to the 10th edition of our annual State
of the Industry Cover Story. Every
January since 2005 we have assembled a
distinguished panel of experts drawn from
every corner of the industry-
including domain investors, developers,
top corporate leaders and attorneys
- to give us their thoughts on the key
trends of the past year and what they saw
coming our way in the new year ahead.
This year we
have put together our biggest panel ever, 17
of the industry' best and brightest, and
split them into two groups of eight each -
one comprised of investors &
developers and one of corporate
leaders. We will the extra spot with
an attorney who has a foot firmly planted
on each side of the line.
- See more at: http://www.dnjournal.com/cover/2014/january.htm#sthash.YJo3bmZs.dpuf
to the 10th edition of our annual State
of the Industry Cover Story. Every
January since 2005 we have assembled a
distinguished panel of experts drawn from
every corner of the industry-
including domain investors, developers,
top corporate leaders and attorneys
- to give us their thoughts on the key
trends of the past year and what they saw
coming our way in the new year ahead.
This year we
have put together our biggest panel ever, 17
of the industry' best and brightest, and
split them into two groups of eight each -
one comprised of investors &
developers and one of corporate
leaders. We will the extra spot with
an attorney who has a foot firmly planted
on each side of the line.
- See more at: http://www.dnjournal.com/cover/2014/january.htm#sthash.YJo3bmZs.dpuf
biggest story of the year is here!
to DN Journal's 14th annual State
of the Industry Cover Story. Every
January since 2004 we have called on leading
experts from all corners of the domain
industry to get their thoughts on the most
significant trends of the past year in their
sectors and what they expect to see
happening in the new year ahead.
called on corporate leaders including
(Founders, CEO's, Presidents, VPs and
Business Development Directors), domain
investor/developers, brokers, monetization
and financial services firms, attorneys and
community advocates. Those we reached out to
are some of the busiest in the business
so we sincerely appreciated the record
high response rate we received this
year, allowing us to assemble our biggest
panel of experts to date - 24 in all!
Of course, quality is our most
important consideration and we think you
will agree that this is a group of
professionals that, by any measure, would be
hard to top. Full
Story Here