the photo gallery below the color coded nameplates
also indicate the group that person is in. Executives
are blue, brokers green
and investor/developers black.
Within each group, the experts are shown
alphabetically by first name. To make it easier for
you to immediately access a specific individual,
you can just click on their photo and you will
be taken directly to their commentary. Of
course, you can also read the entire story (spread
over three pages) straight through. However you choose
to navigate the course, we are confident you will find
your time to be very well spent. Thank you for reading
and a huge thank you to each of our experts for taking
time out of their busy schedules to provide
information and advice that everyone on our business
can benefit from.
let us introduce you to this year's panelists:
State of the Industry 2025 Panel of Experts |


Munjal |
Short Dot, SA



Hilco Digital Assets




Harbin |






Sedo (MrPremium) |




Booth |


The Domain King
year we rotate the order in which the three groups appear.
Last year it was the Domain Investors &
Developers. This
year Domain Brokers are up
to bat first. In each group the commentators are
shown in alphabetical order by first name. Now
that the stage is set, it's time to raise the
Director, Hilco
Digital Assets
Founder & President, ATM
Holdings, Inc.
Miller is the Managing Director of Hilco Digital
Assets, and for 26 years, has been a
principal, founder, investor ,and advisor on
many of the most prominent acquisitions &
sales of category, exact match domain names, and
an advisor to many Fortune 100, leading
VC, and PE management teams, on buy and sell
side domain name transactions. These include
several of the largest domain transactions of
all time, including,
Gold,com, and Andrew was
also the Founder/CEO of financial marketing
companies and,
both successful exits, and still market leaders,
and was the subject of a 2024 DNJournal
Cover Story about his career.

Miller |
2024, there were two trends that stood
out specific to the most valuable
category defining and exact match brand,
one word .com domain name assets that we
invest in and advise on. The first, was
the beginning of a reboot of
venture investing, which is so
critical to asset class. I'm not sure if
people realize how down to flat venture
investing has been, stuck at 2018 or
earlier levels. For the first time in a
few years, growth investments by VC’s
started to pick up in the second half of
the year. While most of this was AI
centric, I am confident that this will
continue to pick up momentum into the
new year. The venture ecosystem is so
important to the most premium domain
names, as it is often well funded,
fast-growing companies that understand
the seismic strategic lift they will get
from acquiring their exact match or
category defining .com domain name.
second trend was the surge in AI
both as transformative technology and
the correlated top level domain
extension, .AI. Historically, I
have stayed laser focused on the most
valuable .com domain assets, but
in 2024, have helped oversee several .ai
transactions. There are always
sides to this argument when a new TLD
becomes hot in the market. One
point of view is that “this time it's
different”, but I have seen that play
out so many times with the TLD
ultimately fading in value and needing
to be replaced by the .com. The other
side is “this time is different, and
it really is”. What I would say
is there is opportunity in these
extensions and the question becomes, are
you a short-term trader or a long-term
investor? I strongly suggest you know
the answer to that question before
investing in secondary TLDs as an
investor (as opposed to a TLD operator).
There is clearly opportunity in .ai
and those who do not participate may
miss the window, but I also think you
must be aware of how history has
treated many similar “TLD’s du
jour” in my 26 years investing in and
advising on domains.
on the 2024 theme, in 2025 I am
confident that there will be a reinvigorated
investment climate fueled by venture
investing, strong merger and acquisition
activity, and a robust IPO market for
emerging category leaders. This will be very
positive for the most valuable premium
domains, as more companies acquire
the resources necessary and begin to
reach success levels where owning their
exact match .com domain name becomes
the single most important strategic
investment they both should and must

Miller giving a Keynote speech at the
2022 NamesCon Global conference in
main challenge, which has been the same
one for many years, is to continue to help the leading Founders, CEO’s
and other executive team members,
Investors, and Board members, that do
not own the companies’ exact match or
category defining .com, understand
the importance of that over almost any
other investment they are considering,
which is proven in so many case studies,
but is sometimes lost in the shuffle of
other priorities.
2023 and 2024, we at Hilco Digital
Assets circumstantially had the usually
confidential prices on three of the
highest profile deals of all time,
($15.5m and now ChatGPT),
($8.6m and now Amark precious metals)
and ($15m and now
Rocket Mortgage), be publicly disclosed.
As other brands see that these category
leaders are prioritizing the acquisition
of their category defining, exact match
domain names, it helps everyone in the
domain industry tackle this education
& CEO,
Andrew Rosener is a distinguished figure in the domain name industry, known for his significant contributions to domain valuation methodology, investing, and brokerage. As the founder and CEO of MediaOptions, Andrew has carved out a niche for himself in the sector, earning the title of #1 domain broker in the world for the last 6 consecutive years. Since 2008, Rosener has been involved in
over $600 million in domain sales and has played a pivotal role in numerous high-profile domain name transactions, including to Elon Musk, to ZOOM, and and to Amazon, as well as thousands of others.
Andrew was profiled in a 2023 DNJournal
Cover Story.

Rosener |
was a great year in domaining,
and for MediaOptions it was no
exception. We had our best year ever
from a revenue standpoint, and this is
something we are excited about and proud
of. As to 2024 trends, the most
significant trend in our category -
premium domain names - was the continued
ascendancy and evolution of
artificial intelligence. We
saw AI continue to “eat the world”,
both as a buzzword but also in
substance, as there was a proliferation
of AI tools and new businesses, this
presented great opportunities for
selling and acquiring great brands to
and for them.
is widely known that I am a .com
maximalist and that I believe that
no domain extension will ever replace
.com, at least not in the foreseeable
future and AI business leaders seem to
agree, even if some opt for the cheaper
.ai option to get started. I further
believe that the recent exuberance
around .ai domains will fade as the
technology becomes more ubiquitous and
the .ai domain extension becomes
redundant (like saying Google.Search),
and we are already seeing a cooling of
the hype around .ai domains. This is
further highlighted by many of
the major
companies that started on .ai
domains, upgrading in the back half of
2024 to their exact brand match .com. With
that said, there were several notable .ai
sales in 2024 and a ton of conversation
around the topic. As a result, we helped
several clients either buy or sell .ai
domain names this past year, and we will
look to continue to do so as long as
there is interest there.
second most important trend in our
industry was the continued increase
in the value of premium domain .com
names, which remain an ever-growing
asset class with increasing recognition. There
is more noise and optionality online
than ever before, and security and fraud
risks are prevalent, so premium .com
domain names provide instant trust and
market position. The digital leadership
bestowed by owning the .com version of a
short, memorable domain name gives a
company the unique and privileged
position of dictating much of the global
narrative around the term and the
associated branding, and it
automatically instills trust
in their customers, employees, partners,
and investors. 2024 continued to prove
out this narrative and we should see
that continue into 2025 and beyond.
believe 2025 will prove to be a
truly unpredictable, very exciting and
prosperous yet tumultuous year! As
we are dealing with significant economic
and social challenges, while at the same
time we are also seeing the rapid
development of world-changing
technologies and a shift in America
(possibly beyond) to a more business
friendly administration and environment.

Rosener speaking at the 2024 NamesCon
Global conference in Austin.
As I mentioned in my earlier answer, AI
continues to improve and evolve
every day, creating record breaking
growth of industry and new business
creation, but we are also facing serious
challenges and dangers - both from a
macro-economic and a social standpoint
as well as the ongoing geopolitical
tensions. We are barely two
weeks into the new year, and we have
already seen an unprecedented disaster
with the terrible and heartbreaking
wildfires in California. I expect that
we will see continued fallout from this,
even after the fires are contained,
including the ripple effect that will
take place as insurance companies
struggle and even potentially fail in
the aftermath of the disaster, which
likely could lead to a banking and
credit crisis and real estate crisis as
insurance premiums skyrocket or get
nixed altogether. As world leaders
further attempt to manage these issues,
we expect that we will see interest
rate cuts (despite the market
driving rates up) and increased money
supply / liquidity from the central
bankers and Treasury to mitigate the
fallout, which will further inflate the
price and costs of many goods and
assets, including premium digital assets
such as domain names and bitcoin.
will also see more companies and
nation-states investing in cryptocurrency,
especially Bitcoin, further
pushing the world in an even more
digital and technology-driven direction.
As these trends play out, premium
domain names will continue to rise in
value. So we will leverage this
momentum to create continued success for
our clients, on both the sell-side and
also with domain acquisitions. As
to navigate the challenges, it will be
important to be nimble and adaptable
with low cost structures.
Those that are well prepared and own
assets such as those described above
will thrive in 2025 and potentially make
unprecedented earnings. Those unprepared
could face a very difficult year.
& CEO,
Sengoren has racked up millions of dollars worth
of domain sales in the 13 years since he entered the
domain business. After his career shifted into high
gear with a multi-year stint at Frank Schilling's
Uniregistry brokerage, Arif set up his own show at in 2020 where he has continued to
thrive and expand an ever growing client base.

Sengoren |
most significant trend of 2024 isn’t
new to us or the industry, but it
continues to dominate—and I don’t
see that changing anytime soon. It’s
artificial intelligence. Beyond just
domains, AI has been reshaping the
world, especially since 2023, from
the ground up. You don’t need to look
far to see the impact — record-breaking
.AI sales have been a regular
feature in weekly charts. I’m
confident this will continue into 2025.
The market is still immature, with
plenty of room to grow.
That said,
some things never change — like the
dominance of .COM domains. As supply
goes down, the value of premium .COM
domains keep climbing. What’s
fascinating to me is that the value of .COMs
doesn’t seem tied to the current state
of the global economy. That’s probably
why we’re also seeing strong sales of
newer extensions with exceptional SLDs.
I think this trend will only grow
stronger in 2025.
One of the biggest shifts this year came
with the closure of a beloved
marketplace (, which left a
noticeable gap. Several new platforms
have emerged to fill the space, but it
feels like the
industry is still searching for “the
one.” There’s still a noticeable gap
in the marketplace side of the business.
Outside of a few established platforms,
it feels like there isn’t a standout
marketplace that people truly love and
regularly use. There’s definitely an
opportunity there for the right
contender to step in and make an impact.
trend that stood out in 2024 was the
increasing inclusion of social media
handles in domain deals. This
wasn’t something we expected, but
about 25-30% of our acquisitions this
year came bundled with exact-match
handles. It’s been an interesting
shift to watch.
At, 2024 turned out to
be an even better year for domain
acquisitions and appraisals compared to
previous year. Unfortunately, NDAs keep
us from sharing most of the details. In
2025, we will keep working hard to make
the process seamless and unique for our
surprises me even more is the slow
adoption of cryptocurrency in the domain
market. Apart from
and a handful of registrars and
marketplaces, it seems like the industry
hasn’t fully embraced its potential.
The importance of crypto integration
feels underestimated, especially
considering how seamlessly it could
align with domain transactions.
ahead, unless we face significant
economic challenges (and let’s be
honest, that’s always a possibility
these days), I expect premium domains’
value and deals to keep climbing. .COM
and .AI will remain strong, and as
always, we’ll see some action in .ORG
and .NET as well. On top of that, I
wouldn’t be surprised if 2025 brings
new players to the market with flashy
deals that turn heads. At, we are excited for 2025
and we will keep building and working
hard to make our clients happy.
Harbin has been a successful entrepreneur ever since
launching his first business while still in college
(one that allowed him to not only graduate debt free
but to do it with six figures in his bank account!).
Later, after building an insurance brokerage firm from scratch that still generates 8 figures in total premium each
year, Brian applied his skills to brokering domain names.
He closed one of the 20 biggest sales of all time with and has gone on to become one of the world's
top brokers year in and year out.

Harbin |
significant trend in 2024 was the consistent
demand and sales volume every month
this past year. Being an election
year, we had thought there would be
a dry spell at some point leading up to
the election, but sales, inquiries, buy
requests, and corporate spending was
consistent throughout the year and our
busiest and best year ever at Grit
2025, we see it trending to be one of
the best years ever in domain sales
based on a multitude of factors
including confidence in corporate
spending, price of bitcoin, the stock
market, and the continued demand for
premium domains. We predict a
continued increase in sale prices in not
just .com, but also other leading
non .com extensions as well as an
expansion in the use of Web3
domains. It's possible the stock
market, and other asset prices (real
estate, crypto) take a hit by mid year
with consumer and government debt
reaching unsustainable levels which
could affect overall sales but high
quality domain market will continue to
be resilient.
We expect there to be an increased focus
as details of Nis2 are unveiled, and
more attention and buzz around the
new gTLDs that will be released in
April 2026. Lastly, we predict
that as more uses of AI are deployed we
will see a decline in certain industry
verticals paired with a new opportunity
in other verticals which will create
opportunities for domain investors that
are closely monitoring the trends
Domain Broker,
it seems like Dave Evanson's name appears in
DNJournal's bi-weekly
report of top domain sales just as often
as the column's author (Ron Jackson). Over the years,
Sedo's Senior Broker has placed countless five, six
and seven figure sales on the DNJ charts. He's been
doing it consistently for over 13 years now so you can
expect to more of the same in 2025.

Evanson |
back on 2024 most people were cautious
about the economy and the numerous
elections around the globe. These
perceptions caused some pause in
business decisions and actions. In
the end the economy and political
environments were somewhat less unstable
than had been expected. One could
argue the year was pretty much normal
and uneventful in terms of the domain
space, with the exception of AI
and it’s impact on almost everything
worldwide and on domains specifically.
The .ai extension demonstrated an
unprecedented surge landing it as one of
the top extensions in terms of growth.
Ultra-premium short and one-word dot
coms (in particular) recorded continued
appreciation. Also, notably cryptocurrency
bounced back and gambling domains
did well.
Brokerage Team had a strong performance
with several brokers stepping up making
big contributions throughout the year.
Congratulations to Nena, Derick,
Mark, Frank and the rest
of the team.
elections behind us and the new
administration in Washington most
generally predict modest economic
growth in 2025. I am more bullish
this year than I was at the start of
last year that domain sales will be
stronger and we will see more seven and
eight figure transactions.
Although you can’t draw a straight
line through one data point, as we begin
2025 two of my Sedo colleagues and I,
independently, just closed three deals
for upwards of $4,000,000 within a
couple of days. That’s a good
of cash sitting is sitting on the
sidelines and mainstream outlets are
jumping in. Venture spending
will be robust with continued focus
on AI investments. There should be
huge investments driving changes in AI,
robotics and space travel. Other
verticals receiving large inflows of
cash should include, gaming,
cryptocurrency, health and renewable
energy. There are so many
possibilities and the implications for
domains are positive and exciting.
growing number of companies will upgrade
from .ai to .com especially during
the second half of the year. We
will hear about more very high priced
sales in 2025 as cash resourceful
companies engage.
in the domain space will be more active
than in the last couple of years with
some of it driven by developments in AI.
I remain quite positive about the
business of domains but I have to wonder
if and how AI will revolutionize domains
as we know them today.
& Founder,
Booth has completed over
$50 million in domain name sales since 2015. He is
also co-founder of,
a parent company to several fully-developed websites
that provide relevant and informative content over a
range of verticals. With over 18 years of experience
in sales and investments, James has a wealth of
knowledge and expertise in the domain industry, as
well as in wealth management, customer relationship
management, and new business development.

Booth |
think the industry as a whole is
progressing very well. Domain names
continue to be the bedrock of most
businesses and having a strong
domain name is so crucial in
today's market. We have seen strong
growth from a brokerage perspective and
also from an investor perspective. 2024
was a record breaking year for
DomainBooth and I believe 2025 is
going to be even stronger. With the
Crypto Markets booming I still believe strong
.io names have their place and
will do well in 2025. AI is
dominating the funding for 2024 and will
do so in 2025 also, so strong .ai names
will continue to sell well. Of course
.com will remain the top dog and I
believe we will see some of the
biggest sales ever this year. In
2024 we saw some incredible sales in the
market such as, and
many more.
I am extremely bullish on domain names
for 2025 and beyond. The .io names
I mentioned for the Crypto Markets, .ai
for the artificial intelligence industry
and .com will see some huge sales
as more and more people understand the
value that a strong domain brings to
their business.
Uddeme entered the domain business as the Director
of Business Development at Domain Holdings. After five
successful years there he opened his own shop at
in 2015 and since then has racked up over $125
million in sales. Over the past couple of years he
has made headlines with sales like at
$750,000, at $570,000 and
several others well into six figures.

Uddeme |
2024, the domain industry saw
significant evolution driven by several
key trends and events that domain
brokers should watch closely.
Consolidation and M&A Activity:
The trend of larger registrars and
holding companies acquiring smaller
players continues, leading to increased
market consolidation. This creates
opportunities for brokers to engage with
major corporate consolidators seeking
premium domains and fosters partnerships
for niche or high-end properties.
Expansion of Brandable and New TLDs:
While .com remains dominant, new generic
top-level domains (gTLDs) like .ai, .io,
and geo-specific extensions (e.g., .nyc,
.london) are gaining traction. These
brandable domains cater to tech startups
and local businesses, broadening the
brokerage landscape and offering diverse
opportunities beyond traditional
Rise of Decentralized Domains and Web3
Integration: Decentralized naming
systems such as ENS and Handshake are
Web3 enthusiasts. Although mainstream
adoption is limited, the secondary
market for blockchain-based domains is
growing, presenting a specialized niche
for brokers knowledgeable in digital
AI Integration and Automated Valuation
Tools: Artificial intelligence is
revolutionizing domain brokerage with
AI-driven valuation models and lead
generation tools. Brokers must leverage
these technologies to enhance their
workflows while maintaining essential
human negotiation skills to secure
premium deals.
Regulatory and Legal Developments:
The proliferation of TLDs brings
increased trademark disputes and
evolving ICANN policies. Brokers need to
stay informed about legal changes and
perform due diligence to navigate
potential conflicts, adding value
through informed guidance for clients.
Crypto and Macro-Economic Influences:
Domains are increasingly viewed as
digital assets, especially premium .com
names seen as “blue-chip”
investments. Economic fluctuations and
the crypto market's performance
influence domain pricing and investor
sentiment, making strategic positioning
crucial for brokers.
Growth of Personal Branding and the
Creator Economy: The rise of
influencers and content creators drives
demand for personal brand domains.
Short, memorable names with relevant
extensions are sought after, expanding
the broker’s clientele beyond
traditional corporate buyers to include
individual creators.
domain industry in 2024 saw a
combination of traditional .com
investments with innovative TLDs and
decentralized domains. Success for
brokers hinges on embracing AI,
expanding service offerings,
understanding emerging trends, and
navigating regulatory changes. Adaptable
brokers who provide strategic,
data-driven, and secure solutions will
thrive in this dynamic environment.

Uddeme (left) has
been named one of the world's top 10
brokers on the platform multiple
times. Here he is picking up one the
annual honors from Jackson Elsegood at the
2019 NamesCon Global conference in Las
Looking ahead in 2025, there
are dynamic shifts driven by
technological advancements, market
diversification, and evolving regulatory
landscapes. For domain brokers,
understanding these trends, seizing
emerging opportunities, and navigating
challenges is crucial for sustained
of TLDs: While .com remains
dominant, extensions like .ai, .io,
and industry-specific extensions
(e.g., .health, .finance) are
increasingly popular. These
specialized TLDs cater to niche
markets, offering brokers a broader
inventory to match specific client
and Automation: Artificial
intelligence is revolutionizing
domain brokerage with advanced
valuation tools and automated lead
generation. AI-driven platforms
provide more accurate pricing models
and identify potential buyers
efficiently, enhancing brokers'
ability to close deals swiftly.
Market Consolidation: Larger
registrars and holding companies are
acquiring smaller players to
consolidate market share. This trend
leads to streamlined services and
potentially altered commission
structures, influencing how brokers
operate within the marketplace.
of Decentralized Domains:
Blockchain-based naming systems such
as Ethereum Name Service (ENS) and
Handshake continue to gain traction
among crypto communities. Although
mainstream adoption is gradual, the
secondary market for decentralized
domains is expanding, presenting a
new asset class for brokers.
Service Offerings: Brokers can
differentiate themselves by offering
end-to-end services, including brand
strategy consulting, portfolio
management, and post-sale support.
Providing holistic solutions
enhances client relationships and
justifies premium fees.
in High-Demand Niches: Focusing
on lucrative TLDs or decentralized
domains allows brokers to become
experts in specific areas. This
specialization attracts clients
seeking tailored advice and premium
domain acquisitions within targeted
Domains as Digital Assets: With
economic uncertainties, premium
domains are increasingly viewed as
valuable digital real estate.
Brokers can market these domains to
investors seeking to diversify their
portfolios, emphasizing their
potential for long-term
Owner Access: Privacy and whois
redaction are now commonplace.
Domain owners can hide behind the
proxy and choose not to engage with
interested buyers and sellers for
various domain name inventory.
Competition and Transparency:
Access to comprehensive sales data
and AI tools levels the playing
field, intensifying competition
among brokers. To maintain a
competitive edge, brokers must
leverage their expertise and offer
personalized services that automated
platforms cannot replicate including
expert negotiation skills and how to
navigate the red tape.
of Emerging Technologies: The
adoption of decentralized domains is
subject to the volatility of
blockchain technologies and
cryptocurrency markets. Brokers need
to navigate this unpredictability by
staying adaptable and informed about
technological advancements and
market sentiment.
should prove to be a year driven by
Technology and Crypto investment with
new Web 3 brands and AI startups coming
online. The year should start off slow
with gradual uptick and growth towards
the end of the first quarter, 2025. |
Gabriel is a world-renowned expert in domain
brokerage and building sales teams and has had a role
in over $400 million worth of domain sales. In 2019 he
launched a top tier boutique brokerage that
specializes in acquiring, selling, and appraising
domains. Previously, Jeff was the Vice President of
Sales at Uniregistry where he and his team quadrupled
sales dollar volume. Prior to that Jeff was the
President and Co-Founder of and was also a
Domain Broker at Sedo.

Gabriel |
2024, we sold 405 domain names. Of
these, 254 were .COM, 128 were ccTLDs,
and 23 were in other extensions.
Comparatively, in 2023, we sold 388
domains, with 256 being .COM and 108
ccTLDs. Looking further back, in 2022,
we sold 202 domains, with 162 being
data highlights that demand for .COM
remains strong and continues to be the
first choice for many buyers. However,
we've observed a notable shift in buyer
behavior. In the past, buyers who
couldn't secure a .COM—either due to
unavailability or price—might have
given up or opted for a two-word .COM.
Now, there's growing receptiveness to
alternative extensions.
At, we've embraced this trend by
educating clients on the value of these
alternatives and helping them find
solutions that align with their goals.
The broader public has also become more
accustomed to and trusting of non-.COM
domains, which is an anticipated change
in our industry.
ahead to 2025, we see exciting
trends and challenges for The
growing demand for ccTLDs and gTLDs
shows that people are becoming more open
to alternatives beyond .COM.
is another game-changer, reshaping how
domains are used, searched, and valued.
It’s also helping us work smarter
and grow faster. We’re excited to
explore its full potential and make the
most of it at
day one, we’ve focused on improving,
innovating, and staying ahead. By
investing in cutting-edge tools that
allow sellers to see more data about
their sales opportunities than any other
marketplace matched with our incredible
sales and tech teams, we’ve positioned
ourselves for continued growth, and the
constant change in our industry. As we
move into 2025, we’ll continue embracing
change, finding new opportunities, and
delivering exceptional results for
our clients. We’re excited for
what’s ahead! |
Media, Co-Founder,
domain name sales brokered by Kate Buckley at
the top of charts has become a common
occurrence over the years as Kate continues to ring up
sales of six and seven figure sales with astonishing
regularity. Kate also has a fascinating life story,
one that we detailed in a 2018 DN
Journal Cover Story.

Buckley |
2024, The premium domain market
saw continued growth in 2024, fueled by
the ever-increasing importance of
digital real estate, the rise of tech
innovation (AI!), and shifting consumer
behaviors. Key highlights included the skyrocketing
demand for .ai domains—a
nod to the dominance of artificial
intelligence, as well as the growing
popularity of lease-to-own and
payment plans as savvy tools for
securing key IP while preserving
liquidity. At, we
saw this first hand—on both the buy
and sell sides—with approximately 25%
of our ultra-premium domain transactions
involving either lease-to-own
arrangements or structured payment
plans, making these valuable assets more
accessible to growing companies.
premium domain market is primed for
continued growth in 2025. We expect
short, memorable premium .COMs with
broad appeal to skyrocket in
demand—creating valuable opportunities
for both investors and businesses.
Post-election, we anticipate increased
M&A activity, with forward-thinking
brands leveraging premium domains for
marketing, SEO, and brand protection.
With VC funding projected to increase by
Q2 2025, we're already seeing
early-stage startups focusing
brand as a key differentiator, and
allocating significant budgets for
premium domains. In fact, we had an
article published in Forbes last year on
this topic: The
Power Of Brand: Strengthening Your
Identity Before Fundraising.
With crypto markets showing signs of
recovery, we anticipate renewed
interest in blockchain, NFTs, and
Web3-related domains. However, the
market isn't without challenges, and
regulatory changes in tech sectors could
affect domain valuations. We're
addressing these challenges by offering
flexible payment structures and
comprehensive market analysis to help
clients make informed decisions in
uncertain conditions.
The evolution of the domain market is
evident in transaction patterns. While
outright cash purchases remain common,
alternative acquisition methods are
gaining traction. Domain leasing and
structured payment plans have continued
to open new pathways for monetization,
making premium domains more accessible
to companies looking to maintain cash
reserves while accelerating lift.
AI will continue to be a major disruptor.
The continued rise of AI and voice
search will emphasize the need for
simple, memorable domains—ones that
not only pass the “radio test” but
provide ease of recall, boosting the
valuation of short, memorable premium .COMs.
Companies are scrambling to position
themselves in this space, and a strong
brand—with the accompanying exact
match .COM—is key. As companies mature
in the space, and AI becomes ubiquitous,
more and more companies will move from
.AI extensions to .COM. All things being
equal (and AI is a great leveler), brand
is the single most important competitive
advantage. Which goes straight to the
value of owning your best possible
ultra-premium .COM.
with Co-Founder Todd
at the 2024 ICA Annual Meeting
in Las Vegas.
At, our hybrid model
combines premium domain brokerage with
world-class naming and branding services.
This integrated approach helps our
clients streamline the branding and
go-to-market process—saving them both
time and money. For instance, when we
recently helped a fintech startup
acquire their ideal domain, our branding
team simultaneously developed their
visual identity and marketing strategy,
reducing their time-to-market by months
and saving significant resources. We
help companies understand how their
name, domain and overarching brand
architecture all comes together to drive
committed to helping clients navigate
both opportunities and challenges in
this dynamic landscape—ensuring they
secure the right digital assets to
define and support their growth
objectives, helping them build worldwide
brands. |
Larry Fischer is a
domain industry pioneer who has been specializing in top-level generic domains since
1997. He has participated in over $500
million worth of domain transactions. This includes (twice), (twice),,, (twice),,, and numerous
portfolios! handles Domain acquisitions and sales, appraisals, site development, escrow and monetization. works with both large and small corporations, start-ups and domain investors.
2024, the domain name industry
has witnessed several significant trends
and events that have shaped its
trajectory. One of the most impactful
trends is the increasing value of
premium domain names. These domains
are critical assets that offer
immediate brand recognition,
credibility, and SEO advantages, making
them highly sought after in the
competitive digital landscape.
notable development has been the
phenomenal growth of .ai domain
names, driven by the surge in
artificial intelligence and tech-related
businesses. The .ai extension
has become synonymous with innovation
and cutting-edge technology, making it a
popular choice for startups and tech
this growth, .com remains
the gold standard for domain
names. The .com extension
continues to command trust, authority,
and global recognition, making it the
preferred choice for businesses aiming
to establish a strong online presence.
The enduring value of .com domains
highlights their unmatched importance in
brand strategy.

major trend is the heightened focus
on domain security. As cyber threats
grow more sophisticated, businesses are
prioritizing the protection of their
domain assets. Secure domain management
has become a non-negotiable aspect of
digital strategy, with companies
adopting advanced DNS security measures
to safeguard their online identities.
2025, The emergence of
decentralized domain technologies,
particularly blockchain-based systems,
is also noteworthy. These technologies
offer the promise of enhanced security,
transparency, and control, challenging
traditional domain registries and
driving innovation in the industry. I
could easily see strong growth in
this sector.
we have been at the forefront of these
trends. With 28 years of experience in
domain brokerage, we've facilitated some
of the most significant premium domain
sales in the world, including,,,,, and Our
extensive experience underscores the
enduring value of premium domains,
especially .com domains, in
building and sustaining successful
brands. |
Holdings Group
a decade ago, Mark Daniel played a key role in
establishing Domain Holdings Group, a
specialized boutique firm focusing on high end domain
brokerage. In 2017, he assumed the position of
Managing Director, overseeing the company's operations
and Brokerage. Mark is a Digital Real Estate expert
who specializes in helping clients acquire and divest
premium domain names and other online assets.
Collaborating with a diverse range of individuals,
startups, and major brands, he is widely known for his
dedication to his clients and the broader domain

Daniel |
year was another big year for the domain
industry, driven by the widespread
adoption of artificial intelligence and
the rising demand for .ai domain
names. Both established Fortune 500
companies and new startups have shown
growing interest in securing .ai
domains, leading to a noticeable surge
in demand and prices. This trend shows
us the increasing importance of artificial
intelligence as it goes from just a
buzzword to reshaping many
companies’ digital strategies. All
that being said, we still believe .com
is king.
team assisted several existing
companies—both within and outside the
AI space—in securing matching .ai
domains to protect their brands. We also
worked with clients who were using .ai
as their primary website and
successfully helped them secure their
matching .com domain. We still believe
that owning multiple domain
extensions along with your primary
brand provides significant benefits,
including safeguarding against potential
misuse or brand confusion by
growing demand for flexible payment
options is another significant trend
which began years ago. As in previous
years, we helped several clients
leverage installment-based payment plans
to acquire their ideal domain name which
they couldn’t afford to pay for all at
once. These payment plans, often
referred to as holding agreements, have
become an essential part of how
some businesses can secure valuable
domain names while effectively managing
their budgets.
addition, we saw more notable (and
impactful) changes in public WHOIS
data. WHOIS records are an important
tool for the domain industry, and we
remain hopeful that access to both
current and historical data may not go
away completely.
companies are still looking to acquire
their matching social media handles
and we have had more success in getting
those done in 2024 than in years past.
we step into a new year, the inventory
of premium one-word .com domains
continues to shrink, driving
their values even higher. This
ongoing trend highlights the increasing
demand for premium digital assets.
Similarly, and once again, three-letter
combinations maintained their appeal
throughout 2024, with several of our
three-letter sales achieving significant
six figures.
forward, the domain industry will
continue to adapt to new technological
advancements and regulatory changes. I
believe that cryptocurrency will see
its best year yet and continue to
grow thereafter. As we can all agree,
the value of premium .com domains will
continue to rise, making 2025 another
strong year for domain sales and the
overall domain industry.
all of you a happy, healthy, safe and
successful 2025! Let’s crush it! |
Ghoriafi "Mr. Premium"
Broker at
Ghoriafi has had a meteoric rise through the
domain industry since debuting with .CLUB ten years
ago. After rising through the ranks to becomes Sales
& Marketing manager there, he honed his sales
skills with .GLOBAL, Afilias and Radix before making
the biggest splash of all with his own brokerage at
Still, Mark had one more big move up his sleeve in
October 2023 when Sedo pulled off a coup by
convincing him to join their world class brokerage

Ghoriafi |
your own fresh approach.
Don’t wait for opportunity,
go create opportunity!
proved to be one of the most
consistently successful domain brokerage
years of my decade in the industry, with
it evident that advancing technologies
and emerging markets are playing a
pivotal role in domain extension choice
and the ability to pay a premium price
for a category-defining domain.
world is rapidly evolving, with last
year’s new becoming this year’s old,
and it’s essential to find
alternative avenues to make
impactful impressions and capitalize on
cracks in the economy for domain
no secret that I have adopted an unorthodox
and innovative style for domain name
marketing and outbound brokerage. This,
in collaboration with more traditional
outreach methods I use, has led me to
achieve 8-figures of sales,
enjoying the journey of domaining, not
just the destination
success. Whether I am sky diving, scuba
diving, zip lining, or flying in stunt
planes, these history-making marketing
moments are a fresh approach to our
40-year-old domains industry, with new
doors opening as a result.
being said, after four decades since the
first domain registration, a fundamental
perspective remains clear, and that is
owning your brand’s exact-match
.COM conveys unparalleled credibility,
especially were trust is the currency of
the internet. Following thousands of
alternative domain extensions introduced
to the internet, as well as constant
online advancements, the .COM has stood
the test of time, remaining the reliable
leader of choice.
2024, as reported in DN
Journal’s Top 100 Sales Chart
for all extensions, .COM accounted for
51 of the Top 100, continuing to show
the dominance of .COM as the highest
value asset class. Of these 51, Sedo
accounted for 18 and produced almost a
third of all sales in the Top 100,
including ($500,000), ($415,000), and
Mark Ghoriafi (left) joined Sedo
he brought an attention getting flair
for marketing that he has shown all the
way back to his early days working for
the promotion department at the WWE. You
probably recognize that guy on the right
is worth noting that although still
impressive, the number of .COM top sales
did drop in 2024 from previous years; 71
in 2023, 74 in 2022, 90 in 2021, and 85
in 2020, with the data suggesting a
correlation to the increasingly popular .AI
extension. During the years of
2020/21/22 we only saw 1 .AI sale reach
the aforementioned Top 100 chart, which
was a Sedo sale from 2020 ($107,350 for, this no doubt considered an
anomaly at that time. However, in 2023
we saw more mainstream use and daily
adoption to developing Artificial
Intelligence technologies resulting in a
rise of .AI domains popularity, where 8
.AI’s entered that coveted top sales
list, including another Sedo sale of
$700,000 for, this
still ranking as the #1 all-time
reported .AI sale. In 2024 an
eye-widening 21 .AI domains were
featured in the Annual Top Sales Chart,
with 11 being six-figure pricing, thus
the likely drop seen with .COM placement
as the chart is now being shared with
the unprecedented rise of .AI success.
is my belief we will see the first
reported seven-figure .AI sale in Q1 or
Q2 2025, which will exponentially
influence the market for an influx of
further sales, but also potentially have
an eventual adverse effect. The rise of
.AI has many similarities to the .IO extension
in previous years, for which I was
proudly on frontline of success, and the
increase of headline-making sales for
trend ccTLD’s like .IO and .AI often
cause the investor community to raise
their inventory prices on a mass scale.
This then tends to decrease sell-through
rate and actually slow down the market.
However, I do see 2025 as an ideal time
for companies to acquire their desired
.AI domain, and for investors to succeed
selling their inventory permitting
resell pricing remains in-line with fair
market range, rather than attempting to
match or exceed evolving top sales.
that said, we’ve already had a glimpse
of domains victory in 2025 given this
report is being published a few weeks
into the year, with Sedo proudly helping
kick start industry momentum with my own
successfully brokered deal of $600,000
for, announced by
DN Journal on January 11th. No doubt
this is one of many more impressive
sales to come in 2025, supported by
the passion, patience, and persistence
we all hold in our wonderful domains
community. |
has been making waves ever since the company was
founded by Ryan's brother, Phil McKegney and Adam
Strong in 2012. DomainAgents consistently ranks
among the top ten brokerages in the world, based on
total sales volume on the platform.

McKegney |
2024 was
one of our best years ever at
DomainAgents. The strongest
categories were gaming domains and AI as
investment and interest surged in
both. The top of the market - single
word .com's - was by far the
strongest segment with prices on the
best domains increasing significantly.
There is a
lot of momentum heading into 2025 but it
could be an unpredictable year. On the
one hand, crypto is surging and
that usually is a good sign for domain
prices, on the other, the US dollar is
also very strong, which makes it more
expensive for international buyers to
buy high end domains. Country code
domains could see a boost this year
as potential trade wars place a stronger
emphasis on the development of local
the US election over, there is a lot of
optimism that lower taxes and less
regulation will lead to a boom in the US
economy and I expect that to be the mood
for at least the first 6 months of 2025.
Outside of the US, there is a lot of
anxiety about what
incoming administration
will do and that
could hold back investment. I don't
think anyone knows how the political
sphere will play out in 2025.
should continue to boom and the
proliferation of AI based tools and
services will usher in the next era
of computing and the internet. We're
only beginning to see what these tools
are actually capable of and they will
become a part of our everyday lives.
2025 could also be the year we see a
renewed interest in robotics.
Bringing these new AI tools into the
physical world will happen sooner than
we think.
for the next round of new TLDs will
be a boon for those who work on the
periphery of the industry. Consultants,
conference planners, and registries will
be very busy. It will be interesting to
see what lessons have been learned from
the previous round and what mistakes
will be repeated.
Overall, I
expect 2025 to be very busy with lots of
noise coming from all directions.
Be nimble and I think you will do well. |
the concept of boutique domain brokerages, Tessa
founded Domain
Advisors and, contributing
to over $300 million in domain sales since 2009. She
currently works with select clients on sales and
acquisitions and provides consulting on branding and
domain strategy. Tessa’s service on the ICA
board highlights her dedication to the rights and
interests of domain name owners and has positioned her
as a key player in fostering best practices for domain

Holcomb |
has been another interesting year for
domain brokerage. While online gaming
and cryptocurrency remain
significant drivers of demand, other
sectors, like AI and property
technology (proptech), have made a
significant impact. Businesses in these
industries are doubling down on their
online marketing and lead-generation
efforts and recognize that a premium
domain is essential to building
credibility, fostering user trust, and
establishing authority in an
increasingly competitive online space.
The rapid
growth of AI is continually introducing
new players into the market, all vying
for strong domains that convey
innovation and reliability. As AI
continues to revolutionize industries
ranging from healthcare to finance,
businesses are seeking domains that
resonate with customers while reflecting
their cutting-edge nature. The
increased competition for premium .ai
domains has pushed up the value
significantly and will only continue to
do so.
the proptech sector, including online
realty and mortgage platforms, has moved
most of their efforts online,
fundamentally changing
how they operate, deliver value to
customers, and compete in their
industries. It goes beyond simply
adopting new technology; it involves a
cultural shift, innovation, and a
reevaluation of traditional business
models to meet their clients
demands. Companies in this space require
top-tier domains to instill user
trust, differentiate themselves in a
crowded marketplace, and convey
brokers, this evolving landscape has
only intensified the challenge of
sourcing premium domains. As more
businesses recognize a domain name’s
strategic value, the best ones just
become harder to find and more
expensive. The majority of Domain
Advisors’ work over the past year has
focused on identifying hidden
opportunities and helping clients secure
domains that align with their branding
and growth strategies.
notable shift has been the increasing
use of USDT (Tether) for domain
transactions. Stablecoins offer
speed and security, especially for
high-stakes deals. While this has added
complexity to the transaction process,
it has also opened doors to new
opportunities for escrow agents who are
willing to adapt to clients' evolving
Opportunities and Challenges Ahead
to 2025, domain brokerage will face a
mix of opportunities and challenges. The
increasing demand for premium domains
across diverse sectors will continue to
drive competition and raise prices. As
branding becomes more creative, the
appetite for short, one-word, and
brandable domains will only intensify -
across various TLDs.
of the most pressing challenges is the
difficulty in reaching domain owners,
even when substantial offers are on the
table. Outdated WHOIS records, privacy
protection services that don’t forward
inquiries effectively, and registrars
charging fees to contact owners all
create barriers that result in missed
opportunities. Many domain owners are
unaware of how inaccessible they’ve
become, leading to untapped
potential for sales. We need better
solutions for facilitating communication
between buyers and sellers as this is an
issue that affects everyone in the
the negotiation process does ensue, more
buyers and sellers are opting for
anonymity, preferring to keep their
identities, transaction details, and
sale prices private. While
understandable, especially in
competitive industries, this trend can
often complicate the brokerage process.
Balancing buyer confidentiality with the
need for transparency is critical for
maintaining trust and ensuring
successful transactions. This also
limits the industry’s ability to
celebrate significant sales publicly,
which often serve as benchmarks for
domain valuation.

from Bigstock |
rise of decentralized domains and
blockchain technology introduces yet
another layer of complexity. These
innovations have exciting potential, but
they also require brokers to educate
clients on the risks and opportunities
involved. Staying informed and proactive
in addressing these emerging trends will
be essential for brokers to remain
trusted advisors in the evolving
economic factors like inflation and
shifting budgets may challenge
clients’ willingness to invest in
premium domains. However, these same
conditions also underscore the
importance of domains as reliable,
appreciating assets. Demonstrating the
long-term value of investing in premium
domains will help brokers maintain
strong client relationships and navigate
these challenges effectively.
Vision for Collaboration
future of domain brokerage lies in
collaboration and innovation.
Addressing systemic challenges (such as
the difficulty in reaching domain
owners, navigating buyer anonymity, and
adapting to new technologies) requires a
collective effort from brokers,
registrars, and clients. By working
together, we should be able to create a
more efficient, accessible, and
transparent marketplace that benefits

of the best brokers in the business,
Tessa Holcomb and Founder Jeff
at the 2024 ICA Annual Member
Meeting in Las Vegas. |
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