this post, the first publicly reported 7-figure
domain sale of the new year is now on the
record. Industry pioneers Larry Fischer (GetYourDomain.com)
and Ari Goldberger (ESQwire.com)
teamed up to close a $2.2 million sale of Commerce.com
set a new high water mark for 2025. It is no
surprise the dynamic duo were the ones to do it as
they have been closing high altitude deals for
more than 20 years now. An
especially interesting twist to this sale is that
it is the second time Larry & Ari have been
involved in a sale of Commerce,com. Back in the
early 2000's they were on the buyer's side of a
transaction in which he helped Anything.com
acquire Commerce.com in the first place. That deal
was the first six-figure sale done at Sedo.com
and in the same week, they closed a second Sedo
transaction at that level for Woman.com.
Six-figure sales were still a novelty in those
days so the deals brought Sedo a lot of positive
publicity that helped jump start their rise to
prominence and status as an industry institution
today. Most
of the high end sales Larry and Ari have done over
the years have been subject to NDAs, but they have
been cleared to release enough of them to make
their appearances on our charts commonplace.
Larry, for example. had one of last year's Top 10
sales with Rural.com at $550,000.
Commerce.com will takes its place at the top of
our 2025 leader board when our next bi-weekly domain
sales report comes out tomorrow
evening (Wednesday, Feb. 19). |