seen big players rise and fall and auction formats come and go, but
as the old saying goes, �you ain�t seen nothing yet!� Open
SRS (Tucows)
started the latest scramble when they announced they would soon
start auctioning off expiring names registered with them rather than
let them go into the traditional drop cycle (at the end of which
multiple drop catching companies compete for names that they can
then sell in their own auctions). Open SRS threw in another new
wrinkle � they will share proceeds from their sales with the
original domain owner.
quickly jumped on the bandwagon. They have already implemented a new
program in which their expiring names are auctioned off exclusively
has decided to go down the same road, recently announcing they will
reserve their expiring names for their own auction company,
In each case, these registrars changed their customer registration
agreement to allow them to sell expiring domains rather than let
them enter the customary drop process that gave original owners some
extra time to rescue their domains. These registrars are instituting
their own grace period before selling the domains however they will
no longer follow ICANN�s
things continue in the current direction, one big problem for
domain buyers will be that they will have to check a drop list for
each individual registrar and bid at more auction venues than ever
(the 800-pound gorilla in the drop game until recently) just rolled out a new plan that they say will alleviate some of
these headaches. They are calling it Open
Listing Service (OLS)
and the idea is to consolidate expiring domains from multiple
registrars in a single system. In addition, OLS can accommodate any
names available on the secondary market, not just those that are
dropping in a given day. In fact Pool says their current Marketplace
(domains listed for sale by individual owners) might be folded into
the OLS.
may have heard talk that a new ICANN rule effective in
December will short circuit these new auction systems by
requiring adherence to the old drop process, but Pool President
Taryn Naidu told
us that is not true and that OLS and most of the individual
registrar auctions will be in compliance with the new rule
due to amended agreements with their customers. We spoke at
length with Naidu at the recent T.R.A.F.F.I.C.
conference in Delray
Beach, Florida to
get the inside scoop on OLS. |

Taryn Naidu
President, |
Pool prepares to go forward with their plan, they have joined 99
other plaintiffs in a $150
lawsuit filed against Verisign
(Verisign is a minority owner in Network Solutions
and once was sole owner of the company). Since Verisign is the
central registry for .com
and .net
domains, Naidu said it was unfair for them to benefit from the
�near monopoly they enjoy over .com addresses� by excluding
competitors. Thanks to many years as the sole source for .com
domains, Network Solution holds the lion�s share of the high value
names dropping today.
the legal battle rages, domain buyers will have to familiarize
themselves with the new rules of the road. Naidu told us �OLS is
actually a back-end API we have built that any ICANN-accredited
registrar can incorporate into their existing site.� So
customers will be able to access it from multiple locations
including the current site and
(NameScout and Pool are both owned by the
Corp.). The company plans a news release this
month announcing who else is on board and when OLS will launch.
Those who are not fans of Pool�s current 2-stage sealed bid
auction will be happy to know that OLS will be an old-style open
auction with proxy bidding.
may wonder why an individual registrar would want to cast their lot
with Pool rather than open their own auction site as Open SRS and Dotster
are doing. Naidu said �the advantage is that OLS allows an
individual registrar to hit demographics they might otherwise miss
while keeping their own existing traffic on their site.� Since OLS
will be seen on a variety of sites and in multiple languages around
the globe, participating companies can reach a far larger audience
for their offerings. They can also set their own opening bid prices,
length of auction, etc. and brand their own system using the OLS
said it will also give them a chance to integrate the primary (new)
registration market with the secondary market. Someone may visit a
registrar�s site looking to register for
example. If they find it is taken the OLS system can offer them the
domain if it is available on the secondary market or give them a
choice of substitutes in other extensions if the .com is not for
said Pool is also encouraging all of their partners to give original
owners at least a 30-day grace period to reclaim their names before
they are sold. He would also like to see them share auction profits
with the original owners as Open SRS plans to do, however Naidu said
these details will be left up to the individual registrars.
Naidu said OLS
will publish a master pending delete list making it easy to
determine what names will drop from registrars that are part of the
system. He believes the OLS can become the central warehouse the
industry will need to bring some order to a process that seems to
become more chaotic with each permutation. The official startup is
just days away, so you�ll soon be able to decide for yourself.

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