If you don�t know Igal Lichtman by
name, you may have heard of a software company he founded called Magic
Solutions. If you haven�t heard of Magic Solutions, you may
have heard of Network Associates (formerly McAfee
Associates), the company Lichtman sold Magic Solutions to in 1998
for $110 million dollars. Now that we have your attention,
let�s take a look at Igal�s new baby, DomainSpa.com
For the
new project, Igal retained his original experienced teammates
CTO Efim Gendler and Chief Architect Vadim Mostov, and
added new blood with CEO Gal Moran. Moran brought
additional business experience and an in-depth knowledge
of advanced mathematics and statistical analysis.
DomainSpa.com is a unique product that was
developed by using Information Retrieval, Natural Language
Processing, Neural Networks, Text Mining, and Statistical Analysis
technologies to find the most appropriate sponsors
(advertisers) for a specific domain name. Then (and this is what
sets them apart from others) DomainSpa dynamically generates a monetizing
domain parking page, complete with graphics and just 3
super-targeted choices, with brief descriptions of the service
offered by each. The company is currently testing an additional
technology, GeoTargeting, that takes the geographic location of the
�domain visitor� and the time of day into account to deliver
even more targeted results.
Here is a quick illustration. Go to www.citybird.com
to see a page parked with DomainSpa. When that domain was entered
into the company�s system, the software searched the history of
the domain name and found that it was once used by a small airline.
So it generated a page with a small banner ad for airline travel and
three highly related links to Car Rental, Hotel and Cruise companies
(you may see different links as the software automatically changes
them when various factors dictate). The DomainSpa team says this clean
interface (similar to Google�s effective �less is more�
approach) and super targeting is sending conversion rates through
the roof, making all good domain names more valuable. Increased
revenues allow owners to realize a higher price should they decide
to sell.
If the domain has no history, the software uses
proprietary algorithms to match sponsors to the domain name. In
addition, for the first few days after you submit your names to
DomainSpa.com they analyze which of the three options people click
on for each name and what terms they enter in the search box. That
information allows them to further refine the selection of choices so
they will generate the most activity for you and the best conversion
for sponsors (advertisers). For example a domain
with �football� in the title might draw people looking for
gambling, or it could draw people looking for cheerleaders. By
analyzing the early click-through patterns the company will know
what market your name is attracting and target the links to that
Of course, if you have a strong type-in domain,
then you are really sitting pretty because surfers will be delivered
to a page that promises to deliver an abnormally high conversion
ratio. DomainSpa.com recently finished beta testing its technology
with several well-known domainers who all claim their click-through
rates jumped dramatically when they moved some of their domains there. Thunayan
Al-Ghanim of Future Media Architects and MP3.TV
(known to members of popular domain forums as Elequa) sent
DomainSpa.com a note saying �Guys! Thank you for uncovering the best way of
making money!
Japan�s Motohisa Ohno said �I have
used DomainSpa.com for 3 months and the results are quite better
than the service which I was using. It's very interesting that the
results are getting better as time goes by. It's also important
there is no annoying pop-ups. I have already assigned most of
domains which have traffic to DomainSpa.com�
Today�s affiliate search parking pages are
notorious for low click through rates. As Ohno noted, most are a
pop-up infested mishmash of dozens of links that normally turn
surfers off rather than draw them in. Christian Chena N��ez
of Paraguay says the interface and matching technology are paying
big dividends for him too. �Wow! Your system have proved to be
extremely efficient!� Nunez states in a testimonial letter on the
site. �My domains
will generate $XXXX.XX net revenue/day... and this is less than HALF
of the traffic I used to send to YYYYY!!! "
The company claims that even a small number of
hits can generate enough money to easily cover the annual
registration fees for a domain. DomainSpa.com will track all of the
domains in your account and provide you with enough information to make more
intelligent decisions on whether you should hold, sell or renew a
At the moment, the pages generated do not indicate that
the domain is for sale, but company leaders say they will always
respond to the requests of their customers. If customers want that
information on the page it will be added in the future.
The same management team is also involved with some other
internet projects that are equally interesting, including www.iBoogie.TV
. This special clustering search engine tries to go Google one better in a
unique way. When you enter a search term, the page returns a panel
that has the search results sorted into a group of neatly
categorized clustered folders.
example, if you type in �Computers� it will sort the results
into folders for �Desktops�, �Brands�, �Accessories� and
many others. You then open the folder to get the results you were
really after rather than wading through page after page as you might
do at Google.
Even more fascinating technology comes
from a sister company, Quigo,
a pioneering search technology that digs through the �Deep Web�
or "Invisible Web".
That includes sites that utilize DHTML technology that doesn�t
generate a page until the surfer clicks on it. Search Engines have
always gotten trapped within such sites and left them without
indexing the pages. The Quigo technology is so compelling that
several government and military organizations in the U.S. and
overseas have contracted the company�s products and services. In
addition, Quigo has signed contracts with major search engines to
supply them with PPC results that are inaccessible by other
just went live this week. When
you sign up for an account you will be asked to list 4 or 5 of your
productive domain names. You will get an email back acknowledging
receipt of your application and that will be followed by another
email letting you know what kind of activity you can expect from the kind
of names your submitted. Currently the company accepts all applications and since there is no cost to the domain owner, you have
nothing to lose, especially when a trip to this Spa could rejuvenate
those tired old domain names and put some money in your
If you would like to comment on Ron Jackson�s article, write editor@dnjournal.com.