lau and James Morfopoulos.
by so many good partners and teammates for more than a
decade now, Lau has been able to make sure his busy
work life hasn't overshadowed his top priority - his family.
returning to Vancouver from California I moved into my first new
house in 2003, and shortly after we had our second
child, Ryan," Lau said. "I wanted to buy the house I would
live in forever. But in 2006 a project with Directi
took me on a three-year adventure to the UK. We set up dozens
of registrars in a partnership with Snapnames and I
worked from London."
this time, our family took advantage of the centrality
of London to travel. Dubai, Europe, the Caribbean, all
seemed easy to get to from London. My wife
homeschooled our now two boys and we would bring their
school along with us as we traveled. London was a
treasure-trove of history, museums and educational

and Richard with their adorable boys
2009 we moved back to our home in Vancouver and as we
loved the homeschooling experience, we continued it
(and still do to this day). We spend a lot of our time
in Whistler (a ski resort town an hour north of
Vancouver) and still love to travel. We’ve spent
between 2 and 3 months a year in Europe over the past
three years. Next
year, my wife and I celebrate our 25th Anniversary!
Time certainly flies by when you are best friends,
loving and supporting each other. Behind every
successful man is a woman. That adage is certainly
true!," Lau declared, speaking from

and Vanessa traveling through Europe

Back on the
business side of things, Lau's name these days
is most closely associated with the wildly
successful NamesCon
conference that will make its third annual
run at the Tropicana Hotel in Las Vegas
January 10-13, 2016. Lau's entry into
what had been a crowded conference field
caught some people by surprise. He explained
how it all came about. "Some
people would be surprised to hear that the catalyst of
NamesCon was to be able to have an event around which
to hold a fundraiser for the WaterSchool."
the 2012 DomainFest
conference in Santa Monica,
Gregg McNair invited a “few” people to our suites
at a nearby hotel. 140 people showed up and we ended
up holding an impromptu “WaterShave” at 2am where
three on-the-spot volunteers helped raise over $20,000
in pledges from party-goers by allowing their heads to
be shaved in return for donations. Vern Jurovich,
Gabriel and Bill Lozada were the very first
WaterShaves!. Ron Jackson (you!!) became a WaterShaver
at Domaining Europe in May
2012," Lau noted. |
the 2013
WebFest conference (previously
known as DomainFest) in Santa Monica, NameCheap
sponsored an official WaterNight where I personally
shaved my head and DomainSponsor matched the crowd’s
pledges. Jodi Chamberlain sacrificed her long hair in
April 2013 at Domaining Spain. Then, in May 2013, I
partnered with Rick Schwartz and Howard Neu to hold a
WaterNight event (alas with no shaving) during the
T.R.A.F.F.I.C. show in Las Vegas. As you would
expect, we knew we would want to hold a WaterNight at
the January 2014 DomainFest. However, just a couple of
months before the show was expect to run we still
hadn’t heard any dates being announced for
I was planning on going to Las Vegas for the CES show
and for Affiliate Summit, I thought I could possibly
hold a WaterNight there and try and get 60 domain
people to come," Lau said. " We’d find a volunteer or two and
raise $20,000 for WaterSchool. I would call it
NamesCon - the non-conference conference. Just meals,
networking and a big WaterNight party. Then Jothan
Frakes called me and pressed me into the importance of
an agenda. Jodi Chamberlain then called and |

McNair (left) and Richard Lau right
after Gregg had relieved of Richard of his hair
to raise money for WaterSchool in 2013. |
said we
could turn this into a real conference. Of course, we
had 90 days to do it! So, on October 18, 2013 we announced our
intention to hold the first NamesCon on dates less
than 3 months away. We were crazy!," Lau
laughed. |
was supposed to be taking a sabbatical - a year of
travel and time with the family as my boys are growing
into teens and this stage of life passes so quickly.
Don’t all our children grow up in the blink of
an eye? I didn’t want to miss it. I thought
(wrongly) that I could have Jodi and Jothan do all the
work and I could step in for 4 days and have some fun.
I’m sure that could have worked if we’d only had
150 people (our original goal), but when almost 600
people were coming to the conference, well, let’s
just say I have a very understanding wife!," Lau

is riding the rising tide NamesCon
has helped the industry generate. |
the motivation of putting NamesCon on being to hold a
WaterNight, I wanted to do the rest of NamesCon the
way I thought a domain conference should be done,
incorporating in all the complaints I had stockpiled
during the 50+ conferences I’ve attended during the
past 25 years. I
wanted to bring together disparate sections of the
internet naming sector and allow everyone’s
networking to blossom into synergistic deals. I am an idealist. I believe fully in the importance of
networking. We planned for NamesCon to be about the
networking and the content. We stacked our stages with
panels to be inclusive and avoid advertorials. We
refused to pay for any speakers. Speaking at NamesCon
is a privilege. If you have to be paid or enticed onto
our stage, the audience will know it and thus, quite
frankly, we don’t want you," Lau said.
an idealist in charge, take away the food, and
suddenly you can turn the conference world on its
head. We priced our tickets at $199. But no lunch. We
weren’t even sure if we’d offer tea. If you were
coming for the food, stay home. We wanted people who
were coming to feast on content and relationships.
Face to face trust building networking is ever
important in an industry and age where screens and
texting take up the majority of our time. As I said
back then, I believe a rising tide raises all boats.
NamesCon will rise the tide, you simply need to bring
your boat." |
first NamesCon was a roaring success and likewise the
WaterNight gala saw us raise over $100,000 for
WaterSchool. NameCheap has played a huge part in the
fundraising of both WaterNight’s held at NamesCon
and their support cannot be appreciated more,' Lau

Lau welcoming guests to the 2nd annual
NamesCon conference (January 2015) |
second NamesCon in January 2015 continued to grow and we learned and
listened to attendees, sponsors and speakers. Frank
Schilling’s Uniregistry has been unwavering in
support for NamesCon. With our third NamesCon almost
upon us, we have full-time, year-round staff working
on our four-day conference. I liken it to juggling 100
balls in the air and all of them need to land
perfectly in the span of 1% of the time spent. 361
days of work for a 4 day event. It’s intense, and
of the most unique features is the design of our
Exhibit Hall in such a manner to ensure that
Exhibitors are the not the forgotten stepchild. We
treat the Exhibit Hall like a Town Center with the
Keynote Room and the Breakout Session Rooms driving
foot traffic through the Exhibit Hall. And with the
Uniregistry Lounge, and games such as ping pong,
foosball and pool, attendees hang out, converse, play
and network. It’s a formula that works and delivers
value to attendees and exhibitors alike," Lau
year we have a sold out Exhibit Hall and fantastic
keynote speakers with product launches anticipated. We
are also introducing
Network Lane as a Sunday-only
speed exhibit/networking event. From noon til 6pm on
Sunday people will be able to visit pop-up exhibitors
in a space that will be a cross between Affiliate
Summit’s “Meet Market” and TechCrunch’s
“Startup Alley”. These startup companies in our
space will each have a hightop table and a retractable
banner. And existing brokers, bloggers and suppliers
will be able to efficiently announce their presence at
NamesCon and arrange meetings for during the rest of
the conference. It’s a formula that we’ve seen
work extremely well at other conferences that we are
adapting for NamesCon." |
Knowing that
NamesCon was born out of Lau's desire to raise
money for the WaterSchool, we wondered
how his relationship with the charity that
plays a central role in his life came about.
was a typical, cynical couch donor writing checks in
December to various charities," Lau said. " One year I was told to
check out where you could fill a
“shopping cart” with different charitable |

that needed funding. My wife was looking through the
projects and suddenly had a song come into her head
from a Christian music album she’d been given when
she was 6 years old. “Give a cup of water in the name of the
Lord” and we felt that we should be funding a clean
water project." |
added Compassion to the list of charities I could
donate to from the comfort and disconnection of my
couch. In the new year, the cynical me contacted the
various charities we’d donated to in order to see
just how the funds were being spent. I met with
several of the charities and quite frankly was dismayed. Only when I met with Compassion did I find
the transparency I was hoping for. WaterSchool was
spun out from as a non-profit focused on
providing education to enable people to make their own
drinking water safe in a sustainable manner -- without
the use of chlorine tablets, and without burning
fossil fuel," Lau said.
introduced Gregg McNair to WaterSchool and Gregg
started pulling people to visit WaterSchool’s
projects in Africa. Being a germaphobe I had no
intention of going but somehow Gregg managed to get
even me to Kenya. Once there, I was hooked. The
life-changing work was being done so effectively and
efficiently that we set out to get as many people from
our industry behind this solution as possible. We
organized climbs up Mount Kilimanjaro, vision trips to
Kenya and Uganda and continued our WaterNights in
North America."
"When the founders of WaterSchool had
health issues that forced their retirement, I stepped
in to serve as the Executive Director. While I feel
inadequate to fill their

Lau with some of the new friends he made in
Africa while visiting WaterSchool projects in
Kenya. |
shoes, I cannot help but feel
the weight of responsibility that comes along with
this mantle and I hope to rise to the occasion and do
my best to fill the need. Alongside a varied and
passionate board we serve a to represent a large donor
base. This year at NamesCon I am excited that Tony
Woodruff, WaterSchool’s Program Liason, will be at
WaterNight to share directly on the work being
done," Lau said. |
the domain industry, I am just one of many people who
support WaterSchool. We have had almost a dozen people
become WaterShavers including Yancy Naughton, Jothan
Frakes, Kellie Peterson, Kevin Kopas and
Mike Robertson. And the list of donors to WaterSchool is
basically the entire list of attendees to the
conferences over these past few years. The
domain industry is behind WaterSchool and that is
apparent with the overwhelming support for WaterNight."

to R) Gregg McNair with WaterShavers Mike
Robertson, Kellie
and Kevin Kopas at the 2nd annual NamesCon conference in January
"WaterSchool has saved the lives
of hundreds of
thousands of children and their families and radically
changed their futures. It is my humble honor and duty to be able to
give back some of the
extraordinary blessings that have come into my life.
It’s not charity if the beneficiary can do something
for you in return. In Africa, as I saw some of
the young children I thought, “Who’s to say that
these couldn’t have been my kids?” With big
blessings come big responsibilities, we need to be
accountable to others in this world and help in
whatever needs strike a passionate chord with us.
I’m so grateful for the many who have come alongside
me in this," Lau said.
who was elected to the Domain Hall of Fame
earlier this year, has clearly led an illuminating and
inspirational life. Reading about it will no doubt
encourage others to see just what this unique domain
industry is all about. As a field that is constantly
changing it can be difficult to get your head around
so, before letting Richard go we asked him what kind
of advice he would give people determined to try their
hand in this business too.
would advise newcomers to read, network and
network," Lau said, emphasize how
imperative the latter is. "And if you don’t like reading, then add in more
networking! Seriously, in hindsight I now know that if
I had networked more when I first started I would be
many times more successful than I am now. Back when I
was first setting up I |

been through "the valley of the shadow
of death"
Lau will always be thankful for the
brighter path he and his
family were so blessed to find. |
was a few
miles away from Kevin Ham, Colin Yu and Frank
Schilling, and I was watching Yun Yee pick up domains
that I was allowing to expire. I was too introverted
and shy to pick up the phone or even send an email.
Ten years later, I was able to host these pioneers at
a barbeque at my house and realized then the opportunities
I had let slip through my fingers by not networking
from the start with these humble, easy-going
giants," Lau said ruefully.
you are interested in the hundreds of new gTLDs then
come and meet with the registries at NamesCon. Talk with brokers.
Find out how you can fit into the community in a
manner that brings value to the table. Don’t sit at
home wishing luck would come your way, come out and
make your own luck."
Before saying
goodbye Lau had only this to add. "My
faith in God has helped me persevere through the many
trials that life brings. That every dip in life, no
matter how deep, is something on the pathway that is
your own life. God’s hand is there. Not necessarily
delivering what you think it should be, but it’s |
there. I don’t take credit for my successes in life.
And it can be trite to simply thank God for them. But
truly I have been through the valley of the shadow of
death and feel comforted by my faith in God and the
life he has blessed me with." |
try to live my life in a non-judgemental way. I try to
assume stupidity over malice. I didn’t always but I
do now. I wish more people would be kind, gentle and
smile. All is not rosy in this world and everyone, no
matter how great you think their life is, is fighting
their own battle.
is about relationships, not likes, views or retweets.
time with your family.

time with your family - they
grow up fast!